Goddamnit Naoko-sensei why didn't you just wrote a married couple story?!?!? We need more adult life damn it!!
He's serialized and it's not a yuri? Even though he wrote lots of yuri in his doujins? 'tche.
He's serialized and it's not a yuri?
Even though he wrote lots of yuri in his doujins?
if that's not yuri then I don't know what is
I totally just imagine that in Nanjolno's voice >////<
Woah I just saw this on pixiv this morning. Awesome~ XD
Just. Fucking. Do it.
http://dynasty-scans.com/chapters/the_secret_soap_club_of_momoyuri_academy#10 I IIKE this!
I IIKE this!
Am I the only one who likes the story?
nah I like it. It's funny xD
trypophobia is not officially a thing!
Wat?? I'm freaking terrified of those damn things. Oh god I just gave myself an image again ugh
as long as it doesn't end like Truth, this is totally fine.
How the heck did she do to get naked How to heck did she do to put her pantie on How the heck
The power of lesbian can drop your panties off even when your leg is chained
that bear girl reminds me of nezumi (mayuyu) from majisuka gakuen
Oh my god I thought I was the only one thinking that xD
Yes! This couple is back! So glad they end up together :D
YES GOREFEST LESBIAN BATTLE ROYAL! THIS IS DEFINITELY MY CUP OF TEA XD Pacing seems a little bit too force but the deaths are funny lol Thank you so much for working on this project
What? I thought lesbians made babies by holding hands... Common misconception, this is why most lesbians don't have babies, you have to use your feet and not your hands.
What? I thought lesbians made babies by holding hands...
Common misconception, this is why most lesbians don't have babies, you have to use your feet and not your hands.
Oh my god I've been doing it wrong my whole life?!?!?
There will never be such thing as enough NanoFate. Thank you so much for uploading this
I feel like a masochist reading this. It's too painful :(
love the art, adorable <3
So they did get together! :D
Never in my life I would have thought that I would like the male character in a yuri manga. But here I am.
"But I just can't manage to think straight" Yeah duh, Yuma
@ColonalCat Yea I saw the raws of that one, super cute. Tama II wouldn't do meaningless porn, right? Edit: Nvm, this one kinda is, but it was their older work http://dynasty-scans.com/chapters/witch_of_the_sleepless_forest
last edited at Aug 7, 2015 5:09AM
Yes! I like Nozomi being flustered very much. Just love this pairing for some reason xD
Mhmm yes. KumiRei <3
We need more CITRON MadoHomu honestly :)