Volume 1 of LOVE BULLET has officially released in Japan!
The author's hinted that she has the whole story planned out, but she's also said that the series will be cancelled if Volume 1 doesn't sell well. We've created a detailed guide for anyone who wants to buy a digital or physical copy of Volume 1 to support the series! The shareable link is: https://bit.ly/lovebullet
We'd appreciate any help we can get! Even sharing the manga on social media (mainly Twitter), can make a difference!
This series has a unique concept, and I hope that Volume 1 sells well so the author can publish more volumes.
In both mangas, 'Arioto' and this one, the authors, from my interpretation of reading the two series, are trying to romanticize the concept of rape as well as undermine it and use it as a source for the development of the romances in both stories.