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joined Apr 12, 2016

According to the end, she was never a lesbian.

She just suffered from some androphobia that can be cured one day.

She dumps the other girl who was seriously in love with her, to chase after him.

The main anguish of the guy turned girl is that she might hook up with another guy once cured

And girls are fragile little things powerless in front of rapists and only men in men's body can protect them.

And there's more bullshit all the way to the final image.

I've never read a piece so sexist and dismissive of lesbianism.

And oh yeah he turns back and they'll probably have lots of little baby traps.

I mean, to be fair, I saw this coming a mile away. That description of the ending is pretty much on-point with what I thought they'll end it with; probably because I already despised this manga without even reading it in the first place, so I just had to think of the most demeaning ending I could think of to get to the same conclusion.

You have my sympathy though, thank you for powering through that and reporting to us what happened.

joined Apr 12, 2016

A sure sign that I've read way too much yuri drama was that I was genuinely surprised that they stuck together after high school. I was really expecting the relationship not to last like most yuri manga where they get separated after graduation.

joined Apr 12, 2016

This was...weird....The credit page was nice, though.

As equally weird as the previously uploaded work from this mangaka, if not less. I think the credit page was both on-point and funny too. I appreciate that there wasn't angst in this one even if the situation called for it.

last edited at May 30, 2016 10:47AM

Fuyu no Shi discussion 30 May 09:10
joined Apr 12, 2016

hey... I'm sure that everyone on this site is familiar with that tuggy feeling in the chest when you read something emotional..... I'm getting a lot of that

This manga has made me more emotional than most if not all manga with the drama tag attached to them, so I definitely sympathize with you there.

last edited at May 30, 2016 9:14AM

joined Apr 12, 2016

This story never loses its impact no matter how many times I happen to come back. It's such a great and emotional read.

joined Apr 12, 2016

Chapter 11 RAW

He reverted to being a boy it seems.

Never saw that coming...

Uh-huh, glad I still kept that ten-foot pole in place; not that I was giving this manga any chance anyway.

last edited at May 29, 2016 10:07AM

joined Apr 12, 2016

Jesus fucking Christ. I can't believe I made myself read through this forum out of curiosity of people's opinion. It's not the discussion itself that I hate (I actually love it that people here are as appalled with the premise as I am), but just reading anything about that manga makes me feel absolutely awful for hours at the very least. I took one look at the premise/pitch then immediately took out my ten-foot pole and began quickly distancing myself away. Saying it's "pretty fucked up" is so much of an understatement for me that it almost feels inaccurate to say that. The only silver lining that I got out of this is that it feels pretty heartwarming to see that I'm not the only one feeling this way towards this kind of premise in any kind of work.

And the whole thing with lesbians being looked down on in Japan, aren't they treating the topic better (relatively) nowadays? There was that whole union certificate thing being given by some wards (Just 3 from what I remember, but oh well, baby steps) in Japan to same sex couples. I feel like that is way more progressive compared to their neighboring countries in this particular aspect. That's pretty sad compared to the west, but I'll take what I can get.

last edited at May 29, 2016 8:29AM

joined Apr 12, 2016

Dang it, and I was just saying how I enjoyed no drama fluff like this. I know a lot of people see this as sexy, but I actually saw their interactions as uniquely adorable with how happy they make each other. It was also pretty painful to see her plan completely backfire like that. Not that I don't enjoy drama, but straightforward romance would've been welcome. :(

Oh well, since we're here already, might as well brace myself for any kind of change in tone in the upcoming chapters.

last edited at May 26, 2016 4:35AM

joined Apr 12, 2016

I'm with TsundereChan on this one, I personally didn't experience any mood backlash at all. Maybe because I saw the tags and knew what was coming? That combined with the fact that she began undressing her when she stormed in, and she was drunk, and the marriage proposal, and the limited page count, all pointed out that they were gonna have sex there and then. Besides, I read 'Secret Shakespeare' (from the same author) after this one and that one was "worse" than this in terms of mood backlash. They didn't have nearly as much excuse to suddenly have sex in that work, but they still did. I'm pointing that one out because there was not a single complaint in the comments section of that manga, while this one has almost an entire page filled with people complaining about the same thing. I see where you guys are coming from, but it just seems unfair and odd for 'Secret Shakespeare' to be praised and this one bombarded with negative comments. I've also seen more jarring transitions in other yuri manga without anyone batting an eye and heck, seeing the number of complaints in this comment section was the one that felt jarring to me. Anyway, I liked this work because it has post high school characters and marriage in it with great art. The porn was just like any other, and apparently unlike with the majority of the people here (at least back then in 2013), it didn't lessen the story's value to me whatsoever.

Ultimately, I'm definitely not saying anyone's opinion is wrong. Again, I really see where you guys are coming from, but it just seems really odd to me that this got a lot of flak when I've seen other yuri manga get off scot-free while being more jarring when they suddenly switch from romance to sex. (not that they're mutually exclusive of course.)

last edited at May 22, 2016 7:37AM

joined Apr 12, 2016

Ok, hold up. Why did a lot of people complain about the sudden shift in mood from a cute romance story to sudden sex in "Conversation In The Language Of Flowers" (from the same author as this one) but no one complained here? I personally didn't experience any mood backlash from that work, at least not any more than this one. I mean, one could argue this is worse than that in terms of sudden shifts in mood; at least in "Conversation In The Language Of Flowers" they had the excuse that one was drunk and it was after a marriage proposal. I don't know, I just think people were being way too harsh in that other work.

last edited at May 22, 2016 6:36AM

joined Apr 12, 2016

Yeah...that idea of having kids being more important than being with the person that you apparently love didn't sit too well with me. Even if this wasn't yuri but a het relationship with the guy being infertile, that would still be a crappy thing to do. But this was a pretty good read nevertheless.

Lily Love discussion 03 May 07:49
joined Apr 12, 2016

Basically Ice, none of the friends actually, never mattered and her suddenly coming into the actual story now feels sudden and out of place.

My thoughts exactly. Kind of a shame, it was mostly an interesting ride up until this point.

Edit: Er, that came out more negatively than I intended. I'm still invested, just a bit less so now.

last edited at May 3, 2016 7:51AM

joined Apr 12, 2016

This was...something else, I guess. It would actually be alright if it was an original doujin, but since the source material was so different in terms of tone, the mood whiplash prevented me from fully acknowledging what was going on or from really letting the depressing events sink in. It was just a weird read overall to see characters from a light-hearted show go through this stuff without some transition in terms of tonality. In my mind it just went from really light-hearted to really depressing right off the bat.
It somehow pisses me off too that people would think Konata's mouth shape would be weird. IT'S ADORABLE YOU JERKS!

EDIT: I also agree that it's OTT angst and the characters were OOC. I can't imagine this happening in any way even in an AU or What-if scenario. Even then, This manga overall still made me feel uncomfortable even with the happy ending.

last edited at Apr 20, 2016 1:52PM

joined Apr 12, 2016

And those Ano side-stories that appeared post-game felt like rubbing salt into the wound. Thanks Liar Soft.

joined Apr 12, 2016

As another one of the minority here, I was pretty disappointed at the illusion of choice that the game had, especially since for the entire game (yes, even after the canon couple happened), my mother ship was AnoYuna. Since I didn't want to be spoiled whatsoever, I avoided most information about the game and bought it immediately without learning of its linearity. And so, when the choice between two specific individuals happened (Ano, maybe? ; Hina, maybe?), I assumed it was a route determining factor, and I begun shipping the choice I picked. I have no problems with kinetic novels but the fact that that made me actually hope and hope only to crush all of that later on left a bitter taste in my mouth.
I still love the game, in fact my disappointment is directly proportional to how much I love the game. But even though I can honestly say I don't hate YunaHina (I just don't support it, but I can see it's cute at least) , I definitely did NOT enjoy the moments at the end of the main story. I really wish I did, so I could've left the game with a smile on my face. But I'm in the minority here, so I kind of envy you guys in that regard.

P.S. Oh yeah, great doujin.

joined Apr 12, 2016

I just want to say that while my initial reaction from this one-shot was very rage fueled, re-reading this caused me quite a lot of heartbreak. I don't think any other one-shot has elicited this much sadness from me, and I surmise that's because the kind of pain that this manga evoked can't be done if it wasn't yuri. I imagine that if this was het it wouldn't nearly have the same amount of impact, and I suspect this is because the fact that this was yuri made it so that even though a lot of aspects of their relationships weren't divulged to the reader, any long time yuri reader would be able to make their own inferences as to what lead to the current situation of the story, which in my case made it all the more painful. It also doesn't help that the girl leaving was pretty cruel in how she handled her departure, along with how the last page showed that they had a happy relationship that was mentioned to have lasted for more than 4 years.

In short: I think the fact that it was yuri was what made it so heartbreaking in the first place, and that the more you know of the tropes in yuri manga the bigger the impact it will have.

Just my two cents though, I'd love to hear what other people's take on this is. Not really sure if I liked it or not, but it definitely made me an emotional wreck. Gonna need a bucketful of fluff and then some to move on. Again.

last edited at Apr 12, 2016 12:47PM