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MrEngenious Admin
Dynasty Scans
joined Oct 8, 2010

Zakk wrote

cool cool.

Kino is awesome. if she were a real person i would so marry her =)
that is of course assuming that she would take me with her on her kick ass talking bike.

i asked my family what they think is so weird about reading Yuri manga, the consensus was "i dunno its just weird"
i guess thats to be expected of my dad though, hes old fashioned almost to the point of redneck...

Problem with my family is more "The fuck you wasting your time on?" rather than "That's weird."
I'd rather be in your position >_>

MrEngenious Admin
Dynasty Scans
joined Oct 8, 2010

You have the link to the other groups right in your hands.
Let me show you:

(1) shows the complete list of groups who have worked on the series. Whether they dropped it or are continuing it is not shown here, however.
(2) shows the latest releases, up to three of them.
(3) leads you to another page with the same information shown to you at the right., showing both the groups and their release dates.
As you can see on the page shown by (3), we have not released No Bra for over a year. You can also see here that another group or two has continued where we left off. That's your ticket to gratification.

Admittedly I could just give you the link right here, right now, but I felt it was better for you to know how to navigate to other groups' sites like this.

MrEngenious Admin
Dynasty Scans
joined Oct 8, 2010

We dropped No Bra roughly a year and three months ago due to lack of interest and lack of staff for the project.
Another group has continued on it, so you should go to them (they apparently finished it off too).

MrEngenious Admin
Dynasty Scans
joined Oct 8, 2010, bacefook-chained children?

Force them to use old, physical media! (Books, newspapers, magazines, and the like): 19%
Join in with them! No child of yours can have fun while you're around.: 17%
No torturing! They're going to have the least attentive minds out of all o' ya (but their multi-tasking will be the shit)!: 15%
Use parental spying tools! ("Dad, why isn't my password for WoW 2.0 working?" "Because you're not skilling your heal-a-tank-a-din right scrub."): 12%
Computer restrictions! (Dual-core? Why are you giving me a laptop from 2010!? What the heck is Linux!?): 10%
Website restrictions! (WHY WON'T YOU LET ME USE GOOGLE!? And why are we using Netscape Browser!?): 9%
ISP restrictions! (ie. force them to use only dial-up): 7%
Pen and paper for school! (No erasers, they're out of business): 7%
Local programming [for television] only!: 4%

982 total votes

Man, you oldies really want them to use old media. Get with the times :P (yes I voted for it).

MrEngenious Admin
Confirmation 09 Dec 02:55
Dynasty Scans
joined Oct 8, 2010

If you used the English translations to enable you to translate SK to your specific language, all we really care about is if our credits page is present there.
If our actual English scanlations are present on your reader, remove them.

MrEngenious Admin
Dynasty Scans
joined Oct 8, 2010

Important because of the IRC channel.

MrEngenious Admin
Missing yuri? 29 Nov 03:45
Dynasty Scans
joined Oct 8, 2010

Those were not done by Dynasty.
The editing (perhaps also the translations) should've made it clear that it was not done by us (as well as the lack of a credits page, assuming that website doesn't rip credits out of the chapters).
When we release our version, it'll go up on the reader.

On a sidenote, those chapters were done by the board /u/ of 4chan by semi-anonymous people.

MrEngenious Admin
Dynasty Scans
joined Oct 8, 2010

Regular ol' pajamas.: 30%
Whatever is available.: 26%
Only plain underwear.: 14%
I don't change.: 11%
Nothing, but with a blanket.: 8%
Shirt only.: 6%
Lingerie, gotta look sexy for the peeping toms~: 2%
Nothing, not even a blanket!: 2%

984 total votes

I never got the appeal of pajamas.
Soiling my regular clothes is comfortable enough for me~

Suggested by Melami (also the **only* suggestion so far : /).*

MrEngenious Admin
Dynasty Scans
joined Oct 8, 2010

Well, yes, it'll come out eventually, but don't get your hopes up. It could very well be ages before any of us gets to doing it. If we were never going to do it, then it would indeed go into the "dropped" category.

MrEngenious Admin
Dynasty Scans
joined Oct 8, 2010

It'll be out when it's ready; we never give set release dates.

MrEngenious Admin
Please? 18 Nov 17:26
Dynasty Scans
joined Oct 8, 2010

It'll be out when it's ready; we never give set release dates.

MrEngenious Admin
Dynasty Scans
joined Oct 8, 2010


MrEngenious Admin
Translation 12 Nov 11:46
Dynasty Scans
joined Oct 8, 2010

Both and neither.
The translator can decide to help with current projects or provide translations for projects that have not been started.
We'll ask if the translator will help with projects in need of a translator, but we won't force you (unless you're a robot :] ).
However, if it's a new project, we need to make sure we have an editor for it, unless the translator would want to just translate a bunch of chapters for us irregardless of whether or not it would be edited speedily enough (ie. months to years)... which has never happened.

So yeah, if the translator only wants to do one or two series that's currently being translated, we'll see if the other translators are fine with it. If it's a new project, we'll see if we can squeeze it in. The biggest obstacle a new translator will meet is whether there are available editors and whether another translator wants to do it/continue doing it.

MrEngenious Admin
Poll #3: DROOOOOIIDD 12 Nov 11:02
Dynasty Scans
joined Oct 8, 2010

No dumbphone for me.: 58%
I've given in to the Matrix.: 23%
I have a smartphone, just not one using a Droid OS.: 19%
666 total votes

Quite a lot fewer votes this time (nearly half), but time is time.
That number is totally a coincidence.

MrEngenious Admin
Flower Flower 12 Nov 10:55
Dynasty Scans
joined Oct 8, 2010

Here's to hoping it ends like Hamlet.

Dynasty Scans
joined Oct 8, 2010


MrEngenious Admin
Dynasty Scans
joined Oct 8, 2010

...and/or other Apple products?

I do not own a single Apple product.: 64%
I sold my kidney for an iPod.: 18%
Two eyes? Not while I have this Macbook.: 7%
Who needs two lungs anyway? This iPhone was worth it.: 6%
We only need the right half of our brain anyway, gogo iMac!: 3%
I sold my soul for an iPad.: 2%

1396 total votes

You can't fight them, GIVE IN!
Also this poll is the first time we've used a checkbox poll, but I doubt everyone realized that.

MrEngenious Admin
Yuri Games 24 Oct 14:36
Dynasty Scans
joined Oct 8, 2010

Typically Googling whatever you're looking for + download site name nets you better results for downloading.
My favorite is tacking on megaupload, which leads to the first link being which has some links.

Your Google-fu is weak.

MrEngenious Admin
Dynasty Scans
joined Oct 8, 2010

There's the template, go nuts.
Typically want to make it somewhat Dynasty themed, but if it looks good we could ignore it for the most part.

Minimum Requirements:
- Use the template. You can modify the background if it goes back to the original at the two ends smoothly.
- Have the group name and the IRC channel viewable and readable (as long as it's readable, size of the words is up to your discretion).
- Have something that, at the very least, sorta relates to Dynasty in any way conceivable.
- Parodies are most definitely allowed. Feel free to bend the rules if it's a parody (like changing the group name to something funny). Don't toy with the irc channel, however.
- PG-13. You may border on R (mature audience) but don't explicitly cross it.
- .PNG

Also, it's OK if the image or images you put in get cut off at the edges.
If you want to view our various banners already in place, replace the # in the link with the number of your choosing.
We have 26 banners, could always use more in the rotation.

MrEngenious Admin
Poll Suggestions 15 Oct 15:55
Dynasty Scans
joined Oct 8, 2010

Anything you'd like answered by those that bother to visit our front page and scroll down to see the poll and vote on it.
You can be specific or broad, we'll (ie. Me, since no one else wants to control the poll really) consider any poll that hasn't already been done and isn't too objectionable.
Preferably not polls that we have already done, like age, gender, pets, home location, etc.

Your poll choices may or may not be subject to lulzification by yours truly, although you can opt out of it if you mention it in your post.
Also polls typically last two weeks, give or take a few days. Usually by that time, the majority of the people who vote will have voted.

Dynasty Scans
joined Oct 8, 2010

[del][u]Name[/u]: MrEngenious (a.k.a. TheBus and Pedophile)
[u]Contact Info[/u]:, also on IRC throughout most of the time I'm on the computer
[u]Preferred series[/u]: Anything not yuri, anything that'll troll people, porn
[u]Ability to work[/u]: I have a good amount of free time, but college drains my desire to use weekday hours to edit. Mostly edit on the weekends. I can quality check whenever, however.
[u]A bit about myself[/u]: Currently in college, slacking like heck and stuff. Been editing for your dumb group for two years, made a tutorial and everything that no one bothers with. Herp-da-derp.[/del]

[del]*Optional things you may include if you wish: your age, gender, sensitivity to things (ie. how long you've been on the internet, what 4chan is, what futanari is, goatse, etc.), your location, reason for wanting to apply, anything.
However we don't need anything but your name/alias, contact info, series/genres you want to work on, and ability to work.[/del]

Whelp, that's the end of that.

MrEngenious Admin
Dynasty Scans
joined Oct 8, 2010

[del]Tests and general guidelines are located here:
We need to know of a way of contacting you, and if it's something other than IRC and forums, something that you're on often enough for contact to be established within a reasonable amount of time.
Basic knowledge of IRC (Internet Relay Chat) is highly recommended, but not required and it is teachable if need be.[/del]

[del]In regards to the editor and quality checker tests, the willingness and attempts to learn are much more important than actually starting out good (if you're new, it will NEVER look decent). We will guide you along, but we can only bring you as far as you're willing. [/del]

[del]In your recruitment topic, please note which position you're applying for in the topic title.
Inside of the topic, put in your alias, contactable information (if you're going to main the IRC, this isn't necessary. Having an e-mail for contacting would still be nice, however), and series you prefer to work on.
Also provide an estimation of the amount of time you'll be able to dedicate to the position you're applying for in a time interval (ie. about 3-4 hours per day or 10 hours a week or the weekends or etc.).[/del]

Whelp, we're mostly done. If you still wish to help with our small fry stuff like pixiv doujins or technical work, please nudge us on the IRC.

Dynasty Scans
joined Oct 8, 2010

3-10; Can't fit jack shit with fewer than this, but I also don't want it too long: 28%
1000+; Gonna be following Naruto, Bleach, One Piece, and Sasameki Koto 'till I'm 90.: 27%
11-20; more is better.: 18%
21-50; MOAR.: 11%
151+; masochism is so much fun ^_^: 5%
2; I like slightly more meat in my pudding.: 3%
1; I like my stories terse.: 1%

1454 total votes

Had I not put SK in there, that INFINITE VOLUMES WOO percentage probably would've been lower.