UlquiorraSchiffer1 posted:
On a more serious note, don't mind it Brolquiorra. You just asked something trivial. Just keep in mind that there are mostly women (les ?) here, and as far as I can tell, my super buddy @Matto and myself are the only (straigth) males, bound here by our limitless love for yuri and sapphic stories !
Just enjoy the yuri <3
Only you two? Oh that makes us three then :)
No offense, but considering your very "original" nickname, I thought you are a girl ;P (also I'm honestly surprised how nice and civil you, since most people naming themselves this way are pretty... wild, to put it lightly).
Honestly though. Getting offended by asking if someone is a lesbian on a site focused mostly on yuri, where a lot people are very open about their sexuality, is a bit of overkill. Not to mention considering "being rude" as a ban worthy offense. I'm totally with you on that one and you didn't do anything wrong. You said sorry in case your question is offensive, so I don't know what they want more from you (not to mention people here seems to forgot not everyone is a native speaker).
Yeah i know Ulquiorra is one of girls' fav :P But he was the first Bleach character i saw in my first Bleach episode so seemed cool to me.
I don't mind it. No need to take people too seriously on Internet. Thanks for the support though, man :)