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WDTFS fans - off topic 18 Apr 06:58
joined Jan 13, 2016

Ms Rainy why are you so quiet?

WDTFS fans - off topic 18 Apr 06:06
joined Jan 13, 2016

So I'll tell you what happened to me...
I got a blackout and I felt like I couldn't even do a thing anymore so I just gave up and I'm resitting the module... They'll give me more time to do it at the expense of my grade. I honestly feel really bad I didn't work hard enough of this and I would have probably passed if I had submitted but I didn't feel like I could touch the thing at all... I got like a panic attack the last 2 hours...
I talked to my professor and told him about this and he explained the process to me and he said it's fine and not to worry and stuff... I just told him I wanted to resit to make it up and do a good work because I didn't feel like what I had done was good at all.
Anyway, I went home and I feeling horrible so I called my dad and talked to him... because I didn't know who else to talk... I wanted to tell my mom and make sure she wouldn't... like... look kind of very nervous when I told her and say it's fine too... but she didn't answer and I don't think I really wanted to talk to her... My dad just told me he would always do the same thing as well in college and that it doesn't matter. Though I kind of wish he didn't act as though I was being super unreasonable because I was really upset about it...
I remember the first month I was working really hard and stuff then we got a super hard exercise and I had really high standards about it and from that point on everything fell apart... I'm not really sure why I procrastinate so much when I actually get really anxious about doing it... but I have the feeling that anxiety leads to me doing it more...

Don't stress too much. I have my own similar procrastination as well. I enjoyed and thought math was cool but it made me lazy and procrastinated lol. I had my math teachers supperted me through my school days. Then i left for college. I started with math as my major but ended up changing it to something else. I still think math is cool and like learning about it but i i guess it just wasn't meant for me.

last edited at Apr 18, 2016 6:07AM

WDTFS fans - off topic 18 Apr 01:59
joined Jan 13, 2016

Ms Rainy you gotta talk about your hot stuff stories too. Why only listen? I heard you have plenty to share as well

Dear dear....
I will surely share it, if there is us... :D

I think gtg again...

Dear you ms rainy. If there is us then i will absolutely not allow you to share. But you can share if there is just you and some bikini girl. You gotta share your stories too.

WDTFS fans - off topic 18 Apr 01:47
joined Jan 13, 2016

Ms Rainy you gotta talk about your hot stuff stories too. Why only listen? I heard you have plenty to share as well

WDTFS fans - off topic 17 Apr 19:47
joined Jan 13, 2016

If that's you Newp, what is that around your neck? Is that a sling?
Did you hurt your arm?

XD isn't it a scarf?

Oh, right. It could be. Scarfs aren't really a thing here cause you want to wear less possible clothes in this hot weather xD

That reminds me of an apron.

That's also a good one, mvl89 lol. Force of the habit I guess.. I just see a lot of broken arms.

Azai i guessed it right. That is an apron.

WDTFS fans - off topic 17 Apr 19:32
joined Jan 13, 2016

If that's you Newp, what is that around your neck? Is that a sling?
Did you hurt your arm?

XD isn't it a scarf?

Oh, right. It could be. Scarfs aren't really a thing here cause you want to wear less possible clothes in this hot weather xD

That reminds me of an apron.

That's also a good one, mvl89 lol. Force of the habit I guess.. I just see a lot of broken arms.

Looks like she's cooking so let's all just go to her place. I smell food from here already. Hmmm yummy...

WDTFS fans - off topic 17 Apr 19:12
joined Jan 13, 2016

If that's you Newp, what is that around your neck? Is that a sling?
Did you hurt your arm?

XD isn't it a scarf?

Oh, right. It could be. Scarfs aren't really a thing here cause you want to wear less possible clothes in this hot weather xD

That reminds me of an apron.

WDTFS fans - off topic 17 Apr 19:05
joined Jan 13, 2016

Rainy i'm surprised you already woke up.

Whats this? Lolz...
But u r right...
I usually wake up in next half an hour..

I thought you need 8 to 10 hours of sleep. You just went to sleep around midnight. Still have a few hours of sleep left. What happended?

that's the amount of sleep i had decades ago..
Nothing happenned... maybe bc i hv a pinneaple to cut? XD

Lol you can't blame the pineapple. You need some whippings to knock you out maybe.
Well, i'm glad to see you awake. Time is precious.
Now you can get to eat your pineapple.

Ah... so whipping is so much yr fetish.. :D
no, i eat my bf at office..

No i do not have any fetish or find any body parts sexy. Everything is scary to me. I am an innocent woman with zero knowledge of xxx stuff. Haha. The

last edited at Apr 17, 2016 7:06PM

WDTFS fans - off topic 17 Apr 18:56
joined Jan 13, 2016

Rainy i'm surprised you already woke up.

Whats this? Lolz...
But u r right...
I usually wake up in next half an hour..

I thought you need 8 to 10 hours of sleep. You just went to sleep around midnight. Still have a few hours of sleep left. What happended?

that's the amount of sleep i had decades ago..
Nothing happenned... maybe bc i hv a pinneaple to cut? XD

Lol you can't blame the pineapple. You need some whippings to knock you out maybe.
Well, i'm glad to see you awake. Time is precious.
Now you can get to eat your pineapple.

WDTFS fans - off topic 17 Apr 18:51
joined Jan 13, 2016

Rainy i'm surprised you already woke up.

Whats this? Lolz...
But u r right...
I usually wake up in next half an hour..

I thought you need 8 to 10 hours of sleep. You just went to sleep around midnight. Still have a few hours of sleep left. What happended?

WDTFS fans - off topic 17 Apr 18:43
joined Jan 13, 2016

Rainy i'm surprised you already woke up.

WDTFS fans - off topic 17 Apr 16:43
joined Jan 13, 2016

Did you have a nice day?

Yeah, pretty much. Freaky ex didn't bother me and I met up with 2 of my kiddos. ^_^ Was a pretty relaxed day, really.
Hello everyone.

Sweet! Hopefully you won't ever get to hear from her again. I was gonna ask you this yesterday but didn't get a chance. Is this ex the one you went to meet?

WDTFS fans - off topic 17 Apr 16:26
joined Jan 13, 2016

Good evening! =D

Good evening! I'll chat with you some more after finish taking my show. Did you have a nice day?

WDTFS fans - off topic 17 Apr 12:44
joined Jan 13, 2016

In my opinion, both are actually sexy as long as i can see back of neck.. one of my fetishes..
I have short hair...

I gtg now... i hardly can open my eyes...

You have way too many fetishes.

hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii and morning/afternoon
is there such a thing as too many fetishes?
i had curly shoulder length hair till two days ago now i have an androgynous cut.. i've had long and short hair on and off for several years. this time i spent three years growing it out but after doing different colors and styles i got really board and needed to cut it.. short hair is by far my favorite.. intern was surprise i cut it so drastically she was jealous of my curls.. =( she doesnt know curly hair can be such a curse.

Hello elthundercat. It's still morning here.

Why can't just say you like every body parts instead of saying this part and that part. They all add up to be a whole body.

I like my hair cut to shoulder length only. Too long is annoying for me. Right now it's at my chest so i have to tie like a ponytail to work everyday.

Girls with straight long hair is sexy.

Curly hair is cute too but i don't match with curly hair.

Any plans for today?

last edited at Apr 17, 2016 12:46PM

WDTFS fans - off topic 17 Apr 12:27
joined Jan 13, 2016

In my opinion, both are actually sexy as long as i can see back of neck.. one of my fetishes..
I have short hair...

I gtg now... i hardly can open my eyes...

You have way too many fetishes.

WDTFS fans - off topic 17 Apr 12:19
joined Jan 13, 2016

But are you one of those that are scared of bugs and ghosts? Do you watch horror movies?

Depends on the kind of bugs. I hate most of bugs such as cocroach, other small bugs similar to cocroach.. but i can catch grasshopper, cricket, etc..

And depends on what horror movies they are. I watched resident evil and other zombies movies. But i couldnt stand to play resident evil 3 on ps...i gave up...

I see. I like Korean horror movies.
It's getting hotter every day here. What's the temperature like now at where you live.
It's so hot that i want to cut my hair shorter.


Short hair cuts are sexy...

One time i had my hair cut very short. I don't think i want that kind of haircut. However short hair is easy to sleep with. So you think short hair is sexy? I think long hair is sexy. Do you have short or long hair?

WDTFS fans - off topic 17 Apr 12:12
joined Jan 13, 2016

But are you one of those that are scared of bugs and ghosts? Do you watch horror movies?

Depends on the kind of bugs. I hate most of bugs such as cocroach, other small bugs similar to cocroach.. but i can catch grasshopper, cricket, etc..

And depends on what horror movies they are. I watched resident evil and other zombies movies. But i couldnt stand to play resident evil 3 on ps...i gave up...

I see. I like Korean horror movies.
It's getting hotter every day here. What's the temperature like now at where you live.
It's so hot that i want to cut my hair shorter.

WDTFS fans - off topic 17 Apr 11:59
joined Jan 13, 2016

Don't make fun of me. I will make honey bee eat me if you want to skip. There is always Honey Bee....

Thanks gawt, u'll never be running out of honey bee

I created this Honey Bee. So she lives as long as i live. I don't care about other honey bees so you know. It would be cool to be Frankenstein.

Frankestein is a freak and its fiction..

Haha did i scare you with that line? You listen to too many horror stories. I'm shocked you don't have any nightwares.

Nah, the last time i had nightmare is when i was in elementary school... it's just Martian's story kinda matched my darkroom. But thanks to a horny cat with its loud voice, i was back to reality...

Are you scared of ghosts etc?

I never saw a ghost, so i think its fine.
I live in a 40 years old house, but i saw no ghost..

Although sometimes ago i heard as someone walking in front of my bedroom while all my folks were sleeping and an old typewriter in the living room made a sound as if someone using it..

But are you one of those that are scared of bugs and ghosts? Do you watch horror movies?

WDTFS fans - off topic 17 Apr 11:53
joined Jan 13, 2016

I am doing wonderful this morning. It's the same morning as every morning. I'm all alone in my house. Just staring at every corner. Hehe.

What about you? Did you do anything exciting?

That's the kind of morning I like hahaha. Did nothing exciting today, just another so so day.

Don't make fun of me. I will make honey bee eat me if you want to skip. There is always Honey Bee....

O...okay...I think I'd just leave you both alone so your Honey Bee can eat you with ease...o///o

Don't run away. We still have lots to talk about butts.

WDTFS fans - off topic 17 Apr 11:51
joined Jan 13, 2016

Don't make fun of me. I will make honey bee eat me if you want to skip. There is always Honey Bee....

Thanks gawt, u'll never be running out of honey bee

I created this Honey Bee. So she lives as long as i live. I don't care about other honey bees so you know. It would be cool to be Frankenstein.

Haha did i scare you with that line? You listen to too many horror stories. I'm shocked you don't have any nightwares.

Nah, the last time i had nightmare is when i was in elementary school... it's just Martian's story kinda matched my darkroom. But thanks to a horny cat with its loud voice, i was back to reality...

Are you scared of ghosts etc?

WDTFS fans - off topic 17 Apr 11:38
joined Jan 13, 2016

Just staring at every corner. Hehe.

Dont know why this line reminds me to yesterday horror stories... ⊙⊙

Haha did i scare you with that line? You listen to too many horror stories. I'm shocked you don't have any nightwares.

WDTFS fans - off topic 17 Apr 11:35
joined Jan 13, 2016

I thought you were on an honey comb ice cream diet xD
It's okay to cheat, especially for ice cream~ haha

Lolz... its new flavour...
Too bad i was over budget...
It is a Magnum box after all...

No offense mvl..

Don't make fun of me. I will make honey bee eat me if you want to skip. There is always Honey Bee....

WDTFS fans - off topic 17 Apr 11:33
joined Jan 13, 2016

Hey Martian! I'm glad to see you this morning. Thanks for the new nuckname haha.

Hey mvl, how's your day?
I think Azai was the one who came up with tht nickname though xD

I am doing wonderful this morning. It's the same morning as every morning. I'm all alone in my house. Just staring at every corner. Hehe.

What about you? Did you do anything exciting?

WDTFS fans - off topic 17 Apr 11:29
joined Jan 13, 2016

Its kinda like this...

Lol...i didn't know what you were talking about until i looked at the ice cream pic you posted haha.

WDTFS fans - off topic 17 Apr 11:28
joined Jan 13, 2016

Btw, that ic... its honey comb crunch..
U should see my reaction while noticing this... xD

Ooh i really want to have seen your reaction. How did you react?