I don't even like Kanamari that much, but love tmfly's content for them.
K-on and charts! Nice!!
^seconded. This looks like some really good material to work with!
c u t e!!
Riko no
god tier doujin
the 'hair arrange!' chapter is also hella cute!
The 'if' story is almost too gay. I love it.
last edited at Mar 4, 2018 4:26PM
A lot cuter than what I expected from the futa tag- what a great surprise! New nanofate content is always nice.
Wow, Yayoi doing citrus fanart? Sweet!!
So cute, aww
This is so so sweet!!
So sweet! Also love the colors used here.
Three cheers for Kougi!!
Seeing more Bang Dream content everywhere nowadays. No complaints!!
Height difference..I love it!!
Oh wow, this is just gorgeous.
2nd panel is my personal favorite, Akko looks so cute w the stuffed animal !!
So clingy and so cute.
Her hand is only going up..haha
nice nice.
More of these two is always such a treat. This is so cute!!
I think this was one of my favorite chapters, the drama is written quite well in my opinion. And of course the art is gorgeous as always.
Very cute and sweet!