I wonder why all the characters in anime and manga are always basically slaves to their parents. Do those authors even know how teenagers can react?
Different teens react erm.... dis-similarly. It can be generalized but ya know... different backgrounds and all that shit...
Of course but...when was the last time you saw an anime character actually stand up against her parents? It is extremely rare. Why? Easy drama.
To be fair, if you take anime and mangas as an example of the "typical japanese family", you end up with that :
-it's common for the childs to live by themselves, with never seeing or getting news from their parents.
-Said parents, if not absent, usually let their kids do as they please, without interfering much with their lives.
-Many parents will eagerly encourage their kids (mostly their sons) to have sex with some girl, or at least be perfectly fine with it.
And I'll stop there because I could keep going for a while. XD
No, seriously, families in manga & anime are rarely depicted in an accurate way, because many of them have teenagers as protagonist and having meddling parents in a non-comical way would get in the way of the story.
I mean, just imagine that in your typical anime : "Mom, dad, I need to go save the world !" "Did you do your homework ?" "But moooom, the world is in danger !" "yeah, yeah, you used that one last time already. Go back to your room and you better finish them properly this time !" worldsplosion!
It is obvious why parents are often absent in manga. It would over complicate things. Nobody would want to read 10 chapters about the son discussing the things with his parents...