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The Evolution of Yuri 01 Sep 21:47
joined Mar 29, 2017
    So I'm in my dorm room just bored out of my mind decided to go back into the past to relive the stories that introduced me into the genere I have come to love. I also have to practice writing long reports (engineering requires so much paperwork to do fun stuff) as well as the fact I enjoy sharing my experiences with other people. So join me in my adventure thru yuri and feel free to tell yours I would love to read them(seriously there's nothing to do here classes don't begin until Monday and the professors won't let me set stuff on fire yet T_T)

    My adventure begins in a rather strange way before I read manga and watched anime I competed in online tourdiments when I was young. The prize pool was low but so was the entry fee sometimes a first place ranking would net you less then 60 bucks even with a massive list of people sometimes more then 400 sometimes less then 20. In the end I probly walked away with less then I had put in but to a 12 year old kid just reaching the top 20% made you feel unstoppable. Eventually I retired at the age of 14 (this is also the same time I retired from sport fighting in witch I ended up with less teeth then I had started with). After a few years I joined up with some old friends we had decided to meet up IRL and we had a friendly competition the person who lost had to do what the person who won said. (obviously nothingillegal or agenced the losers morals) In the end I lost the same times I won but the final match of our little 'party?' I lost and I was told I had to watch an anime of the winners choice. He literally looked up anime porn and randomly chose one for me to watch just to have me feel uncomfortable. 

    "Finnaly he got to the part about yuri" A little hentai by the name of Shoujo Sect was my first introduction to not only yuri but anime and manga as a whole. Looking back on it it's kinda funny to be introduced into this world with a hentai but also kinda makes sense. Before I even watched it I had expected it to be torture I braced for what I thought would be sex scenes with story to fill in the gaps but instead I got a great story that managed to get a few tears out of me. I was in awe I imedatly looked up the genere and looked up other things that were similar I found myslef physically needing more.

    After a bit of time on a combination of YouTube, Google, and MyAnimeList. I had made a list of the things in the genere I wanted to check out. I noticed the split of yuri and shoujo ai so I looked up both meanings and to this day don't understand the reason for a made up genere but never the less I saw them as the same. The original 8 on my list was a combination of animation and comic they were in no particular order: shoujo sect (comic), Kannazuki no Miko(animation), Strawberry Panic, Yuru Yuri(both but I count it as 1), Akuma no Riddle(again both still counted as 1), K-on(Google listed it as yuri back then), Strawberry Shake(obviously comic), and Candy Boy(animation only). From my orignal list it seems I was either tired or stupid because yep I missed Girlfriends. My old t-chart (yes I am a dweeb) still holds my original opinions i loved Yuru Yuri(both), Shoujo Sect, Candy Boy, Akuma no Riddle(animation), and strawberry shake. I liked: Akuma no Riddle (comic), K-on,Kannazuki no Miko, and Strawberry Panic.

    Eventually I stumbled on to a little known site by the name of dynasty-scans and was obviously interested in the content provided for the first 2 years I lurked here not even knowing about the forums. It was at tbis time I began to watch the other generes not really knowing witch one was my faveorite.After about a year I went out of my way a purchased a digital copy of a manga highly recommended to me by several people by the name of Girlfriends and as I finished it my fate as a yuri fan was forever written in stone. It's kinda weird Girlfriends is what locked me into yuri instead of introducing me to it like most people. After that I sat down and enjoyed the obvious big ones Octave, Prism, Aoi Hana, etc. I made an account here waited like 2 months began posting my stupid thoughts, angry rants, my crappy jokes, and most importantly memes. (Don't look for the rants Nez probly blew them up)

    I would say the rest is history but then at the end of last year something surprised me and reminded me why I enjoy this genere the most. An obscure show I didn't recognize the name of said to come out of some studio I have never heard about with a director seeming no-one had heard of created probly the best yuri anime that will ever exist. Flip Flappers, I could go on a tangent that would quadruple the length of this life story sized monstrosity and not realize (mabey in a different post when I'm equally board or if people demand it for some stupid reason). I make it a short one but it filled me with a sense of adventure and reminded me of when I was growing up and like Cocona was confused at what path I would take with everyones expectations placed on me like her I found what I enjoyed made a best friend I'll probly never be able to get rid of (but not gay). It reminded me of my own loss and my regret for leaving things unsaid that can no longer be delivered. Ending with the message that you need to look forward to what you want and accept who you are. A show that I felt needed to be on this story of my own milestones.

    And that brings us to today where yes I lay here in a crappy bed waiting for the day to end and classes to start. Looking back on how I have come to only dive deeper into nerd culture as if being a semi-pro gamer isn't bad enough. I am reminded that I have become a better person probly because yuri has softened me and made me more willing to talk with people. As for what the future holds I have no idea what kinds of gems or abominations will grace the yuri tag but I'm glad I get to experience the ride and all(most) of you. If your some reason you actually finished this monstrosity I don't know what to say? Thanks for your time? And sorry to the mods who will see this thing and feel the need to read it in its entirety to see if I had broken any rules (I know I don't want to re read the scribblings of an insanely board engineering student) but none the less I hope at least one person got something out of it. See ya in the comments.
joined Mar 29, 2017

I feel like I have read this kind of story a million times, yet I am still just as "awww, cute" as when I read the first one... yuri broke my mind...

And it will continue to do so until the day you die hands empty gun

joined Mar 29, 2017

Renma-sensei looks badass. :-)

Someone punch me :P

Sorry, not into that kind of play.

Come on, try it, you might like it ;)

Well if you insist.. Pulls out the brass knuckles and nail covered baseball bat. :)

I have a crowbar if ya need it.

Image Comments 30 Aug 22:29
joined Mar 29, 2017

She has eyes??????????

Image Comments 27 Aug 02:20
joined Mar 29, 2017

No their hair is quite literally a living being.

Image Comments 27 Aug 02:14
joined Mar 29, 2017

The blood of a Dragon of chaos will cause you to take double damage from all sources except for gravity because that boss is just too strong.

Image Comments 27 Aug 02:12
joined Mar 29, 2017

Damit now I have that song stuck in my head.

Image Comments 27 Aug 02:09
joined Mar 29, 2017

Or they had just got back after running a marathon took a shower then passed out as they hit the bed with no clothes on............ It could have happened ..... ya I don't think so either.

joined Mar 29, 2017


You can't even consider this Manga subtext, it's just another boring generic sports manga, which I think is somehow worse because it's focused on VIDEO games. Which are in their best form as actual videos rather than panels.

It all just feels like a big ad for Tekkin 7.

joined Mar 29, 2017

Real talk, how well is this series doing in Japan? Like I get that vidya is huge over there, but fighting games + yuri seems like such a small niche. I can't understand how this exposition dump series with a generic art style could possibly be the hottest thing in YH...

No idea. But they are both niche but remember when something is harder to find people go out of their way to get it so it has the fighting games audience and the yuri audience how long will it hold both only time will tell(my money is on Mr axe)

joined Mar 29, 2017

themusicman500 posted:

Scintillating analysis as always, chief.

I really wonder if bachou will ever make anything remotely resembling a constructive post. Or even actually take part in discussions. Every single post they make seems to just be a hit and run post and usually a borderline shitpost.

Probly just wants the attention. Probly didn't even read it seeing as how there's no context just this is bad.

joined Mar 29, 2017

This reminds me of the multiple times I wanted to shoot Jack sparrow myslef to end my suffering. points gun at slef

Image Comments 22 Aug 02:23
joined Mar 29, 2017

I imagine Kouga wrote the story and gave Minakata a discription of the main characters got back the art as a big group of the girls just kissing and made lemonade with lemons.

Image Comments 19 Aug 00:32
joined Mar 29, 2017

Her face says no but her tail says o yus.

Image Comments 19 Aug 00:27
joined Mar 29, 2017

All i can think is Patrick yelling LOOK AT IT.

Image Comments 19 Aug 00:23
joined Mar 29, 2017

I don't even know who I'm supposed to hate in this story anymore i started off likeing the guys for being guys in yuri that stuck around instead of being sucked into the black void of death then I hated all the guys and both girls. Now I like Yuma and have started to simply dislike Hotaru from the hate I once had her. I still hate the guys one is Satan incarnate and the other is on a new level of retard I thought only tin cans could acheve.

last edited at Aug 19, 2017 12:25AM

joined Mar 29, 2017

As yet again I find myself jumping from lily pad to lily pad collecting wompa fruit I stop and ask myself, have the Magical Nipple Kiss chapters gotten repetitive.

As repetitive as death to turtle bridge.

Image Comments 15 Aug 01:02
joined Mar 29, 2017

Wait is Elsa the only Disney princess that isn't forced into a romance of any kind(cannon wise) and why am I realizing this now on dynasty of all places.

joined Mar 29, 2017

Seven Seas finally finished publishing this series on english so I was finally able to read the whole series.

Honestly, it feels that by the end they wrote themselves on a corner because that was a pretty contrived finale. I appreciate the yuri and the art is great but the writing was pretty weak overall. I dunno if in hands of a better writer could've been improved or not but there's clear glimpses of a better story underneath. Probably removing the "characters go after failing" would've been a smart choice. I mean, you get good backstories just for the characters drop from the story as soon as you get to know them better and Haru being pretty underwhelming as lead didn't make the story any favors.

From my perspective it's more along the lines of the side stories turned out to be more interesting then Haru herself untill we got her story in a dump where it would have been much stronger had they slowly gave you the information like tokaku where you get small bits of her past that make the final here's her story thing more rewarding. Haru should have had more time in the story where she looked back at how she came to be while tokaku was out doing whatever she does. But it's just really hard to give equal treatment to a double lead like this without doing a perspective shift mid way or bouncing back and forth. But then it hard to not make it confusing especially when one of the 2 is clearly more important to the action elements.

Ayakashiko discussion 14 Aug 13:25
joined Mar 29, 2017

The art, the story, the expression... Can some one pass me insulin? Otherwise I'll

Shhhhh only dreams now.

joined Mar 29, 2017

^ Those censored males

No men allowed.

joined Mar 29, 2017

that... almost counts as selfcest, right?

Double selfcest even.

joined Mar 29, 2017

What even is porn.

joined Mar 29, 2017

Is it just me, or does Miho look a bit like Riko Saikawa from Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid?

An artist reuseing characters designs reminds me of how I reused a vending machine program I wrote then adapted it to work for a mini automatic firefighting robot prototype. (Don't ask how or why but 90% of the code is different but whenever it starts up it says send master 5000 I'm a good programer:3)

Image Comments 11 Aug 02:48
joined Mar 29, 2017

If you like super drama and enjoy the feeling of wanting to murder fictional cartoons then yes it's a good story if not then run very far away.