Hloy thats he hotest yuri ever!!!! O.O
Yesu! I want more of these too....so much more! XDD
I wovvvvvv this!
^me too ._.
^ sister! I found you! I am now neko ryuko XD
So much freaking memories! Ahhh i loved that anime, it was the first yuri anime i watched TT~TT and daaammn this art!
^ as they say: bwess this powst
....i just love all these original dojins that keep poping up XD
Daaawwwww >_<
I love this so much! This art man! Woooowww! O.O
I....i love it!!!
Woooooooooooooowww!! O^O
Awawawa homu homu is gonna kill sayaka! >o<
Ddaaaawwww >w<
What the hell are you two doing madoka sayaka! XD
Ahahaahha dat ending XDDD
Oooh hi, dont mind us! Carry on doin what u were doin XD
Haha what kinda sense of taste, lovvvveee! >\<
Idk but i just love age gaps! XXXXD
Nnnyyaaaaawww >w< so so kawaiiiiii
Kyaaaaaaa! (≧◡≦) that was just the best thing ever, both the charecter to my opinion i just prefect! Hiyoko is so cuuuteeee! And sato is cool. Eheheh this is my new favourite! (~ ̄▽ ̄)~
Oh my O.O
Aahh these two, i love it >w<
Yeah, a little XD
Well, im still mostly for homura and madoka buuuuuut....this is not so bad huh