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Citrus discussion 28 Feb 14:47
joined Jul 16, 2013

We're back to square 1 guys... FUCK

Did you expect anything else form this shitfest? Every fucking Chapter is like that. In the last they will finally confess, kiss and the end.

joined Jul 16, 2013

That type of behaviour could land Sawako in jail. Or get her suspended, at least.

Its Japan. No school would make something like that public.

joined Jul 16, 2013

I really hope that she don't end up with him, if one of them dies it will probably be him, them it will be worth watching it, it have lesbian side couples? but real couples not just subtext?

They have on screen sex. I doubt you can call that subtext anymore ;)

joined Jul 16, 2013

She most certainly is going to end up with Tusk.

Not if one of them is going to die, which is pretty likely.

Everybody knew Cross Ange was going to have a hetero main couple after the opening aired. The yuri side couples are fine, they have legit on screen sex.

joined Jul 16, 2013

Always nice to see cousins being that close to each other.

joined Jul 16, 2013

I guess people have lost the ability to read between the lines.

That and they do not check the artist.

joined Jul 16, 2013

That was kind of depressing. In the end, nothing realy changed.

Because it never had too. The two are already together. The manga just does not outright says it. Just look how they act and talk with each other. They are both willing to have sex with each other (and apparently had sex before) and talking about how to approach the parents.
It is actually kinda cute.

Murcielago discussion 15 Feb 06:12
joined Jul 16, 2013

I am hanging a bit behind with the chapters but...will the two main girls ever hook up?

joined Jul 16, 2013

But that does not seem to be the situation here. At least from what we know. It sounds more like a "Ups i got pregnant by that guy...i better marry him" situation.
And if she really loves Jun...they would have found a way to go through. They can always fly into another country for the artificial insemination and the lack of a proper legal status shouldn't be an issue besides tax reasons.

Yes i can understand how difficult this situation is for lesbians in Japan but that is no reason for this kind of situation. Lets not forget she is cheating on her husband. I doubt he deserves that.

joined Jul 16, 2013

Can't help but to think the married lover is quite egoistic. She uses the other girl to have fluffy sex but still married that man who seems pretty useless...

joined Jul 16, 2013

"We'll have to break up eventually..."

Oh fuck don't even go there.

joined Jul 16, 2013

Oh, it's one of those manga where almost every character is insufferable. Cool.

I want that punch that cheating sister so badly...

Image Comments 08 Feb 16:55
joined Jul 16, 2013

@Nezchan I wish i had one.

joined Jul 16, 2013

Honestly dont think this is yuri. Feels more like sisterly to me, and thats ok.

I agree but i guess it will get more yuri in later chapters (how many anyway?). Right now it really feels more sisterly to me too.

joined Jul 16, 2013

Not really thrilled about a yaoi ending.

Stretch discussion 14 Jan 19:19
joined Jul 16, 2013

I think the author would not do that, it would be very cliche

He would not do it because he would piss of his fanbase...which is a bad thing after you already had to can a manga because of tracing.

Stretch discussion 14 Jan 19:08
joined Jul 16, 2013

Ehhh? Nah can't see the story going that way. It is all about the relationship between the two girls. Lets forget about the yuri. How would a story be satisfying if it ends with one of them hocking up and just leaving? It would make all the friendship pointless.

joined Jul 16, 2013

It is Mira so i am expecting a happy end. I have no idea why everybody is so mad about an orgy...if the girls like it, why not?

joined Jul 16, 2013 least Sensei let her onto the path of yuri.

joined Jul 16, 2013

Sweet :3 but why sayaka has to die for her wish? (making his arm work)... I mean, she doesn't love him anymore, I would have taken it back O.o...
You can't solve anything with just dying... he would suffer if he can't use his arm, but kyouko would suffer too without her, so who's more important? If I were her, I would rather make kyouko happy and stay alive, she's more important to me than anyone!!!
It's like when people say "don't sacrifice your life to save another" (even though the guy wouldn't die if she took the wish back =__=)... you have to think about the people you leave behind, your family and friends and how sad they'd feel if you died... you can only do for someone you can't live without.

Madokami can't just take back the wish and even if she wanted to, Sayaka would not want it. Yes she might no longer crave his D but she still 'loves' him. She wants him to be happy and it would be very unfair to rip away his happiness all the sudden.

joined Jul 16, 2013

Well this is somewhat of a slap of reality to fluffy-yuri-lovers-faces
Like it or not. Deal with it

Why deal with it when i can simply ignore it? ;)

joined Jul 16, 2013

And a random question, where does all the yuri fans hang out now? Last I checked, the was shut down and I don't know where to go to hang out with all the yuri fans now.

/a/ . Just don't be annoying.

joined Jul 16, 2013

Two words: Yuru Yuri.

There is Yuru Yuri and then nothing for a long time. Really makes you wonder why Namori does not put her manga into a bigger magazine.

joined Jul 16, 2013

Do we really need this discussion? Are most yuri doujin with a bit of "force" (i would not even call it that) going to be called rapey?

Sure, why not? What's wrong with talking about this? I think if there are multiple people who have some kind of negative reaction to the way Rin and Hanayo are acting in this doujinshi it's well worth thinking about.

I'll repeat: Discussing problematic elements is not a judgment call on the media itself nor the people who consume it. It's about awareness and, although less so with this particular work as we can hardly influence the Japanese scene, hopefully about improving the general quality of media as a whole.

It is not a problem if this discussion happens once. But if people start the discussion in this already very harmless douin, where does it stop? If enough people complain in the comments to many doujin are we going to have a "rapey" tag?

I am just afraid this is going to turn into tumblr 2.0

joined Jul 16, 2013

Do we really need this discussion? Are most yuri doujin with a bit of "force" (i would not even call it that) going to be called rapey?