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joined Dec 18, 2016

Amane is too boring. Yuunagi x Hiruma all the way.

This. Unless there are chapters down the line dedicated to fleshing her out, she currently feels like the intermediate that helps bond Nina and Ryou.

I found that Nina and Ryou's relationship evolved a bit too quickly, honestly, though you could say it's justified by them knowing each other from their online personas. A few more scenes wouldn't have hurt.

The start of this chapter did feel a bit off. We already expected Nina to be Shinya, but how Ryou discovered it this chapter felt too out of the blue and convenient for me. But I do feel like how they came to bond with each other by the end does make a bit of sense since these two bond over the fact that they are in this polyamorous relationship with Amane even though they are not polyamorous themselves. Ryou struggled and thought hard about the nature of this relationship, but she decided that she was up for it, while Nina still couldn't really accept the idea of sharing Amane with anyone else. So, despite being in the relationship with Amane first, Nina is a step behind Ryou in really considering the nature of this polyamorous relationship she's in. So, idk, they're bonding moment makes sense to me. It's almost like a role reversal with Ryou now being the one getting to comfort Nina/Shinya instead lol But, I definitely do think that this would definitely have been a lot stronger if the Nina is Shinya thing was more fleshed out and less tacked on.

last edited at Mar 16, 2017 8:24PM

joined Dec 18, 2016

Your first kiss wasn't with JoJo, it was me, Di-
Oh, wrong series again

Man, Dio keeps popping everywhere in these yuri series

So is everyone at that school gay or not

It's in a remote part of Gensokyo, set around the same time as Saki, they all transferred from Namori Middle School, and all the teachers were educated at Astrea Hill or Lilian Academy. But I have no idea why you'd think it was a particularly gay school.

LOL thanks for the laughs, guys.

Anime season 15 Mar 12:15
joined Dec 18, 2016

if you're wearing your goggles in a children's series.

Why does this sound wrong? Should I participate in the crime and watch the show? Lol

joined Dec 18, 2016

^ Oh wow, remember reading this news when it first came out, can't believe I actually get to read about their life together. This is amazing.

Girl Talk discussion 14 Mar 02:56
joined Dec 18, 2016

First Page

"Drawing looks like an older Kodama work"

No Kodrama

"It is an older work!"

Someone please tell me I'm right

joined Dec 18, 2016 Is it just me, or is she cupping her own boobs in the last panel? XD

She wanted to, but sadly couldn't because development problem.

Anime season 11 Mar 15:08
joined Dec 18, 2016

Me after this week's Rakugo Shinjuu:

2 more eps to go. Despite having complained a lot about DEEN, I have to commend them on their BG animation works. They're really pretty to look at & this is the same for KonoSuba as well.

Also, 1 more ep to go for Sangatsu. Hoping for a 2nd season...

joined Dec 18, 2016

Every yuri anime flops anyway, not just Flip Flappers. It's sad.

What the heck than Japanese like?

Coffee-undertone moeshit. I do like them, too, sometimes

last edited at Mar 11, 2017 4:27AM

joined Dec 18, 2016

A bully story that is not cringey and cliche as hell. Yes!

Anime season 09 Mar 22:31
joined Dec 18, 2016

I'm fine with it since they turned it up so much that it went past fanservice into comically ridiculous territory.

Extreme, ridiculous fanservice tends to mostly be a miss for me. Like, I loved Keijo & all the glorious Keijojo memes, but I could never get into Seikon no Qwaser or Valkyrie Drive, for example. Dunno, I'm still not quite sure what works for me when it comes to funny fanservice.

Anime season 09 Mar 15:48
joined Dec 18, 2016

This week of Maid Dragon is the best ep of the entire anime so far. I still wish they hadn't turned up the fanservice with Lucoa so much, but oh well, it is how it is.

joined Dec 18, 2016


I can see where you're coming from. It's a valid example.

This brings to mind the phrase "no one will love you if you can't love yourself".

If it is this notion, then I agree that it's wrong and cruel. Those with insecurities and personal struggles are the ones that need the most love and support from the people around them and they are not unworthy of these at all.

joined Dec 18, 2016

Chap 10 is great. If you read the bad TL of vol 1, that chap probably doesn't make much sense. But, It's basically the turning point of the manga and also where the story actually starts. It's foreshadowed beforehand, shines light on Touko's unusual pursuing approach, and reveals Touko's skewed perspective that serves to turn the relationship dynamic on its head. Also, that confrontation at the river is a gem of visual storytelling. (I don't think I'll ever be able to shut up about the visual storytelling in this manga)

This makes A LOT more sense than "Eventually I will become yours". It's not about Yuu, it's about Touko.

It's about both of them actually, how they both will come to terms with themselves and/or their feelings.

A lot of people say this kind of stuff, it's both wrong and cruel. Some people are simply unable to love themselves - depressed people, suicidal people, people with body issues, or with traumatic experiences they blame on themselves. That doesn't mean they're unable to have meaningful romantic relationships because of that.

It's a generalized statement, sure, but I don't see why it's wrong and cruel. Unless you're saying that it's ok for people to not love themselves? It's not that they can't have meaningful relationships, it just means that it's harder for them to open up completely because of insecurities. Love doesn't always have to mean romantic love, it just stands for relationships in general.

joined Dec 18, 2016

A friend of mine has a different speculation on how the ending to the play (& to Touko's story) will turn out. It's super plausible & fits with the overall themes and characterizations rather well. I'll share it here since I think this series deserves all the thoughtful discussions out there.

So my friend emphasize that Touko's identity problem is what caused her relationship problems in the first place. This interperation roots Touko's problem in her lack of self-love and self-worth, which is a rather important theme this series seems to be portraying through Touko that I've overlooked in my speculation. Her inability to allow others to love her is because she herself is unable to love who she is and this is what killing Touko's identity. My friend also suggests that the 3 personas are not separate selves/identities, they are one in the same. They are 3 facets of Touko towards her different relationships just like we all act differently in front of different people, depending on their relationships to us. The problem with Touko then is that she separates these three facets too much that they become three different identities. Like, Touko only allows Sayaka/her friend to get close to one side of her, Yuu/her lover to get close to another side of her, & her parents/family to know only of one other side of her. So her relationships are shallow not just because she refuses their love, but also because she puts up too many barriers. With this view on Touko's problems, my friend suggests that she will have to come to term with who she is first by embracing all facets, all 3 identities, of herself before any rebuilding of relationships can follow.

As much as I strongly believe in the idea that relationships are crucial in helping one overcome their problems and help them find who they are, the notion that one can't love others before they first love themself is also relevant, especially when it comes to Touko, someone who believes that she has to be her sister in order to be special and of any worth.

I'll be happy with the play & Touko's story ending either way (a combination of both would be a bliss) as long as it is a cathartic resolution that wraps up the coming-of-age themes nicely.

On a side note, I don't think we have talked much about the meaning behind the title of this series, but "Bloom into You" or "Eventually (no subject) will become you" can be read as "Bloom into who you are" or "Eventually you will become yourself." This can be applied to both characters in the series. Yuu and Touko are both teenagers who are learning things about themselves for the first time in their lives. Yuu is learning about the feeling of love after years of exposing herself to idealistic shoujo romance while Touko is learning about her own identity and relationship problems after years of living as her sister. The title can also be applied to readers as well, ofc.

joined Dec 18, 2016

I agree with the new ending you're suggesting for the play, but I'm not sure things are going to go so smoothly for the actress. I think Touko's bound to have a breakdown before she could have a rebirth.

Everyone will have a breakdown sooner or later, I think. Yuu will definitely have hers, as hinted in the last chap, and I think this will be one of the decisive developments that will shake Touko and cause her to realize for the first time that what's she's doing is hurting the important people in her life. I feel like my predictions are a bit too detailed. I'll spoiler bar this next one just in case there are those who only want a vague speculation that will not ruin their enjoyment of the series' future developments.

After what happens with Yuu, Touko will most likely be thrown into confusion and will be unsure of what to do. she will then have confrontations with Sayaka and also her parents, where they will possibly also share their concerns about her actions and, most importantly, confirm their love and support for Touko as who she is and not as her sister. I realize this is a rather hard development on Touko. Someone who doesn't want to be loved suddenly gets all of the most important people in her life telling her that they love her lol Touko then will be thrown into a psychological turmoil where she will reconsider everything she has been doing up till that point and then the play will be where she makes her decision (or at least where we get to see her making her decision) regarding her identity and relationships.

Actually, now that I think about this possibility, Touko being the one who changes the play's ending right there on stage might be a better development than just having Koyomi do it.

joined Dec 18, 2016

Speculation time! Now that I don't have to spoiler bar everything.

Koyomi is not satisfied with the current ending where the MC ends up choosing her lover's identity. The lover very much mirrors Yuu's relationship with Touko. This possibly means that this manga won't just end with Touko going along with the self she has around Yuu and that it's not exactly THE true identity for Touko.

Up until now, I've only considered Touko's identity crisis as being reflected in her relationships with Sayaka and Yuu, with Sayaka as someone who supports Touko's ideal self and Yuu as someone who supports Touko's more honest self. Going along with this thinking, an ending where Touko choosing to be who she is around Yuu was what I initially thought to be the obvious outcome for this series. However, this chapter with its more extensive look on the play adds another interesting layer to Touko's identity crisis that I've yet to consider & that is her relationship with her family. One of the factors that cause Touko to choose to live her sister's life in the first place is what her relatives told her upon the death of her sister: "Be like your sister." As seen in the last chapter, there's also a bit of tension between Touko and her parents. They've caught on to Touko's intention of carrying out the life of her sister and are actually worried about her. However, Touko with her inability to understand/accept others' love for her, puts a distance between her and her parents as she refuses to heed their advice.

Taking into consideration all of the relationships involved in the play and in Touko's life, we see friendship, romance, and family. Three very basic interpersonal relationships in any person's life. Touko has all three, except they are all shallow. Shallow because Touko herself refuses to accept and rely on the love and support that these three relationships can offer her since she sees love as a shackle. So, at the heart of Touko's identity crisis not only lies "who will she become?" but also "what will become of her relationships?" Because of this, I think it's smart to have Koyomi question the current ending to the play. Touko's identity crisis is much less black and white than I previously thought. And so, based on what the story has revealed thus far, my new prediction is that the play will end with the MC rebuilding her relationships from 0 while finding her identity in the process, rather than picking any 1 out of the 3. For Touko, this will be her rebirth.

joined Dec 18, 2016

My guess is that the mangaka didn't have entire story before making the manga. She added Sayaka just in case if the relationship b/with Yuu and Senpai did set up to fans. Like a back up plan.

Considering that this is Nakatani Nio. No. Of course she probably doesn't have every single detail of the manga planned out from the get go, but I'm confident she's a careful writer who knows her story direction from the beginning. I mean, she plans out chap 10 from the beginning & this parallel between chap 1 & 16 will always be a solid evident of how brilliant she is as a writer and a visual storyteller. Anyway, I don't think Sayaka is an add-on backup plan. Her role/crush is set up very early on in the manga & her relationship with Touko serves as a juxtaposition against Yuu's (that's one of the main focus of the 3rd volume).

last edited at Mar 3, 2017 4:22AM

Anime season 02 Mar 18:27
joined Dec 18, 2016

^ Listening to it right now. It's always so amazing. Some tracks remind me of some of my favorite scenes... Yakusoku no Kiss is something that will always get me. I don't think I'll ever stop crying over it till the day I die.

Anime season 02 Mar 17:10
joined Dec 18, 2016

Yuri Kuma is better than Flip Flappers, IMO. More cohesive and intentional in its message, themes, and surreal presentation. It's definitely less accessible than Flip Flappers since it has a looser narrative structure and is way more trippy and metaphorical. But it's a serious work of art like everything else Ikuhara has ever made.

joined Dec 18, 2016

At this point, I'm sure Yuu (or at least her guts) deep down already knows she's in love with Touko. She's not even denying wanting to touch her anymore. Ever since chap 16 make-out session, this is Yuu's development over the chaps so far:

17: Becomes conscious around Touko because she remembers the kiss. (Possibly wants to kiss her again. Girl seems to be swallowing her saliva after staring at Touko's lips, but I could be wrong)
18: Can't even call her by her first name anymore. Thinking about how unfair Touko is in her head. Actually doesn't want Touko to stop her advances. Knows what she wants to wish for, but not sure about saying it out loud (her feelings and desire for Touko is prohibited after all if she wants to stay by her side)
19: Misses Touko over summer break and really wants to call her. Complains about Touko for not being considerate of her feelings to her friend. Buys cute PJs for summer camp sleepover (obviously for Touko, considering how she once said in one of vol 3's bonus chapter that she doesn't care about looking cute before). Very, VERY happily talks to Touko on the phone. So much so, she curls into a ball in bed while hugging her pillow tightly. Admits she feels flustered talking to Touko.
20: Tries to strip fast and goes to the bath first while trying really hard to convince herself that them seeing each other naked is nothing at all (yes, this is more of her denial attack, but hey, it's still something. Girl just learns to feel feels. Give her time before she starts feeling horny). Consciously wants to touch Touko at night, but can't because Sayaka's there.

last edited at Mar 2, 2017 2:42AM

joined Dec 18, 2016

The visual storytelling in page 20 & 21 are amazing enough already, then you realize they are a spread. Nakatani is truly the greatest yuri artist we've ever had. I'm glad she's my goddess.

joined Dec 18, 2016

Waking up to see that the TL for this chap is already out makes my day. Thank you!

"To touch or not to touch?"
That's a million dollar question right there. Especially coming from Yuu lol

last edited at Mar 1, 2017 12:22PM

Anime season 01 Mar 11:43
joined Dec 18, 2016

tbh, neither of these are any good.

You're right, they're not good... They're great!

This. You've won the internet.

Anime season 28 Feb 20:38
joined Dec 18, 2016

I get that, although I think saying Arakawa Under the Bridge isn't surreal is pretty odd though. The humour and characters of that show were plenty surreal to me.

I guess I was thinking about how the manga is presented. The storytelling & the art style are all pretty straightforward, so I don't consider it surreal. But yeah, the setting is pretty nonsensical. Then again, it's a comedy. Maybe Nisekoi is a better example than Arakawa.

Anime season 28 Feb 20:17
joined Dec 18, 2016

^ Not really. Arakawa Under the Bridge as well as Sangatsu manga were not surreal. Shaft just adds their flare.