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Sakura Cartelet
Arknights! 05 Apr 10:07
joined May 28, 2016

Today I got the Senior Operator tag and got an Istina dupe.

joined May 28, 2016

I really like this picture. Ganyu x Lumine from Lumine's POV.

For some reason I've gained new enthusiasm toward the game in recent weeks. I'm thinking of not rolling the Rosaria banner, though, since in the worst case scenario I might need like 30+ rolls to get her, and if I accidentally end up rolling 30 times and getting Childe, that's like 30 rolls wasted xD

Actually the worst case is not getting her at all since she's not the only 4 star that's on rate up.

last edited at Apr 4, 2021 11:50PM

Sakura Cartelet
Arknights! 01 Apr 00:10
joined May 28, 2016

I got most of the shop cleared other than the recruitment permit since I have a ton of them already and the furniture parts... I'm sitting on over 20K of them now.

joined May 28, 2016

While I'm not into it myself I did see a picture of Lumine licking Fischl's feet via a random search for Lumine/Fischl content.

As for the minigames I suck at aiming so I do enough to get the primogems. I'm so bad I can't even get the beginner one done in the rhythm game. I don't like the wonderland game. My favorite is the storyline quests and the gliding challenges which I can master with enough tries.

joined May 28, 2016

Am doing a playthrough of Neptunia Virtual Stars right now. There's a decent amount of Shippy content in the game so far but I'm less than halfway through the game so we'll see if future chapters have more or less content in them.

@SushiKnight If you haven't played it I really recommend you try the game since it's highly focused on Vtubers.

Sakura Cartelet
Image Comments 26 Mar 23:16
joined May 28, 2016

So wait Klee and Fischl are their daughters? Would the science babies tag apply here or are they adopted?

Sakura Cartelet
Arknights! 25 Mar 13:59
joined May 28, 2016

No Maki clone on this banner or any 6* for that fact. I wonder if W ate my luck or something.

joined May 28, 2016

Congrats on getting Kama, Rye. While I like her and all I need to save for Summer Okita so I hopefully have enough to get her. :)

Sakura Cartelet
Image Comments 23 Mar 23:53
joined May 28, 2016

FGO uses old guys like Moriarty so I don't think age is a limiting factor here.

Sakura Cartelet
Image Comments 21 Mar 21:21
joined May 28, 2016

I almost didn't recognize Ganyu without her horns.

Sakura Cartelet
Arknights! 21 Mar 11:37
joined May 28, 2016

I need more Chip Catalysts otherwise I can't promote W to E2. :( Or maybe I should grind Loxic Kohl for Jessica's E2 instead.

joined May 28, 2016

Noelle's birthday card is sure nice seeing how she wants to get better.

joined May 28, 2016

Here's another code for 30 primogems and 5 Blue XP books: SBNBUK67M37Z

Sakura Cartelet
Arknights! 20 Mar 14:22
joined May 28, 2016

Really? As far as I know Crownslayer's race is unknown.

Sakura Cartelet
Arknights! 20 Mar 11:08
joined May 28, 2016

I was thinking since Red likes fluffy tails and Suzuran has nine of them that would mean nine times the amount of pleasure since she (Red) has many more tails to fluff.

Sakura Cartelet
Arknights! 19 Mar 11:53
joined May 28, 2016

So many 3* operators during this banner. I got Ansel, Vanilla, Hibiscus, Kroos, Beehunter, Fang, Melantha, Steward, Podenco, and finally Blue Poison. Only Blue Poison was new although Beehunter and Podenco were nice for more potential. :)

Sakura Cartelet
Arknights! 18 Mar 19:41
joined May 28, 2016

I just looked through my operator list and found I had the following operators with max skill level with Operators marked with New are ones I got to SL7 today:

Cardigan (New)
Jessica (New)
Kroos (New)
Liskarm (New)
Orchid (New)
W (New)

I'm considering maxing out:
Adnachiel: SL5
Blaze SL4
Ceylon SL6
Gavial SL5
Grani SL3
Nightingale SL5
Podenco SL6
Shaw SL6
Silence SL5
Tomimi SL5

Any ideas of which operators I should do first?

joined May 28, 2016

Here's a new code for 60 primogems and 10K mora: GS6ACJ775KNV.

joined May 28, 2016

Too bad Mihoyo shut down the 1.5 Beta for the game thanks to people ignoring the NDA they signed when being accepted into the program.

Sakura Cartelet
Arknights! 13 Mar 16:58
joined May 28, 2016

I beat the main stages the last possible day of the event. Was farming the Rock stages to E2 some of my operators. Speaking of that today I promoted Liskarm to E2 and got her skills to SL6.

As for Orirons I still have the ones I farmed from Grani's event.

Sakura Cartelet
Arknights! 11 Mar 15:52
joined May 28, 2016

I got Tomimi with max potential and a decent amount of the shop cleared but didn't have the motivation or time to clear the shop.

Sakura Cartelet
Arknights! 11 Mar 07:12
joined May 28, 2016

I hope this hasn't been posted yet but Saria x Ptilopsis x Silence.

joined May 28, 2016

I'm not liking the event already. I mean Amber and Sucrose aren't options to date. Fischl's date scene would be pretty interesting as well.

joined May 28, 2016

The weekend was pretty good. I went to an pricey but good pizza place on Saturday. Went to Dairy Queen yesterday and got an item that was normally $5.47 for only 47¢ with a coupon.Had to buy some fries to use the coupon though.

joined May 28, 2016

I still hate the world level system and its related level scaling. Thankfully the next patch will let you lower your world level.