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Random Reader
Their Story discussion 19 Apr 19:08
joined Nov 30, 2011

Nez Note

I know you can just go over to Tumblr and see the current stuff, but please be mindful of the people who like to wait and read them in a batch here.

Or do you maybe want me to start spoiler-tagging entire comments and turn this into Fluttering Feelings II? Because I'd be happy to oblige.

I have refrained from posting here until it gets uploaded because of how things went with FF lol. I think it's best to clamp down on it in here. If feel if it becomes the norm Dynasty forums will get cluttered and it's already difficult to find threads as it is. (At least to me it is anyways.)

Random Reader
joined Nov 30, 2011

That's a helluva long update.

Random Reader
joined Nov 30, 2011

Not even close to being finished apparently. It's still very much on-going.

Random Reader
Manga General Thread 19 Apr 07:32
joined Nov 30, 2011


Did you see the new GotW update?! Things are fiiiiiinally heating up with the girls! and Jaegu is finally going to be taking things seriously.

Yeah that's great, the story is moving on and Dal-Dal vs Queen will be so badass... but Queen will have Jae-Gu and I so don't like the new guy for Dal-Dal T_T. He's like a perfect, normal and boring version of Jae-Gu... Her cute point is how she's always overexcited and moody but with him it will be calm and boring
She should get someone like Moon-Young instead, they became so much closer and a TsunTsun relationship is much more interesting

The more I see Dal Dal and what she just said in the latest chapter the more I feel that she really doesn't understand or get Jaegu at all. Let alone Queen as well though I think they're more acquaintances than friends, unlike Moon Young and Queen.

Didn't even fight =D

There are so many great moments throughout the story it's hard to say which one is my favorite (though the bench scene with the butler is damn near the top lol).

Random Reader
Aaaaaangst discussion 19 Apr 07:00
joined Nov 30, 2011

its less about being ostracized and more traumatized. ushio confessed to her former best friend when she was younger and ended up getting rejected and called disgusting by her.

Just made my way through the flashbacks and she said that she'd always been alone so probably a mix of both.

joined Nov 30, 2011

Also, Chapter 31 is the most romantic shit ever.

I know right!? It really is.

Random Reader
Aaaaaangst discussion 18 Apr 07:36
joined Nov 30, 2011

Aww, now I want to reread it.

Haha that's what I'm doing right now actually. And it really does seem to me that there is some sort of undercurrent of feelings with Ushio in regards to Sumika from what I can tell. I'm not close to the flashbacks yet but I feel like Ushio accepted Sumika's friendship over a possible love interest since she seems to have always been ostracized. (How it seems to me.) Anyhoo, I had forgotten how much fun of a read this one is... almost like a School Rumble for yuri....almost (and with a much more satisfying conclusion lol).

Random Reader
Lily Love discussion 17 Apr 06:14
joined Nov 30, 2011

It has less than stellar translation? Didn't really notice Oo... Either way, nice chapter.

Random Reader
Anime season 17 Apr 05:45
joined Nov 30, 2011

I just started watching Monthly Girls' Nozaki-Kun and am finding it to be hilarious and seems to hit all my favorite points of a rom-com.

And the manga is even better =D

I bet! And it continues on past the anime, I'm sure?

Random Reader
Collectors discussion 16 Apr 06:21
joined Nov 30, 2011

Dammit, I was posting in the forum, saw this thread updated, and rushed to the release page -_-.. I was so excited to see another update of this awesome series. Will have to wait for it now... however!! I totally agree, it's a very interesting but cute couple.

Random Reader
Stretch discussion 16 Apr 06:20
joined Nov 30, 2011

So if the candles were the correct number she's either 25 or 26 and Ran is 2 years younger. Don't know if they mentioned their age before.

I counted that too and wondered the same thing.

joined Nov 30, 2011

So, here is another essay by yours truly about a topic that's been rolling about in my head for a while. I have also wondered what others have observed and thought of. Also, I capitalized the main words when I'm talking about the words themselves and not in relation to other things outside of a romantic relationship (i.e. not, "I love green beans" but instead, "I love Hottie McChan"). Also, I am discussing this within the context of mangas/animes and nothing outside of them though this topic was finally fired up in my brain by the recent Their Story release on the translator's page.


So, I have always wondered this but, is it me or does the word LOVE get tossed around a lot and in a very nonchalant fashion? This goes for both het and yuri romances, I've only read a couple Yaoi but I have no clue how often love is used in that romance genre. To me, LOVE is a very hefty word to use especially in relation to other people, and especially so when it comes to romantic relationships. Often it seems that LIKE is completely overlooked and the same goes for INFATUATION which, in my honest opinion seems to get even fewer mentions than LIKE if ever.

More than half the time when I'm reading a romance, these two words are completely skipped over and the main/support character jumps immediately to LOVE and borderline obsession. To me, it looks like INFATUATION which is basically head over heels stupid mode (best illustrated in this scene from the movie Love & Sex) is actually being portrayed throughout most romances but is never touched upon. In fact, I'm beginning to suspect that I have yet to come across a romance where INFATUATION is actually discussed as is LIKING someone as well. Most conversations are as follows:

Best Friend-chan: "Do you love her?"
MC-chan: "I um... I DO LOVE HER!!?!?!"

Me: "Really?? You only met her literally 2 seconds ago and you love her? The hell?"

Granted, I tend to view things in a very different manner so this type of mindset is just really foreign to me. And I mean not foreign as in that's how people think in another country but just the thought processes behind it as I know people who are like that here in the States. Granted, I understand that sometimes the story must move along but it would be nice to see a progression through those stages and maybe some form of acknowledgement of them.

In the romances I have read in manga and seen portrayed in anime at the very least, I have almost always felt that LOVE was tossed around like candy at a 4th of July parade while also always being understood to have that serious weight of feelings behind it. However, its use is overused and I just feel like the word holds no actual meaning or weight to it. For example, why does a character almost always have to LOVE someone before they can go out with them and maybe why not fall in love with them after starting to date when they only LIKED them?

To me, it seems like these could add a lot more depth to pretty much, every romance story. The majority of the genre seems pretty stagnant with only a few really good stories here and there popping up as most seem to repeat the initial meeting moment and then quickly goes into one character crushing harder than the fist of an angry god. I am sure there are some exceptions out there but I have yet to find them. Now don't get me wrong, I enjoy my romance stories, I just wish I would see these three words and the actions surrounding them, the internal debates swirling about in the character's head, and even a discussion with a friend or family member on the matter would be a nice change of pace for once ya know.

Anyhoo, those are more or less my thoughts on the matter summarized as best as I can :)

Thanks for reading!

Random Reader
Anime season 16 Apr 05:31
joined Nov 30, 2011

I just started watching Monthly Girls' Nozaki-Kun and am finding it to be hilarious and seems to hit all my favorite points of a rom-com.

Random Reader
joined Nov 30, 2011


Some people read waaaay too much into this.

But then, I did the same with Stretch, or Citrus.. >///>

I'm not sure Ssamba delved that deep in the mind of her characters.

It's quite fun to read all these speculations anyway.

I admit it's a great way to cool off after a stressful week lol. And ha! I think everyone has speculated on those two at one point or another. And maybe she doesn't have too in the sense that they're simple enough to not need a very deep understanding of but maybe explaining that mindset to others is why all the debate is raging. And it totally is.


Goddammit! Another essay, wtf is wrong with me. SMH.

Wrong? I'd say you're at your best with it! In fact, you pretty much almost convinced me :) But I'll keep the "almost" with me, just in case :)

Doh! SoOooOOoo close!! ;-p ... And thanks for the compliment =]

The 'I got found out' and 'fucking embarrassing' could perhaps be because No-rae saw through his bravado. He doesn't actually have the balls to say 'directly' that he likes someone and has to resort to 'shameful tactics' such as getting them to open up to him via a bit of alcohol.

Granted it is coercive but it's not as horrible as the scenario that I had imagined when the new chapter hadn't come out yet.

I also agree with you 100% on the rumours thing. I think part of FF is about how rumours don't present an accurate representation of how someone actually is. Kyeong-woo may be the the 'king of fucking' or whatever but he's definitely far from a monster in my book. That would be like Seol-ah's ex who attempted to strangle her.

kyra, I couldn't agree more!

Never thought about the point on the whole rumors thing. Just seemed like another story where the popular girl gets shit-talked behind her back as happens in other stories. And I had figured that the info on Kyeong-woo was more factual since it was clearly someone who was close to him talking about how he was before college so it wasn't necessarily a rumor persay (given that the reader saw him looking at that photo on the phone and No-rae and to be on the DL and take their word for it).

Random Reader
Aaaaaangst discussion 16 Apr 05:17
joined Nov 30, 2011

guess its time for hard mode.

Fuck yeah ultraman!! XD Ahaha that April Fools was awesome.

Angst in Sasameki is a good kind of angst, because it adds depth to Kazama's character (which she lacked a little beforehand). Up to then, she looked like an airhead fawning over cute girls right in front of the only one that truely loves her.

I had always felt that it was simmering under Kazama's surface and trying to ignore Sumika. Tis how I always felt about her. Either way, it's a great series and agree about the aangst in it, never felt forced.

last edited at Apr 16, 2015 5:19AM

Random Reader
Citrus discussion 15 Apr 06:06
joined Nov 30, 2011

Heh, I've been experiencing and am almost the complete opposite of that post lol...

Well, you know... you still have to buy groceries, do laundry, wash dishes, fill tax forms... all the joys of real life. Maybe boring is not the right word. Dull maybe?

Well... I enjoy shopping for groceries (tend to do it when I'm hungry though... proooobably not a great idea), washing dishes, folding laundry, and taxes are peanuts compared to doing hw every week and studying for tests, and researching and writing papers then waiting for a grade, so... peanuts. ;)

Once you have settled in a relationship, it may not be boring in itself, but it's not like there's a dramatic turn of events every week.

Eh, things don't need to be dramatic to not be boring.

And that's why we love manga. There's always something happening.

Very true! Not to mention it's more exaggerated and kinda awesome ;)

Except 34-sai Mushoku-san. I don't think something remarkable ever happened in this one.

I have been wanting to read this manga for a very long time. * does a quick search * holy shit! Had no idea it was here!! C=- 0

Random Reader
Citrus discussion 15 Apr 05:09
joined Nov 30, 2011

In real life relationships, sometimes, nothing happens at all.

Daily boring life, you know. Like 34-sai Mushoku-san.

Real life doesn't have timeskip though...

How does one get a boring relationship and a boring life?? -_-

last edited at Apr 15, 2015 5:09AM

Random Reader
joined Nov 30, 2011

OH! A live action show?! That's what that is??

Random Reader
joined Nov 30, 2011

So... is it basically a photoshoot reenacting scenes from the manga? The pics are kinda creepy if you ask me O_o

Random Reader
joined Nov 30, 2011

So... what exactly did I stumble across here??

Random Reader
Aaaaaangst discussion 15 Apr 01:08
joined Nov 30, 2011

Would Shitsuraken count?

Random Reader
joined Nov 30, 2011

A couple of my favorites from Otsu Hiyori since everyone else mentioned some pretty good series.

Aqua Blue Cinema

Random Reader
joined Nov 30, 2011

Goddammit! Another essay, wtf is wrong with me. SMH.

Random Reader
joined Nov 30, 2011


I think his attitude last chapter is evident he isn't very innocent.

It neither proves that all he wants is to score and forget about her. Why make it so black-and-white? There's a huge range between being very innocent and absolutely despicable.

From the "tsk tsk" over Seol-a getting drunk to calling it "fucking embarrassing" after No-rae scolded him for using "shameless tactics" which obviously hit the nail on the head as he immediately admitted to himself that he was "found out."

I don't see how the "tsk tsk" is at all applicable here. To me that sounded perfectly normal for any person. Like "oh my". As for the "shameful tactics" and being embarrassed, again, it doesn't prove that all he wants is to score. The possibility that he likes Seol-A and wants to go out with her but relies on shameful tactics to make her his sounds quite likely and believable to me. Not saying that it's great, but I don't see how that makes him a monster or an absolute evil.

I kinda get at what you are saying but looking at how K-whateverhisnameis interacts with Seol-a tells me he really doesn't have her interests in his mind at all save for possibly only 2 moments. One very brief moment in the cafeteria where he thinks/says something like, "oh she looks happy" and then right now when she got totally shitfaced. Outside of that, he totally imposes on Seol-a nearly every chance he gets, never really giving her a lot of space (though it seems that guys almost always are doing that to her anyway). Also, most of the time she seems distracted, possibly distraught, and or trying to do her own thing and he seems to always be there for himself. The recent scene in the cafeteria, when she was clearly bothered by something between her and No-rae, should have been pretty obvious to pick up on but shows he really doesn't care too much about her. He goes on about a date to the movies instead of going, "hey everything cool between you and No-rae? She's your friend right? What's going on? You can talk to me about it." And if he really wanted to just get inside her pants, at least play up the goodie-too-shoes act a little more as he would have definitely gotten some brownie points out of it. (Just sayin.)

I mean, all he cared about was going on a date when Seol-a was showing clear signs of being distressed. This stuff only clicked with me when No-rae overheard those two guys talking and then him being vague about the convenience store pretty much was the aha! moment. I remember wondering why this guy constantly ignored an obviously troubled Seol-a on numerous occasions (judging by her facial expressions alone lol) but, now it all makes sense.

As for the "fucking embarrassing." Honestly, the only times I've ever heard guys react in a similar way was when they were found out to only be interested in fucking a girl and not actually trying to date her. "Maaan remember that gurl I was tellin you about? The one with the big titties I've been tryin ta fuck for the past month?? She figured me out. Fuuuuuck man so now I'm tryin a get at her friend hahaha." And if they did end up dating, 90% of the time he only cared about fucking her and less about actually dating her and also used her for things like food, money, rides, and or setting themselves up with the next girl (usually a friend or someone close to her). K-whateverhisnameis isn't at this level of douchebaggery but his reaction to No-rae says it all imho.

I can see why there is enough here to be vague about K's true intentions but at the same time there is enough subtle hints to say otherwise.

Random Reader
joined Nov 30, 2011

Love Fight had soooooooo much potential. I shed a tear everytime I think about what could have been.

Well the author is on here. Can always ask to see if they'll continue it at some point...