Forum › Posts by ZuljinRaynor

joined Jan 31, 2013

It's my favorite Arnold (and probably in general) movie of all time. :P

It's really thanks to the director's commentary that I feel this way about the movie. And it's why I hated the remake so much (because it was just a dumb action movie that just mimicked set pieces from the 1990 one).

Edit: And I don't get nasty! Unless it's a bad movie like Suicide Squad. :P

last edited at Aug 20, 2016 6:40PM

joined Jan 31, 2013

Looking back on the thread and I'm seeing someone use Total Recall as an example of a smart action film, and I'm like 0.o

Have you seen the directory's commentary for Total Recall? The (hilarious) one where Arnold Schwarzenegger gives a play by play of the events on screen and Paul Verhoeven actually talks about making the movie? Paul goes through so many details and things that I missed when originally watching it. Like why they decided on fade to white. Or the fact that one of the characters gives away all the events to the movie afterward.

The action in itself isn't smart, but the backdrop to the film is. The events that occur and the techniques placed throughout. Originally I thought the movie was real. Now I am convinced it is a dream.

Much prefer it to the Philip K. Dick original it is inspired by, though the ending to that made me go "Oh shit."

last edited at Aug 20, 2016 6:31PM

joined Jan 31, 2013

@ ZuljinRaynor

Everyone says that they don't like the third movie but I never really understood why... honestly, I like it very much. But I agree that the first two were the best.

Well, there are two versions of the 3rd movie, theatrical and the Assembly Cut. One of my friends likes both, but I know that the Assembly Cut is considered the better one and that it fixes issues the movie has.

joined Jan 31, 2013

You mean Toy Story: Animals Edition :V

last edited at Aug 20, 2016 5:27PM

joined Jan 31, 2013

@Utoptia, With Terminator I have a hard time picking between 1 and 2 because 2 is such an experience. The camera work, the set pieces, the scenes, the atmosphere, etc... everything is masterful work for an action movie. But although the T-1000 is terrifying, when Arnold is on the side of the good guys, some tension is gone (though the final sequence is still always very tense to me).

Terminator 1 has that feeling of dread and terror because the Terminator is the bad guy and seems to be unstoppable. Plus Kyle Reese doesn't look like a tough guy, Sarah Connor is a normal person... the odds are stacked against them. It's also a very well done action movie, but I always see it as way more of a thriller than an action movie.

The 3rd Alien is where she shaved her head.

joined Jan 31, 2013

Love that woman and totally agree with ZuljinRaynor on this. One of the best movies ever made! (Well... movie trilogy. Didn't like the last one)

I like the last one as just goofy schlock lol. It's bad but I enjoyed it. I like what happens in it... but the Newborn or whatever it is called was pretty iffy. It's got some bad dialog though. "Who do I have to fuck to get off this boat?"

Alien 3 I haven't been able to finish. I feel asleep. D:

I like Alien the most, even though I don't like horror films (Alien and The Thing are the only horror films I like, though I guess if you really want to you can argue The Terminator is a horror film too). Aliens is a great action movie, but I feel that takes away some of the fear and tension the first film had.

joined Jan 31, 2013

Takemiya's art is unique and that is why I love it.

Anime season 20 Aug 15:53
joined Jan 31, 2013


In all seriousness, yeah, nothing interesting.

One of my friends worked on that movie.

joined Jan 31, 2013

Morinaga's work (Girl Friends aside) leave me totally indifferent so I don't care at all.
Agree on the point that we need at least ONE good yuri anime. Girl friends has the foundation to be a good anime, tho I'd like to see an Octave, Hanjuku joshi or even a Gokujou drop adaptation too.

How about Kisses, Sighs, and Cherry Blossom Pink?

I would love Hanjuku Joshi as an anime. That series deserves it.

Anime season 20 Aug 15:37
joined Jan 31, 2013

I'll be watching Mobile Suit Gundam: Iron-Blooded Orphans Season 2.

joined Jan 31, 2013

While we're at it. What are your favorite movies then? Since you love 'em so much, maybe you could recommend something really good.

My favorite movies? Here are some of my favorites. I would say they are all good, some great, and maybe a few are masterpieces.

Total Recall (1990), Escape from New York, John Carpenter's The Thing, Alien, The Terminator, The Godfather, Lord of the Rings (though specifically out of the 3 Fellowship of the Ring is my favorite), Top Gun.

On a different note, is anybody excited for Hana and Hina Afterschool getting a Western publication? It's a bit of late news, but I just found out about it. I'm a bit hesitant to get it right away due to the possibility of an omnibus or two and the fact that it's an ongoing series that could taper off in quality like Gakuen Police. Either way, I'm pumped I get another excuse to support Morinaga Milk. I'm still hoping one of these days we get a Girl Friends anime or even a TV drama. Fingers crossed.

I'm excited about it. :D

joined Jan 31, 2013

I just like movies a lot and hope we could have more good movies. :P

joined Jan 31, 2013

Tell me, are you happy with how little he had to do in the film or do you wish he did more in the film?

last edited at Aug 20, 2016 1:24PM

joined Jan 31, 2013

He was a supporting/background character tho :/

The main characters were Flagg, Harley and Deadshot, I thought the narrative was clear with that. Maybe marketing deceived and made it seem like they would all be equally important but I didn't follow that.

Why is the movie called Suicide Squad then? The narrative did make it clear once they got to the second half, but why introduce everyone like how they did? Made it seem like they were important. But he was just an unimportant background character.

The marketing for the movie was awful though. Seems the same team that chopped up the trailers did the final movie by the looks of the final product.

The Expendables movies do a much better job with giving everyone a fair share to do even if they aren't the main villain and Sly and Jason Statham. Everyone on the poster does something and gets plenty of time to shine. They always feel involved and those movies are really dumb action movies that you only watch because of who is in it.

I don't think that definition of useful is really fair in general. An entertaining character for me doesn't need to justify their place in a movie. And killer croc was entertaining enough ("I'm beautiful")

One line and nothing else. I laughed too. He did not do anything else entertaining besides I guess watch TV at the end of the movie.

Just because it's not a smart action movie doesn't mean it's bad one either :/

Popcorn flicks exist to entertain, they don't have to be clever.

Except this one is a bad film. Is it a pop corn flick? I guess so, but it doesn't have to be. Marvel makes popcorn flicks too, but they do a way better job (for the most part, Thor 2 is boring as hell and I liked the first Thor though it is boring too) of making the story engaging as well.

Transformers is a popcorn flick. It can be entertaining, but it's awful. This movie isn't one of those dumb action movies that are good either. It's a bad movie.

He wasn't set up as a key character though, he got a far briefer intro than Deadshot or Quinn :/

Slipknot didn't get an intro because he blew up straight away.

I know. Slipknot didn't get an intro exactly because he was just for one scene.

Croc was set up as an important member of the team. So was Captain Boomerang. (They need to stop giving Jai Courtney roles in films.) Both of them barely do anything, exist to make a few funny lines and that is it.

I hope Justice League gives everyone a fair shot and it isn't again the Batman show like how Batman v Superman was.

joined Jan 31, 2013

Please tell me what useful things did Killer Croc do. How did he improve the story?

1 - He didn't have to "improve the story" it was an action movie with a few jokes, he just had to punch things
2 - Define useful
3 - or don't because I already said agree to disagree

If you remove him from the movie, nothing changes*. (Like how if you remove the Joker, nothing changes at all).

El Diablo didn't do anything until the end, but Croc didn't do anything at all. El Diablo was underutilized but still utilized. Croc was not at all. El Diablo was a deeper character with more complexities and he had an arc in the movie (as rushed as it was). Croc has no arc.

By useful I mean how did he improve the movie. What did he do that was so important and made the movie better? How did he make the movie more enjoyable? What did he do that was so critical? He was a main character in this film. But he was used like a supporting/background character.

Just because something is an action movie doesn't mean that you have to make a bad movie. It's stuff like that that gives the Transformers movies a pass. Action movies can be dumb action, but they can also be smart action. Take a look at the original Robocop or Total Recall. You don't have anyone introduced with their own introduction scene and then have them not do anything in the film.

Killer Croc got introduced with his own scene and does barely anything. Slipknot had no scene, just oh hey here's this guy so his role was done fine because he never was set up as someone important to this team and instead was set up to be a throwaway character.

Why set up someone as a key character and have him do nothing?

Still, it's a better film than Man of Steel and Batman v Superman because Zack Snyder is the worst for this universe.

*If you want to be meticulous, then yes you would have to change who swims under the big glowy light.

last edited at Aug 20, 2016 12:37PM

joined Jan 31, 2013

Captain Boomerang was awful (and useless) and Killer Croc was pointless. Wasteful use of a character.

Agree to disagree I guess :/

Please tell me what useful things did Killer Croc do. How did he improve the story?

Image Comments 19 Aug 23:58
joined Jan 31, 2013

I thought Roadhog was paired with Junkrat.

joined Jan 31, 2013

Suicide Squad wasn't that bad D:

I enjoyed everyone except like, Katana and Flagg D:

And Leto Joker was pretty bad :/

Captain Boomerang was awful (and useless) and Killer Croc was pointless. Wasteful use of a character.

And Leto Joker was pretty bad :/

Once again, we can not really judge it since 30 minutes of the joker were removed. Even if what I saw wasn't very convincing, I believe it gives a better impression in the director's cut.

He has no reasom to be in the film. Remove him and we have the exact same film with less pointless scenes.

Plus, the movie was boring enough at its length. I don't want to watch a longer boring movie. BvS was bad and boring and the Director's Cut fixes stuff but it is still too long.

DC mushes too many things together. Harley and Joker stuff should have been another movie.

DC just wants to rush instead of taking their time.

last edited at Aug 19, 2016 9:14PM

joined Jan 31, 2013

So happy to see some Nanzaki Iku.

joined Jan 31, 2013

I wish it wasn't called Prey. :(

last edited at Aug 19, 2016 4:59PM

joined Jan 31, 2013

I like my job a lot. I just hate the politics that happen way above me.

last edited at Aug 19, 2016 12:00PM

Saki discussion 19 Aug 11:50
joined Jan 31, 2013

Ritz OVA would be fun.

joined Jan 31, 2013

@Galich, I honestly don't know. I believe the executive overseeing the department did not like him but everyone else did. I don't know if it was performance based but I would think not.

I talked to him yesterday asking how it was going and ue said it was getting worse. Talk about unexpected foreshadowing.

I went with this friend to movies all the time. He was the one that took me out to see Suicide Squad for free like 2 weeks ago.

I hate seeing people get fired... but when it is a friend it is hard. Real hard.

joined Jan 31, 2013

Fuck, one of my friends at work just got fired. :(

Saki discussion 19 Aug 09:55
joined Jan 31, 2013

Shinohayu anime I would be down for so next time they do a game they can include them lol