Ah yes my favorite beer brand "Wife Beater." Honestly it just tastes like PBR
^ more like poke-y
Mochi always batting 100 out here
Oh boy this is gonna be a good one.
Also Happy Thanksgiving!
Lets hope she doesn't say too much else the last chapters are gonna take place in a jail
Looks like we're here for the long haul lads so strap in.
Imma be real they already had me at tomboy, but they kept me with the art style cause it is class.
Ya ever have one of those days, everyday?
Glad they came to a fitting agreement
All I'm 'onna say.
Must be good with her 6 fingers lol
Perhaps a slight inkling of a chance...
This does put a smile on my face
last edited at Nov 15, 2021 11:56PM
Well Damn that escalated quickly now didn't it?
Having a bit of a wardrobe malfunction there miss
Got that Grimdark Yuri
This shit is class, 11/10.
Hey I saw this on Twitter the other day, guess it was only a matter of time 'fore it was on here.
Ah she works at a candy company, don't suppose she has a side job as a white van driver too?
Ghat Damn she got brows thicker'n a bowl of molasses I like it.
I don't think this is professional behavior, but I'll let it slip just this once.
last edited at Nov 5, 2021 10:14PM
Looks good, 11/10
Wholesome zambonies
Well, guess thats one way to solve that problem.