One of my friends here continues her study in Economy faculty. Her faculty friends are more than 10years younger that her. One day one of these younger friends came to our office and asked helps for computer stuff. We are all amazed by how low is her skill and knowledge on technology. Obviously, she always has others assistance for her task that never did anything with words or excel. Now, she has to learn everything from the start. In her college age. Wth...
What amazed me more is that i heard she applied for job which obliged her to master office application. Do you think she already mastered it? No. She was rejected. This girl absolutely has no preparation for her future. However, my friends here said, "She doesnt learn from her mistake and she will always ask others help even for small things. But i do admire how calm she is in crisis."
I know that u are better than this girl. MUCH. But, try to be calm... U cannot do anything good in panics. It will only depressed you even more.. Sometimes u dont need to find the root of problems, but just focus on problem solving.
I am also easily panicked person. But i try to categorized things like this:
1. Urgent & important
2. Not important, but urgent
3. Important, but not urgent
4. Not important nor urgent
I usually just took a deep breath, concentrate and do my task one by one...
I dont know if this can help u, but it works on me...
last edited at Apr 18, 2016 6:17AM