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joined Jun 4, 2015

If it helps, Haruka has an ahoge, Kouhei doesn't

Don’t know how I missed that the first time, they even exaggerated it going back and forth lol but yes it helped a lot

Whether it’s guy in girl possessed body or not it’s still girl kissing girl which equals yuri to me. Same as any other gender bender is considered

last edited at Jul 16, 2018 5:03AM

Earth Girls discussion 14 Jul 15:20
joined Jun 4, 2015

Juna: Hey, you guys shouldn't be doing all this lesbian shit.
Looks at Katra
Also Juna: Shit, I'm gay.

Sums up the chapter pretty well actually lol

Ayakashiko discussion 12 Jul 16:43
joined Jun 4, 2015

Gotta say it was a bit cruel of kuuko to use yukime's crush on her as a advantage to get her to stay while still avoiding answering those feelings. A lot of different outlooks on their origin story, I liked it but def saw it as a bit tragic/depressing

MOMIZI ROLL discussion 15 Jun 12:06
joined Jun 4, 2015

Love the intricate details always put into the food. Momiji looks super adorable in the outfit to the village as well.
Must admit though had to look up Sakata Nemuno though and I thought I knew everyone XD

Did sakuya add her blood or something to hers? Honestly the punchline on this one might have wooshed over me on this one sadly

joined Jun 4, 2015

A great read, it feels like this pairing comes with more comedic jabs than seriousness sometimes, these are great to find

joined Jun 4, 2015

So if I understand this correctly, this doujin is taking the theory that Sumireko is Renko as opposed to just being her ancestor. That's pretty interesting actually, and I could see how that makes sense with Renko being a college-age Sumireko who's forgotten her times in Gensokyo. It also explains why Yukari looked sad when she sent her back to the Outside World, assuming that Yukari is a future Maribel.

There was one that seemed like maribel as a extension of yukari and her powers and if she went back to her maribel would cease to exist.

joined Jun 4, 2015

Is that latin "semper" for her arm tattoo?

joined Jun 4, 2015

I hope with this we're finally through with that-idiot-arc...

I wouldn't get my hopes up too much. This wouldn't be a Korea webcomic if not for the absurd pointless drama dragging on way longer than is reasonable or engaging.

Sad but def on point, we'll surely be seeing him again

joined Jun 4, 2015

What the hell? weird direction to go with i feel all of a sudden

Kodoku discussion 10 Sep 08:18
joined Jun 4, 2015

Gotta admit I'm a bit confused on this one

joined Jun 4, 2015

Don't know how i missed this one, a great read with a plot i haven't seen before. I'm not sure if Remi is reading them as she finishes one or if Sakuya has passed and what we saw was a flashback of sorts.

joined Jun 4, 2015

Always a lover of kogasa x sanae but this felt a bit different than usual.

joined Jun 4, 2015

Short but very cute

New Game discussion 07 Aug 07:59
joined Jun 4, 2015

I had thought Aoba had met the cat before this as well lol

Ayakashiko discussion 07 Aug 07:37
joined Jun 4, 2015

an amazingly cute chapter as always, embarrassed kuuko is bliss. whay to short though T.T needed another 20 pages XD

Ayakashiko discussion 05 Aug 07:00
joined Jun 4, 2015

Nene is totally checking out mahoro with her cat ears lol
I'm guessing her having to move might the height of the story with a hopeful happy ending. I can't place why but the color of her given ears seems off to me for some reason, maby because she has dark hair their stand out more. if they were darker like the color of her hair I think they'd blend in easier.

Kuromoko discussion 31 Jul 00:16
joined Jun 4, 2015

cute story, not close enough for mokouxkaguya?

Ice Cream discussion 29 Jul 07:52
joined Jun 4, 2015

dang, right in the feels T.T

joined Jun 4, 2015

very cute, though it doesn't feel like a pairing as much as just slice of life.

I like how fairies are depicted, born from nature. Innocent and pure with their fun but they mean no actual harm.

joined Jun 4, 2015

Very cute but need something more as a ending XD

Snack Junko discussion 08 Jul 07:04
joined Jun 4, 2015

I've seen a lot of translations as Clowpie for junko's nickname for herlately, on danbooru the moonrune readers use clowpy? Is the literal translation in the grey area?

joined Jun 4, 2015

What light?

The sun. Disturbingly close.

Tooru is known for having as much strength as she lack restraint.

The raw says "The river" I believe referring to the sanzu river. I saw my life flash before my eyes kinda thing

Image Comments 31 Mar 08:29
joined Jun 4, 2015


joined Jun 4, 2015

It does seem a bit depressing and sad but little Ran is so adorable that it makes it alright. esp since she's free at the end

joined Jun 4, 2015

Little Alice reminds me of Marisa when she's pouting, but her quietness reminds me of Alice