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joined Dec 18, 2016

GLORIOUS chapter. Mochi is the trope subverter we've all been waiting for.

joined Dec 18, 2016

^ It's open ended for readers' wild imaginations.

joined Dec 18, 2016

Mochi, despite the fact that you went down the cliche route this last chapter, I still love you & believe that you have a cute resolution waiting for us next chapter.


This jerk

joined Dec 18, 2016

"My fire is lit, if you know what I mean"

I'm dead.

So are they.

LMAO Out of all the awesome comments here, this one got me.

joined Dec 18, 2016

We all know Yuri fans are zombies and can't stop consuming it.


joined Dec 18, 2016

At least they get to do gay things with each other before the zombies break in and dine on them.

joined Dec 18, 2016

LOL Coincidence much? For some reason the fact that the thing on her shirt is a jellyfish didn't cross my mind until you pointed it out

To be fair, "kurage" probably doesn't hold the same meaning in Japanese.

I know, it's still a funny coincidence lol

joined Dec 18, 2016

Yuu's shirt literally says "jelly"(fish)

LOL Coincidence much? For some reason the fact that the thing on her shirt is a jellyfish didn't cross my mind until you pointed it out

last edited at Mar 28, 2017 1:04PM

joined Dec 18, 2016

Lol "insect yuri"

Well... aren't humans technically insects?

Gasp Such an insult to the insects.

We were insects all along. We just never noticed.

Everything I believe in is a lie.

joined Dec 18, 2016

I wish there was so much content for me to consume that there would be some real competition here but there's not.

So sad, but so true. The lack of original yuri series is agonizing.

whu? I mean I have my hang ups. I'm picky as hell. but I don't think I'd go as far as to call it agonizing. huh.

It's a hyperbole.

joined Dec 18, 2016

Yay! Realistic, consensual and mature insect yuri! Hopefully, the author makes this with love and care.

Lol "insect yuri"

Well... aren't humans technically insects?

Gasp Such an insult to the insects.

joined Dec 18, 2016

I wish there was so much content for me to consume that there would be some real competition here but there's not.

So sad, but so true. The lack of original yuri series is agonizing.

last edited at Mar 28, 2017 1:32AM

joined Dec 18, 2016

& TL is out! Thank you based 4s as always.

Great chapter. As we predicted, Mio isn't as perfect as Touko remembers. Tomoyuki's remark that Touko and her sister are nothing alike is a hard hit for her alright.
Touko is afraid of taking any more advantage of Yuu's kindness. Glad to see her becoming a bit more considerate of Yuu everyday, whether she even realizes it or not
Yuu's expression in the end. Poor girl. Probably a mixture of loneliness, worry, and also jealousy since she can tell something is up with Touko, but girl is by Sayaka's side instead of hers. She's been "secretly" upset about Touko holding back on her advances so Touko's further attempt at distancing herself is only gonna trigger her some more. Since next chapter is probably the last of the volume, I predict that Yuu'll come to term with her feelings somehow in it.
Title of the chapter, "導火," is translated here as "Fuse" though a friend told me that it literally means "Starting Fire." If that's the case, it's a really fitting title for the chapter.

last edited at Mar 28, 2017 12:37AM

joined Dec 18, 2016

The first panel of page 60 shows how she's entering the room and at the same time showing what she sees (I've seen it before in other manga), the mangaka is not an idiot to make a mistake like that. Stiff poses? yeah, but I'm already used to reading manga without perfect drawings (everyday since I started reading manga)... And the story, I'm entertained! very much, if you find it mediocre I guess we won't see you around here anymore because what kind of person willingly waste time with something bad?

I had to say that because when I was reading, it never crossed my mind to criticize the art like it's something that really stands out, I'm the one who can't see what's the fuss about it.

I'm used to seeing said technique when the characters are drawn over the panels and not a part of any panel, but yeah, you're right about page 60.

Mediocre =/= bad for me. Mediocre means it's average and why I said it's serviceable.

Since I'm reading a manga, the art is part of the presentation, so I do critique it in my head. That's just me though.

Anime season 27 Mar 18:58
joined Dec 18, 2016

Will SnK get full adaptation? I haven't kept up with the manga since Ymir left, so I'm not sure what's happening with YumiHisu aside from the fact that Ymir still hasn't returned yet. If it gets full adaptation, great. If not, call me when Ymir returns to marry Historia for real.

joined Dec 18, 2016

There are definitely some of issues with the art style aside from just bland BG & chara designs, such as stiff gestures and poses along with some perspective issues (like in the first panel of page 60). The biggest problem is probably how the faces and bodies don't match up quite nicely. The faces are pleasantly drawn while the bodies just look awkward sometimes because of the stiff poses. It's amateurish and basic, sure, but it's serviceable & tbh, this is a problem with a lot of mangaka & especially yuri mangaka in general, so I don't see what's the fuss about :/

Story-wise, yeah, it's choppy and mediocre so far. But ah well, still serviceable.

joined Dec 18, 2016

More Mochi plz

joined Dec 18, 2016

^ Apparently grey

joined Dec 18, 2016

"I don't know such a complicated color, sorry" LOL

Sawa & her flash mob idea was pretty funny, too xD

Anime season 26 Mar 14:00
joined Dec 18, 2016

yeah i loved it because it was a good show and a yuri ending would be great but still the show ended good.

this ending song still gets me right in the kokoro

The entire goodbye letter scene for full emotional impact:

Anime season 26 Mar 11:55
joined Dec 18, 2016

I just remembered shin sekai yori and now im triggered. these tears won't stop. Muffled Screaming

Because of the yuri?

Shinsekai Yori is freaking amazing in its own right even if the yuri wasn't the endgame. But yeah, I would've loved it even more if it had ended yuri somehow lol

joined Dec 18, 2016

This chapter looks freaking intense 0_0
Yuki-kun seems to have played the role we've predicted him to

last edited at Mar 26, 2017 11:43AM

joined Dec 18, 2016

That's it. I love this author.

Kase-san discussion 25 Mar 12:49
joined Dec 18, 2016

I'm pretty hype for the MV, tbh. Song is rlly nice, Kase & Yamada look great, & it's the only good yuri anime-ish thing that's coming out.

Hope that this is just the beginning & that full adaptation is coming...

joined Dec 18, 2016

Well, this author has pumped out pretty cute oneshots so far :o