How galette makes money:
As noted the primary source of funding is by crowd funding through Enty. Since the comic isn't monthly but only comes out at Comitia events, it doesn't need to take in as much money at a time, because the people who work on it have more time they can spend on other work elsewhere.
A lot of donations are at the ~$5 level. Since this gets a digital copy of the magazine, it's easy for overseas patrons like me to put money in and get something out without having to live in Japan or pay a ton of money on shipping. Since printing, distributing, etc. don't matter for digital works, that's a significant improvement of margins and a major reason why a decent number of long-run in yuri stuff has gone digital like Kase-san or Master and Mel. Basically means there are lots of people who put in an affordable amount of money and get the work.
Of course there's no upper limit to donations and some yuri fans of means have put more money into the project. There are higher tiers for that, and the special rewards have been "sign up at this tier for like 5 months and get a thing", so the likelihood of a major drop in funding is low at any given time.
Copies printed that aren't sent to backers get sold at Comitia events. Volume 1 I think may still be sold on Toranoana, or maybe it was Melonbooks. Forget which one it was and a bit too lazy to look right now.
last edited at May 21, 2017 11:51AM