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Random Reader
Collectors discussion 02 May 13:10
joined Nov 30, 2011

Sushi-boat sized shoes!!! XD....

Random Reader
joined Nov 30, 2011

Holy shit.

Random Reader
joined Nov 30, 2011

Have that on my Plan to Read for I while now but I'm always putting of reading it cause the ending sounds too fucked up.

Wh...wha...what is the ending??

Random Reader
joined Nov 30, 2011


But I've got nothing against decapitation, as long as it's in the books and not by Isis. >-> I love a good murder mystery after all (tho, I'm about 99% sure that you didn't mean it like that).

You clearly need more Warhammer 40k in your life. ;)


Rofl! Typical American prude syndrome in full action right there. I mostly read Epic and Dark fantasy. Former for politics and the multitude of ethics that can spawn from that. Latter because, loldecapitation and nekkid. No really, I wish I was kidding. In truth I'm half kidding =P.

LOL. Y'all think Americans are prudes?? I'm not gonna lie, I'm totally one, but most other normal Americans I know are sleeping with every Tom, Jane, what have you . But I've got nothing against decapitation, as long as it's in the books and not by Isis. >-> I love a good murder mystery after all (tho, I'm about 99% sure that you didn't mean it like that).

I meant that Dark Fantasy appeals to my most base of insticts, violence and sex. Slight bonus for what we call "the trainwreck".

Dark Fantasy is indeed, a beautiful thing.

But the U.S is prude, for the biggest porn consumer sure is prude when it comes to media and everyday life in general. Probably all that judeo christian value of sin, lust and shame.

And haha no disagreement there really. Though we objectify a helluva lot, we don't bat an eyelash at violence. Christian stuff gets butt hurt easily when they think it might be "attacking" their religion and sensibilities when they can ya know.... just ignore it. Most still think they can influence the country (and for some reason many still listen to them =/). But that entire issue is an unnecessary conversation to have here. I'd mostly be ranting half the time at how they keep holding us back. SMH.

Random Reader
joined Nov 30, 2011

15 years of soccer, 2 years of varsity track, and 2 years of volleyball in junior high. Thanks to those three sports, I have a major thing for sporty women. (Seriously, ever gone to a track meet?? You will never. Be. The. Same.)

As for hockey, I live in the Bay Area and don't root for the S.F. teams... so, I'm used to disappointment with everyone else lmao! The San Jose Sharks choking every year in the hockey playoffs, the Raiders sucking major balls year in, and year out (seriously don't know why people think every new season with be.... THE SEASON! They suck so much!), and then watching the A's just... I don't even know!

Thankfully! The Golden State Warriors are some how, miraculously the best team in the NBA! Go figure! After years of being the worst! Though.. tickets were cheap and you could buy nosebleed seats then walk down to the lower seats because no one ever went to their games lol! Now all these freakin bandwagoners appeared because OMGD#$I&^%*H the Warriors are teh bestsez! Where the hell were these people the past 10 years when the Warriors were the worst team around?!

Canadian football is awesome though! So much more low-key, entertaining, and less testosterone than the NFL. Also, watching the All Blacks in Rugby is just awesome! Hmmm...

Went to two World Cups, one was the Women's in the 90's and then the men's in Germany some years ago. Great stuff. Also, agreed about the US Women's National Team. We totally have a few hotties on it. Hopefully we win the up coming one! Need to continue to assert our dominance!

last edited at May 2, 2015 7:25AM

Random Reader
Stretch discussion 02 May 07:02
joined Nov 30, 2011

Guys, the big day has come, someone has published an excellent fanart in Pixiv, hopefully the next step is doujinshi, xd.

Fanart in Pixiv (NSFW)

Cannot see it :(

joined Nov 30, 2011

More converts!

Random Reader
Image Comments 01 May 01:17
joined Nov 30, 2011

Heh, thank you =]

Random Reader
Image Comments 01 May 01:17
joined Nov 30, 2011

Awww yesss... let the Korra x Asami just roll on in....

Random Reader
joined Nov 30, 2011


Omg. Random Reader that sure seems familiar :p

Indeed ;-) .... A bunch of folks on another forum kept going on and on about that damned series so I finally caved. NEVER AGAIN!!! (HUGE One Piece fan... not so much those other 2! ;p )



Another culture, you mean not Americans? Well, from where I come from, which is somewhere in Eastern Europe, that double-cheek-kiss would be ok accepted(probably)but generally shaking hands and hugs is the common way of greeting people.And when I was to the USA, I think I noticed some people definitely were a little surprised of how I greeted them xD

oh, yes, non-Americans. (Geez, I probably should have just said that. Mind blank. >__>). Yesss, your European country gets it (altho the fact that the cheek thing is accepted would mean y'all are less closed off than us Americans lol). And yeah totally! If you went to any (at least) moderately large city (San Fran, Houston, Chicago, New York), people most definitely would have been surprised. I think the larger the city the more likely you are to be "closed off" here, because my friends from smaller counties/cities are definitely more of the hugging-monster-type than anyone I've met from the big cities. But idk, I could be way wrong, that's just my experience.

Let's see, for American greetings we have:
Handshake - For greetings and sometimes partings. Between guys usually you want to be firm and out crush each others' hand while between men and women, you just want to be as normal as possible. Wet-noodle handshakers are thee freakin worst...same goes for people who have clammy hands as well. Now, combined. EEEYUCK!

The bro-hug - Where you shake one hand and then semi-hug with the other (never seen women do this, always guys).

Semi/half-hug - Where you are basically acquaintances after meeting through someone else at a hangout and you're not sure how to part, so you half-hug. It's like saying, we're not really close friends, friends, or total strangers but... we won't see each other again so to be less awkward for the person we both know best. SEMI-HUUG!!! (Awkward smiles and goodbyes included!) C:-D. Also, when between men and women the woman usually leans in and gives the man an arm and shoulder while craning her neck away from him but smiling at the same time.

Hugs - There are generally three types. The friendly hug where you use the upper body only but hug with both arms. Usually done between members of the opposite sex. Then the man hug (as I call it). Usually between two guy friends where they semi-chest bump and slap each others' backs loudly and say, "HEY man HOW YA doin!?" (Also use both arms in the man hug.) And finally, the intimate hug. Usually between people who are very close or lovers. There is either there is full body contact or borderline full body contact.

(American greetings as seen from the perspective of a male living in the S.F. Bay Area.)

On a personal note with greetings and such with me. I avoid groups of people like the plague. I migrate to the edges of the group and be at the back or trailing. Or if at a party, by myself, enjoying my best attempt at finding alone time before finding an excuse to leave. (Aah to be anti-social.)

As sad as it is, I think the only other thing I've read that I've enjoyed more was Harry Potter, although the ending broke my poor shipping heart IT WAS ALWAYS HARRY/HERMIONE DAMMIT.

I only watched the movies but I had always thought they were better together as well or, even just platonically as friends/sister-brother. Ron annoyed the hell outta me and I was disappointed he only came about at the end (from what I saw in the movies). You also say you could read 2-3 books per-day?! I have to ask, what types of books and length? My best was the same but only for fiction books (science fiction and fantasy) topping at 300 pages. When it comes to non-fiction it takes twice as long lol. (SOO annoying for school!!! lmao.)

last edited at Apr 30, 2015 8:10AM

Random Reader
Image Comments 29 Apr 17:16
joined Nov 30, 2011

@Anubis3200 and I suppose everyone else...
Well let's stop and take a look at Korra. She's completely different from Aang in every way possible. Not to mention people expected amazing things from her because many still remember Aang and his accomplishments. People who watched the show also had similar bias because they had expectations created by Aang so I've always felt many people expected this show to be juuuust like the first.

Korra was a gifted bender when it came to mastering the various elements (save for air because it completely conflicted with her personality). At the same time, all of these people had these huge expectations for her, wanted her to act this way, meet this ideal and those goals, and generally be the legendary avatar that Aang came to be. She was a teenage girl, cooped up in a training facility for most of her life with little to no knowledge of the outside world, completely naive and clueless to how it worked, and then expected to lead it after being unceremoniously thrust onto the "world stage?!" A large part of who she is and how she acted is not entirely her fault. Also, her enemies had plenty of time to practice bending and fighting benders and master their strengths and overcome their weaknesses. On top of that they all had knowledge of the Avatar and their capabilities. During Aang's time, no one had seen an Avatar for like, 100 years! Not to mention he tangled with fire benders the majority of his time during the show. Korra had to fight multiple, well skilled, very experienced benders and non-benders. The world was also very different. I personally think Korra had to deal with a helluva lot more adversity than Aang. She got thoroughly trashed in every season, was almost universally disliked, hated, and not trusted most of the time, and all the while struggled to come over a lot of personal hurdles and issues.

That is why to me, the best scene in the entire show is when Asami tells Korra that she has actually has done a lot of good, has positive qualities about herself and shouldn't just focus on her negative qualities or her failures. That scene isn't a KorraXAsami moment, that's just a damned good moment in general. Korra desperately needed to hear someone say that to her because she was leagues away from realizing that about herself. It had to be someone close to her, who has seen her at her strongest and at her most vulnerable. Asami was right there, encouraging her, comforting her, and providing her with strength she thought she had lost or maybe never truly had. This episode, "Remembrances" I think it's called, is usually dissed by the fanbase because it is a flashback episode but to me, it had some of the most growth for the characters in the entire show and this particular moment with Korra is the best scene I have seen in a long while in any animated show I've watched over the years. And for all the KorrAsami knuckleheads out there, I really don't understand why this moments is always forgotten. scratches head

Also, a few other factors many people seem to always forget. Korra was not supported the way The Last Airbender was. Airbender got twice as many episodes per-season whereas Korra had HALF of that. Essentially 2 seasons of Korra = 1 season of Airbender. The creators really didn't get enough time to stretch out the story, give more time for the individual characters, and explore more of the themes they wanted to delve into. 2ndly, Korra explored the relationship between the Avatar and the Spirit World, benders and non-benders, the Spirit World and the physical world, and the Avatar's role. The Last Airbender had to introduce us to the setting and Korra didn't have too so it was free to try other things and tackle different themes.

last edited at Apr 29, 2015 5:17PM

Random Reader
Image Comments 29 Apr 16:33
joined Nov 30, 2011

Weren't these two confirmed by some of the show's artists?? But because of TV blablabla they cannot be depicted as a couple or something? (I don't watch the show, just came across this info somewhere.)

Kate Leth, who works on the comic, says it's 100% they have had a relationship and it shows. I think the semi-official word is they were dating at one point but aren't actively going out during the time of the show. Been a while since I've read that though so I may have missed some finer details.

Oh! That sounds spot on to what I remember. Thanks :)

Random Reader
joined Nov 30, 2011

Citrus was long been kicked out of my favorites. I still follow it for the sake of finishing it and it's not something i look forward to.

If Yuzu breaks out the nine-yuri tails and Mei lets rip with the susaNOO-yuri jutsus, I'd start flipping shit. But considering Saburouta already used yuri-sibling jutsu in the latest arc, I don't have much more hope. Maybe if Yuzu sacrifices her life in front of Mei we might actually get some progression and then Mei resurrects her with the power Oneesama love... oh no wait. That'll just lead to no progression at all. My bad. Was getting ahead of myself in actually thinking that there would be any progression at all. ;p

Is there any way we can help the author? (Other than liking FF on comico and reading the release every week, spreading the word). I am not that familiar on how web released series work..i just don't want this to be discontinued like other mangas.

Doing that is just fine to be honest. Also, FF is popular enough that it would take divine intervention to get it canned. The worst is that the editors have the author drag it out and fill it with unnecessary crap.

Random Reader
Their Story discussion 29 Apr 16:18
joined Nov 30, 2011

Mophead is the kind of friend we want and the kind of friend we want to be.

Random Reader
Image Comments 29 Apr 16:13
joined Nov 30, 2011

Weren't these two confirmed by some of the show's artists?? But because of TV blablabla they cannot be depicted as a couple or something? (I don't watch the show, just came across this info somewhere.)

Random Reader
joined Nov 30, 2011


By the way, put me down as someone who thinks a confession is coming soon. I know Ssamba said there's a lot of story left to tell, but I don't think that necessarily means No-rae and Seol-a won't be in a relationship for majority of that story. Their acknowledgment of each other's feelings is just the beginning.

I hope we see them get together and then for the rest of it we see them in their relationship. I'm so tired of romances ending when the two get together. (That goes for hets as well.)

Random Reader
joined Nov 30, 2011

(ノಥ益ಥ)ノ ┻━┻

Even though I had an inclination it was going to happen.... My reaction was still....

Random Reader
Gamma discussion 27 Apr 09:47
joined Nov 30, 2011

Hikari hates avocados ... how could anyone hate avocados.

I does, anyway now we have an interesting concept in the latest chapter. Apparently in a world where villians and heroes are all around fictional superheroes are pointless....but the thing is in the marvel AND dc universe fictional superheroes DO exist, so I guess is a different take

Uh, I think those fictional superheroes existed BEFORE real heroes were born due to aliens coming to Earth.

Yeah. but it's weird that FICTIONAL superheroes were unthinkable even in a superhero filled world...let alone monster movies

can you imagine aliens in the future finding the ruins of earth and by accident they stumble into a store filled with star trek/star wars/scifi movies and thinking those could be documentaries?

Or thinking The Lord of The Rings is ancient earth history.

Lmao! That would be hilarious! Kinda like how the aliens in Galaxy Quest refer to our shows as "historical documents." XD... Though if they found the science fiction stuff, one would wonder how we collapsed lol. A greater mystery than Atlantis!

Random Reader
joined Nov 30, 2011

Lucy Lui is such a babe.

Chapter 32 rough typeset by Cold:

When the two are at the cafe, I feel like there is a word missing in one of the bubbles.

"But there also pioneers who create completely new paths, right?"

should probably be read as

"But there are also pioneers who create completely new paths right,?"

Still though, those last two panels are so awesome.

Seol-a's face is literally like, "aww shit, how do I explain this" GULP

And No-rae is just wigging out. Look at that hair popping out of the side of her head lol!

last edited at Apr 27, 2015 9:13AM

Random Reader
joined Nov 30, 2011


Random Reader:

4 hours later you look and feel like a zombie, peach fuzz in weird places, and somehow it's the next morning.

LOL. I UNDERSTAND. In fact, this last week was so bad, that I literally slept through most of Saturday. When I got up today, I was convinced today was Saturday because I couldn't remember anything that happened yesterday. orz

Ooooo... I'm going to be doing something similar to that tonight... NOT looking forward to it!! X_X

And possibly history buuut I may lean towards something more profitable in the long run. Dunno right now but it's going to happen. And I did receive my B.A. in history. The stories I could tell about our writing comp teach lol. 30 started the semester. 15 left after the first paper, and possibly 10 or 12 stayed until the bitter, bloody, end. XD... But history really depends on the teacher and how you study it. But read biographies and look into books about certain time periods, people believed, thought, and did some preeetty crazy things! It beats boring memorization. I hated that too. A terrible misrepresentation of the fun that can be had in studying history. Ex. A German king in the Middle Ages didn't like a Pope bossing him around so he told the Pope to shove it. Pope got jelly and called a Crusade against him. Nobody answered! XD... Or the French coffers were empty and they were in debt so they looted and pillaged the Templars for their phat loot.

....WOW. That's like...30% retention rate?? Dude, kudos to you, that's rough. LOL. That sounds kinda brutal, and actually a lot like some of the video games I've played. Interesting, lmao. Maybe I'll pick up a biography over the summer. We'll see if my opinion on history changes at all. :P

Lmao, not even the best part. Getting a C was the equivalent to getting an A. If you got a B in her class you had achieved god-like status! If you got an A we'd kick you the fuck out. We didn't want none of your shit lol. NSFW --> Then one day she did a boob drop i.e. grabbed her boob through her shirt, lifted it, and let it drop. SCARRED. FOR. LIFE.

Info science is archiving, records management, and library type stuff. I mastered in archival and records management. Studying to be an archivist and all that. Cool stuff! For example, I handled an early recreation of The Great Wave from around...errr...the mid-late 1800;s, a book printed by Benjamin Franklin, and a book from... 1586 Leipzig Germany, amongst many other very cool stuff.

OH. THAT ACTUALLY SOUNDS REALLY COOL!! It kind of reminds me of the stuff from the Da Vinci code! (Ah, I'm totally not trying to trivialize your work tho!!). But restoration work? I remember reading something about that being done via tapestries and it taking obscenely long periods of time.

Not at all. Da Vinci Code is really cool and I could totally see people doing that. (I've done it myself lol.) And yeah if I have too. Right now I mostly just do minor maintenance as I don't have the training or experience to restore stuff yet. I just remove rusty staples mostly.

What do you plan to do with Chem Eng.??

Random Reader
joined Nov 30, 2011

A wild Seol-a appeared and casts befuddlement on No-rae. It's super effective!

Random Reader
joined Nov 30, 2011


Random Reader

Oh! whew!! I was about to say!! Lol. I know most finish grad school around 25 so that seems right ;-p. I'm in my last semester of grad school myself. Only a few more weeks left and just wrapped up my portfolio. But I'm finishing at 27 unlike you -_- .... Went to a JC, then a 4 year, and finally Grad school. I'm gonna take a break from school. So fucking burnt out @_X... Going to go back and get a 2nd masters in history or possibly an information science. But... I'm done for now lol.

DUDE. I'm jealous!! You're graduating! I totally don't blame you for being burnt out though (I'm honestly impressed you put up with so much schooling and you want to go back for more), half of me just wants to throw all my papers into pit and set everything on fire, and I've only been in grad school for a year. -_-;; UGH. HISTORY THO? History worst subject (wait, I take that back....econ is worse, but history is a close second). All the dates....everyone looks the same!! and worst of all, the people!! for the exact same reason! Henry the Fifth, Henry the Eight, I can't keep track! sorry off tangent tirade there. >->

Yup! Been in grad school since 2012! And yeah, I do. A 2nd masters would be very helpful. And lmao! I know what you mean! There are days where you sit down and just go...awwww fuckit. Not in the mood. 4 hours later you look and feel like a zombie, peach fuzz in weird places, and somehow it's the next morning.

And possibly history buuut I may lean towards something more profitable in the long run. Dunno right now but it's going to happen. And I did receive my B.A. in history. The stories I could tell about our writing comp teach lol. 30 started the semester. 15 left after the first paper, and possibly 10 or 12 stayed until the bitter, bloody, end. XD... But history really depends on the teacher and how you study it. But read biographies and look into books about certain time periods, people believed, thought, and did some preeetty crazy things! It beats boring memorization. I hated that too. A terrible misrepresentation of the fun that can be had in studying history. Ex. A German king in the Middle Ages didn't like a Pope bossing him around so he told the Pope to shove it. Pope got jelly and called a Crusade against him. Nobody answered! XD... Or the French coffers were empty and they were in debt so they looted and pillaged the Templars for their phat loot.

Don't know too much about information science that like M.I.S. (business related?)?
What's your current masters in?

Info science is archiving, records management, and library type stuff. I mastered in archival and records management. Studying to be an archivist and all that. Cool stuff! For example, I handled an early recreation of The Great Wave from around...errr...the mid-late 1800;s, a book printed by Benjamin Franklin, and a book from... 1586 Leipzig Germany, amongst many other very cool stuff.

What are you studying?

I'm doing chem engineering right now. It's both awful and fun at the same time and I don't even understand how.

I have heard the horror stories.

Random Reader
joined Nov 30, 2011


Random Reader

No, it's definitely not normal to be finishing grad school at 23.

LOL. I'm not finishing at 23 (I wish. My youth.)! I'll be done at 24, which is about normal for a Master's degree I think. :)

Oh! whew!! I was about to say!! Lol. I know most finish grad school around 25 so that seems right ;-p. I'm in my last semester of grad school myself. Only a few more weeks left and just wrapped up my portfolio. But I'm finishing at 27 unlike you -_- .... Went to a JC, then a 4 year, and finally Grad school. I'm gonna take a break from school. So fucking burnt out @_X... Going to go back and get a 2nd masters in history or possibly an information science. But... I'm done for now lol.

What are you studying?

last edited at Apr 26, 2015 6:18PM

Random Reader
joined Nov 30, 2011


1) Does the schooling work differently in Korea? No-rae is in college, and she's 23 and she's the same age as Seol-a and everyone else, right? I'm finding that super weird, because I'm turning 23 this week, and starting the last half of grad school (which is normal in the States)...

No, it's definitely not normal to be finishing grad school at 23.

Random Reader
Citrus discussion 26 Apr 09:41
joined Nov 30, 2011

Found this page on tumblr

I'm just like Yuzu, the joke wnet over my head :v

I don't think there waaaas a joke. Maybe just Mei feeding Yuzu and Yuzu's head poofing or whatevs. Didn't see any joke so that's my best guess.