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joined Oct 19, 2022

Of course the Potter would be sorted into the College of Light.


joined Oct 19, 2022

Nice rant. Fully agree. Felt you'd wish to know.

Agreed. I didn't have it in me. I write enough here, as it is.

For gossake dude how butthurt are you? You're turning the thread into a circus of you you you. Just drop it already.

joined Oct 19, 2022

I suspect the editor told the author to stop playing around and go back to formula asap.



I had forgotten about this tender moment between Liz & Maki. Lol, did it make the readers angry!

So... the formula is making the readers angry?

joined Oct 19, 2022

I suspect the editor told the author to stop playing around and go back to formula asap.


Wow, ohmygod, haha. XD

joined Oct 19, 2022

Was this plotline axed? I get a feeling like somebody told Sal Jiang to rush through this arc and move to the next posthaste - to try and salvage the story.

Ikr, where the angst?? I feel we were robbed of the "Awww poor baybees!" that we rightfully deserved!

They should've had at least one date at the lesbian bar. Interact with the older ladies and get us some commentary from experienced lesbians about the way they're dealing with their problems. I suspect the editor told the author to stop playing around and go back to formula asap.


joined Oct 19, 2022

Excuse me for this naive question, but... these girls are Kyou and Mion, right?
Who the eff is Daisy??

joined Oct 19, 2022

Nobody mentioned it yet which is curious because I think it's an important point: after being dumped by Midori, the first thing BF-san did was grab his phone and call his (many) lovers to come to his side and comfort him by means of wild sex.

Too bad for him that the girl who was with him at the bar (when Kyouko snapped) has obviously spread the juicy gossip around; and all his cheating partners sensibly decided to stay clear from the awful break-up mess going on.

joined Oct 19, 2022

This is a 404: Men Not Found universe. Males have gone extinct. Babies are born in roses or brought by storks. Even married women with children (like Hana's mom) crave pussy.

In a world like this one, when you're a smoking hot woman like Akira, how fucking useless do you have to be to lack sexual partners?

joined Oct 19, 2022

Murasakino-sensei is one of my fave mangaka! And knowing her previous work I am pretty much sure the characters are going to suffer and we are going to suffer too. (And we will love it like the big Ms we are!)

joined Oct 19, 2022

I know another yuri series with an older main character: Korean manhwa Love Thy Neighbor. Google-search for it if you want to try.
The 2 women in the main roles are Doyeon, a 20-something college student, and Jinju, a woman of 40 or 50 who looks even older because she's had a tough life : she's been married for 20+ years to a creep who always made things hard for her and in the end he ran away and left her with a shitload of debt. Jinju loses her apartment and Doyeon, who is her next-door neighbor, lets her stay at her place ; and in this way the setting for yuri is established because, as the title says, this story is about loving thy neighbor!

joined Oct 19, 2022

I feel bad for Koharu when she walks into the pigsty that is Ayase home. I do love that it seems were slowly getting some romantic kind of progress with the way Koharu has been acting recently.

We don't have much data on Koharu but we do know one bit of gossip: she is attracted to useless people who can't take care of themselves. This was revealed the first time they had a chance meeting at the supermarket. Koharu has a big sister who she loves very much, and this sister is a walking disaster who can't do anything by herself; and Koharu got used to caring for her incompetent older sibling. After this sister left (to a college dorm, or maybe got married) Koharu started living alone with her parents. That's when she met Ayase. If we want to psychologize we could say Koharu transferred her feelings for her sister to Ayase, but I doubt the manga will ever go into any such deep analysis.

Anyhoo: the given situation is that the more Ayase makes a mess of her life, the more Koharu will feel attracted to her. That's why letting Koharu into her pigpen of a room is actually a good move romance-wise. Same with her binge drinking and her inability to provide herself with proper meals. The more Koharu feels Ayase can't survive without her, the more Ayase will worm her way into Koharu's heart and the closer we'll get to a romantic happy end.

Also Daphie you're amazing as always thank you!

Thanks for everything!

joined Oct 19, 2022

So... Rina will now cajole Miyako into having sex with her, because she believes nookie with her is SO CRAZY GOOD that it will make Miyako fall head over heels for her?

I believe a Sheriff Bart x Lili Von Shtupp moment is coming.

I dunno, I don't know if you're right... but if you are it will be De Epic Stuph!

joined Oct 19, 2022

It brought flashbacks of Club Amour, a yuri series I read online a while ago. Daisy thinks she's doing well with her bf but they never meet or talk unless he calls first, and it's always to take her to a bar or a café and then to a hotel. Dana tells her he only cares about her body and Daisy starts to worry. On their next date, after dinner, he wants to go to a hotel and have sex but Daisy says she doesn't feel like it and suggests doing domething romantic like walking hand in hand and catching the sights. He goes apeshit. "What's your problem, didn't I spend enough today or what? You're just a cum dump, I wanna FUCK!"

A few details aside, it's the same pattern of what Makino has just done.

joined Oct 19, 2022

In Maoist China, blue-leaved climbing plant turns into little hearts to match romantic mood and nobody has to bring about anything!!!

I didn't notice the "cloud of hearts" effect that the leaves create around Xingyuan's head until you pointed it out. D'oh. I guess I'm dumb. :/

joined Oct 19, 2022

Too pure. WAY too pure.
Somebody pour some slimy sleaze into this relationship ok plz thx.

No!! ◺_◿

Omajinai discussion 26 Jan 23:31
joined Oct 19, 2022

Oh I know, stop using the power of alcohol to express how you feel. This trope is so frequent in Japanese and Korean yuri story that sometimes I wonder what would they do if alcohol didn't exist ?

Ever heard of Truth in Television? Well, this is Truth in Manga. (⌒◡⌒)b

Big truth. Old truth. Universal truth.

Always, all through history, everywhere in the world, for as long as mankind existed, humans have used booze to lower their inhibitions.

Saying "oh no not this trope again" is like saying "oh no a story about humans again, I want to read about martians!"

On another note, it's my first time seeing a character contend the maturity of another character (and thus their capability to feel and understand adult love) with the argument "You look inquisitively into shoujo manga!" I got a good laugh out of that one.

Actually I'd be grateful if someone explains that line to me. I don't get the idea. Maybe it's the word 'inquisitively' that I'm reading wrong.

joined Oct 19, 2022

Well not surprising this is how it ended up developing, but we'll see how it goes lol.

Downhill most likely. There's no way in hell Maron will say yes right after we found she thinks of Makino as a random customer and not even a real friend.

joined Oct 19, 2022

Kaoru will never NOT come off creepy to me. She's just bad news all over and I wouldn't want her anywhere close to me.

It's going to be double counting with mg1342mg ? your nightmare is going to come true because the author of the manga has absolutely not the same objectives as you concerning kaoru and mask...You behave like a nuisance on the forum...The author decides what will happen and your opinion is of no importance.

Who the fuck is this retard? Two commenters express their opinion on a character in the manga, he throws a hissy fit and launches a personal attack against them—and spouts all these kindergarten-level insults at them.

And I'm not 100% sure but I think this same user had done it before. I'm almost certain it's not the first time he goes on a war of personal attacks against other users, always because of a character he's obsessed with.

Is there an admin somewhere around? We could use some moderating here.

joined Oct 19, 2022

It means you're gay.

Miyoshi: "Omg you guessed right! You're psychic!"

joined Oct 19, 2022

It's as if you went into a wine shop and they only had champagne

A world where you try to buy strong dark red wine but they only can sell you some bubbly colorless guck would be a horrible dystopia. /shivers/

joined Oct 19, 2022

So what was with Mahiru? Was she trying to protect Mahiro's innocence by distracting her with car talk?
It might have been a coincidence, just them being random as it often happens, but clues before suggested Mahiru is becoming more thoughtful and aware of adult stuff.

joined Oct 19, 2022

wait, did a linguistics argument sorta start here? and it seems like one between prescriptivist and descriptivist factions.

Nah to be a prescriptivist or a descriptivist first you need to know linguistics. You need to have studied science and the scientific method.
This is between people who understand science and people who flunked English and Math at school and now are at war against the dictionary and basic arithmetic. And call others (I quote) "really dumb" and "astoundingly silly".

last edited at Nov 15, 2022 9:39AM

joined Oct 19, 2022

I can't believe she didn't rip that hood off the head of the witch.
It's the first thing I'd have done.

When some super sus character who has been doing fishy shit talks to you with her head bent at a 45-degree angle and a ridiculous hood hiding half her face, you WANT to see her face! Just to find what all the mystery is about! Or is it just me?

joined Oct 19, 2022

Onibi a bit embarrassing in this chapter. She tries to get a spider to bite her thinking that she will gain same powers as Spiderman. If she was a comic nerd boy, younger that 7 years old and a little bit dumb, I'd understand.

Spiderman comic is popular in Japan? She knows it really well. She even knows Midtown, that part surprised me.
Edit: Unless that line was a translator joke?

last edited at Oct 30, 2022 2:52AM

joined Oct 19, 2022

This will teach me to read the tags before reading the comic.