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joined Aug 10, 2021

An Aside told to you or Monologue woven for you (Kimi ni Tsumugu Bouhaku) is finished?? can I read it online anyhow or do I need to buy it.

Future discussion 21 Apr 15:13
joined Aug 10, 2021

Too short, too short.
Depressing mangas are always too long and these are too short... T.T

joined Aug 10, 2021


joined Aug 10, 2021

Ah there was this oneshot of a school theatre. Where a girl is always the prince, who fell in love with the girl who is playing princess, only to realise he has a boyfriend. Later on, on the theatre, the princess kissed and was revealed that her boyfriend is her brother. Can't remember the name at all. Help!

Okay found the manga on mangadex, not in dynasty.

The manga is 'Can I Kiss You', Korean one. If anyone is intrigued. They can check it.

joined Aug 10, 2021

Ah there was this oneshot of a school theatre. Where a girl is always the prince, who fell in love with the girl who is playing princess, only to realise he has a boyfriend. Later on, on the theatre, the princess kissed and was revealed that her boyfriend is her brother. Can't remember the name at all. Help!

joined Aug 10, 2021

There is an AMAZON box and no one noticed, how the heck lol

joined Aug 10, 2021

Well I just read this because it got featured... and honestly it's way too idiotic for me to take seriously, especially since it really tried to be serious. No high school kids can possibly be this dumb as to believe in some nonsensical curse to the point of being so scared (and they even have a repelling charm ready lmao).

You just don't know how idiotic this world could be.

joined Aug 10, 2021

This looks amazing, hopefully not a letdown!

joined Aug 10, 2021


joined Aug 10, 2021

I am still waiting for a sequel smh

joined Aug 10, 2021

If I knew, I would have gone to Japan and would have rode the same bus. :C

nothing discussion 07 Feb 07:20
joined Aug 10, 2021

Sorry to be an idiot, but can anyone told me what does the last panel means? Can't really understand.

joined Aug 10, 2021

Just kiss already.

joined Aug 10, 2021

Now this is cute.

joined Aug 10, 2021

One thing: SEQUEL! SEQUEL!

joined Aug 10, 2021

do you guys know where can I read this?

joined Aug 10, 2021

I am new to this so sorry for posting this on wrong thread.
I really want to find this, do you know where to read this
To Become an Adult
Alt title: Otona ni Narutte Koto

Yurikon discussion 25 Jan 13:31
joined Aug 10, 2021

Is there a link in pastebin for the chapter 10?
If anyone knows, send the link please then I'll edit
I found the ch 9, now I want the ch 10 to finish the series.

Do you have chapter 9 and 10? can't find anywhere :C

joined Aug 10, 2021

This was really good, sometimes dark romantic stuffs are really good.

joined Aug 10, 2021

Where is the badass mountain deity kiss?

Communism discussion 09 Jan 05:49
joined Aug 10, 2021

Actually, there are only 4 countries that can be labeled as communist. PRC, Cuba, Laos and Vietnam.

Late reply, but PRC is only Communist insofar as it's run by a "Communist Party". When they dismantled their universal health care and have multiple market-created billionaires running around, it's hard to call them communist or socialist in any meaningful sense. One could argue that no Communist country has actually been socialist but some faked it better than others.

Couldn't agree more. Some progress towards it has been made on countries with leftists reforms, but sadly due to constant warmongering, coups, infighting and economic blockades a truly socialist country has never existed.

Kinda true. The country who was the closest was the soviet union under Lenin.

Communism discussion 09 Jan 05:47
joined Aug 10, 2021

Hello Comrades.

Lily System discussion 03 Jan 15:06
joined Aug 10, 2021

I think its impossible to say any one thing happened for sure, but the mention of the lillies being poisonous to cats immediately followed by them both eating one and kissing seems to point towards a double suicide to me. But who knows. I really enjoyed this one either way

I thought this too but I don't want to interpret this story this way. The story was very puzzling yet intriguing. I would like to interpret as that sci-fi shit thingy devoured them and now in loveland.

joined Aug 10, 2021

I am still rooting for Shiori.
I like these heartless villains, who cares about good souled people, heartless people are ruling the world. >:)

On a serious note, I need more background of Shiori.

joined Aug 10, 2021

I am the most interested in Fuuko just for the one line " I am not the number one" when Yuni asked about her parents. I expect somewhat of an interesting back story.

And for Nanase, no problem in pursuing your dreams which is volleyball but you gotta give some attention to your partner, just a bit especially on the special days.

Very interesting.