Apparently I'm the one whose presence is turning everyone gay in my group of friends (obviously they're joking) but as there's only my friend and I who are the females, they are all super cool with yuri. As you know, yaoi is directed towards girls and yuri for boys.
My best friend may be into yaoi but at least she allows me to ramble on about yuri alllll the time and in turn, I listen to her yaoi talk. I've got it good apparently. (But definitely no talking about that stuff in front of the normies, nope. Everyone will think I'm lesbian and single me out (even though I am))
I wish my friend was like that too, she's into yaoi and I'm into yuri, but the thing is, she hates it when i start to ramble about my yuri QAQ
We can all relate on this manga, I think...
Edit: Also, I think(no not think, they're both actually) that of them are mangakas because of the cover art but since I also read it on pixiv, hehe