blargh201 posted:
I feel like I've seen a similar plot elsewhere (not a condemnation, just a remark). The other one involved one of the couple dying and their lover went back to meet them in high school. It may have been het, though, the more I think about it....
One problem I have with the plot: what does the future Akira do now that her girlfriend is gone to the past? Can't wait to see where this goes. Black-barred out of caution.
Time travel is always a problem when you think about it, maybe when she gets back (if she can go back) it will be exactly one minute after she left in the future, or even a second later and everything will be changed... There's really no reason to keep Akira waiting because time is only going forward in the past, btw at this point in my reply I'm already confused.
Well this depends if the manga is going to go with time travel or alternate dimensions time travel, I hope it is the second because if it is the first it means that pure has to go back in time and that was already a part of history of her going back to meet her in the past or it doesn't work. I've done philosophy of time travel and I kinda hate time travel stories now.