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joined Aug 6, 2015

Operation Stork is one military campaign I can get behind.

joined Aug 6, 2015

This story has always been why Alice x Mystia is locked in my top 5 Touhou pairings.

joined Aug 6, 2015

The shoe is on the other foot for our main pairing, and it's glorious.

joined Aug 6, 2015

Try not to ruin one of my favorite Saki pairings next time, dude.

Untitled discussion 28 Aug 14:54
joined Aug 6, 2015

Best pairing. I wish there were an infinite number of works, but sadly I've read them all. Here's hoping either a 3rd season of the anime is eventually released or the 4-komas are adapted so the fandom gets revitalized.

joined Aug 6, 2015

That feel when the whole community roots for the Botan end, but the author probably won't give it to us.

New Game discussion 10 Jul 14:58
joined Aug 6, 2015

Getting close to a lesbian sidecouple tag. Kou just needs to stop being dense.

Ayakashiko discussion 15 Jun 20:50
joined Aug 6, 2015

Nekomata x MC pairing is the true yuri! Don't let someone else weasel their way into your spot. Hurry up and realize it's lub.

joined Aug 6, 2015

I ship Kogasa and Sanae. I dunno why, but they fit.

joined Aug 6, 2015

Good concept but it feels really sloppy.

Yeah. Needs more time and more detail.

Might be a fun read and worth keeping up with just to see how crazy things get.

joined Aug 6, 2015

Well... that's one way to get me to read chapter 2. I've got to at least find out what the heck is going on.

joined Aug 6, 2015

More Kaguya and Mokou is always a delight.

joined Aug 6, 2015

Gone from unrequited line to a triangle. Gunna be a full Dodecahedron before all is said and done.

joined Aug 6, 2015

Wow, way too lewd!

NSFW! Where are the tags? I'm gunna lose my job!

joined Aug 6, 2015

Sad to see this end, but at least it went out on a high note.

Yuru Yuri discussion 16 Apr 21:21
joined Aug 6, 2015

The troll balloon.

This may be one of the best chapters in the series.

Towakano discussion 16 Apr 21:15
joined Aug 6, 2015

Homura with the ultimate fakeout at the end.

joined Aug 6, 2015


Will they begin their relationship in earnest, or will something come up to hinder them? Will the past statement of "I definately won't make a move on her" hold things back, or will it be overcome? More importantly, though. What kind of teasing will these two be in for if they actually get together?

joined Aug 6, 2015

Great series. I'm so happy that she found her place in life.

joined Aug 6, 2015

I'll recognize that the art style is bad, but I think this series can go places. From a gamer standpoint, I'm liking this better than New Game! as it seems to at least talk about game development somewhat realistically. It certainly couldn't go into every aspect of game development, but what it does get into is treated more seriously than New Game!

I like that the MC isn't willing to jump into a relationship at the first sign of interest. I think the goal of aiming to be on equal footing with a potential partner is really important. I personally think it's really important to avoid an imbalance in the power dynamic of a serious relationship. I don't believe in dating someone with more or less power than myself as I feel that it open the door for a lot of problems down the road (like dependence or abuse).

I realize that this is fiction and that relationships with imbalanced power dynamics can be cute or interesting to read, but it feels good to see an MC trying to avoid that kind of imbalance. The romance will take longer to get to, but it'll be better for it.

joined Aug 6, 2015

dat soft longing, jealous stare at the end.

A couple more chapters until the explosion, one way or another.

joined Aug 6, 2015

I hope Taplis being bribed with pictures of Gabriel is a thing that comes back soon. That'd be a pretty nice reoccurring gag.

last edited at Mar 29, 2017 10:07PM

joined Aug 6, 2015

Oh hey there mr. trope. I thought I left you for dead in that ditch out back. Guess you're still kicking and making my reading time miserable. Wish you'd stay dead.

joined Aug 6, 2015

I really hope Mochida remains the (arguably) supportive friend like she is now. I feel like those are rare. More yuri series need characters with friends that actually support and encourage them rather than friends that turn out to be frienemy love interest BS.

Their Story discussion 27 Mar 00:55
joined Aug 6, 2015

This remains one of my favorite series on the site, even if this basketball game is going to take half a year to get through. lol