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Their Story discussion 09 Nov 19:30
joined Sep 4, 2014

Anyone read the chapters released today?

It's HAPPENING the art and colors are gorgeous too. Cant wait for more

Can't stop the happening train!


Maple Love discussion 05 Nov 22:58
joined Sep 4, 2014

Haha right I always reread this ^-^ this really is one of my favorite works of otsu

last edited at Nov 5, 2015 10:59PM

joined Sep 4, 2014


Their Story discussion 29 Oct 21:53
joined Sep 4, 2014

Just saw the new update. Wonder what's going to move their story forward now

joined Sep 4, 2014

I wish time flies faster so I can find out what happened between them, so that our Seola can victoriously kick him away for good

Wouldn't it be better if a sudden earthquake happens and the earth beneath him cracks open so that he gets swallowed in a dark abyss for eternity, while the tragedy makes the girls realize that life is short and shouldn't be wasted in hesitation xD

He gets run over by a truck.

And on the side of the truck it read, "Plot Movers Inc." XD


Their Story discussion 25 Oct 01:01
joined Sep 4, 2014

Oh. Oh my. Is that what I think it is? XD

Although between the sporadic releases and the other break, it feels a bit disjointed going back to the main story line. I'm still wearing my shit eating grin watching Sun Jing's and Qiu Tong's interactions, but the enjoyment is not as great as before since I kinda forgot what've happened.

True. I feel the same. But the author is getting back her pace. And... IT'S FREAKING HAPPENING AAHHH AAHHHHH AHHHHH... [*Heart Attack*]

It was a lil too abrupt though. QT has been acting quite "cool" around SJ (in the convenient store, playing game at her house, her wiping off her sweat on SJ, etc.) So her sudden blushing & running into SJ's arms and saying she's important was quite unexpected and a lil out of her character, from my point of view at least. Maybe we need to re-read from the beginning to fully immerse in this important moment lol

YASSS now we're getting back on track. I agree that things kinda escalated a bit quickly and a bit out of character but eh who am I to complain-- I'm so happy they're just together again! Alright sun jing I think the coast is quite clear for you to make yo move

joined Sep 4, 2014

Well anybody have predictions on what's gonna happen next? Like what's gonna happen, no rae and ex bae start talking again or seol a pulling her soul mate aside and trying to lay out the truth again

joined Sep 4, 2014

To add more cliches in this story

Norae's ex didn't mean to cheat
He got drunk for some reason and accidentally sleep with another girl
And Norae saw it

Oh wow I actually agree with this theory--- that seems like what could've happened

joined Sep 4, 2014

I expected the "if you think it's so bad, why do you read it?" and "If you are so smart, why don't you do better?" flames.

That is also cliche... :)

Those weaksauce comments are better left for Youtube Nya... We write essays to tell you how wrong your opinion is here. ;-P

Also, about ^, I think ekw79 was just trolling. No need to overreact like this.

Yeah, it was purely sarcastic and nothing to get your undies bunched up about.

Oh sorry my bad, didn't mean to overreact

joined Sep 4, 2014

Fluttering Feelings is the worst. The yuri plot was too weak. THE END!

I wish people could just keep this to themselves, I know it's your opinion but I if its downgrading or not real constructive criticism I don't wanna hear it

Their Story discussion 18 Oct 14:37
joined Sep 4, 2014

The new chapter feels a lil off to me. Qiu Tong's blushing was supposed to feel cute, but I didnt feel a thing. Maybe I need to reread from the beginning to get back the feeling of their cuteness. The break was so long in addition to all the parallel yaoi story made me lost the momentum. I hope the author keeps it up this time.

I feel you, I really think it's cause of the break-- still love em all in all! But I get what you're saying

Image Comments 16 Oct 22:29
joined Sep 4, 2014

Aha by one of my favorite authors (^ - ^)

Their Story discussion 16 Oct 21:05
joined Sep 4, 2014

That blonde girl who offered to take notes for Sun Jing.. and then came up to her classroom.. do you think there might be a plot twist with her involved in the next chapters?..

yea probably, I'm really interested to see how she'll play a role

joined Sep 4, 2014

Now I'm scared for ch 3, I like this so far

Their Story discussion 20 Sep 19:01
joined Sep 4, 2014

Tbh I don't even know what's going on anymore

joined Sep 4, 2014

I can't parse the image of her father. What am I looking at?

(Also jfc when her teeth started showing. That actually bothered me.)

LOL I was wtf am I looking at? But than I gave it a wider look and its just a close up of an old man! If you look at the upper panel it's his nose and beard and he's wearing like a collar

last edited at Sep 20, 2015 6:58PM

joined Sep 4, 2014

I feel like the senpai isn't the type to go out with someone to make yuu jealous

joined Sep 4, 2014

I've only read to ch 14 but dang idk what to think. In my opinion what seju did was wrong in the past but it's true to see how dedicated she still is to sumin after all this time. Ehh as much as I like the adorable and innocent little cinnamon bun sunji, think I'm team seju, until proven otherwise with upcoming chapters

last edited at Jul 8, 2015 12:00AM

joined Sep 4, 2014

I hope black hair girl ends up with blonde hair girl cause pink hair girl cheated on black hair girl

LOLOL when you can't remember their names XD haha I was confused at first too, also since all their names start with S

last edited at Jul 8, 2015 12:00AM

Their Story discussion 03 Jul 01:53
joined Sep 4, 2014

I think I'm really slow but who does qui tong like? I mean our buddy asked her and she just got quiet. She doesn't like anyone? Is it sun Jing? I'm dull when it comes to these things

Well, when she got quiet she just stared right ahead, so Sun Jing seems the logical answer.

... There's a maid?

Lmao right and she was so casual about it too XD

Their Story discussion 02 Jul 16:19
joined Sep 4, 2014

I think I'm really slow but who does qui tong like? I mean our buddy asked her and she just got quiet. She doesn't like anyone? Is it sun Jing? I'm dull when it comes to these things

last edited at Jul 2, 2015 4:20PM

Image Comments 27 Jun 02:34
joined Sep 4, 2014


joined Sep 4, 2014


joined Sep 4, 2014

Dear futa artists,

Please draw more futa that focuses more on the non-futa girl getting pleasure out of the experience and less on basically just being het porn.

A concerned citizen panda

p.s., this is one of those rare exceptions I make to generally not being into futa. This shit is awesome, yo.

Agreed. Really enjoyed Lovely Smily Baby and thought "I really like this art style. I'll give Passionate Gaze a go." Not usually into futa, but the intimacy of it felt genuine.

^^ that's exactly what I thought

joined Sep 4, 2014
