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Prism discussion 12 Jan 15:02
joined Jun 4, 2013

I've always wondered how he ended up writing something like Prism given the content of pretty much everything else he's ever written ever.

Unlike some manga/anime characters, human beings are complex and multi-dimensional! It's a little dehumanizing to think if someone predominantly wrote hentai for a large amount of their lives, they can't conceive of anything different.

Stretch discussion 08 Jan 13:32
joined Jun 4, 2013

The new chapter is almost here. I can't wait! I want it to continue on forever. Is that okay?

As long as the yuri-vibes keep intensifying every chapter until it is too much for a mere human to bear it.

Stretch's real purpose for existing is to stretch the Earth into two via intense yuri-subtext earthquakes.
Doomsday is upon us.

last edited at Jan 8, 2015 1:32PM

joined Jun 4, 2013

every time i see a new chapter updated and posted, i tell myself, no, i'm not going to read it this time. the whole concept of it is stupid and the same thing happens almost every chapter. but then a chapter or 2 more updates later, i always cave in and read it anyways, and i still love it every time, despite the aforementioned, lol, because it is just too hilariously written. FRIENDSHIP COMPLETE!!!

Me too. I keep telling myself not to do it, but I never listen in the end.

In other words, Yurika has seduced us all.

Stretch discussion 05 Jan 20:56
joined Jun 4, 2013

The new chapter is almost here. I can't wait! I want it to continue on forever. Is that okay?

Will the continuation of the story be passed on to generation and generation? Will Shou's great great grandkids be the ones still teasing our great great grandkids with hints of Yuri?

joined Jun 4, 2013

LOL, Yurika's too skilled it seems.

Stretch discussion 30 Dec 13:30
joined Jun 4, 2013

More than two weeks of wait... I wish Akili-sensei would at least post a single new year pic... you know... with stretches... Stretch calendar could be cool too, hehe...

Volume 3 will be amazing! Anticipate good things.

Stretch discussion 27 Dec 23:31
joined Jun 4, 2013


Sooooo far away, it has already felt like forever.

Stretch discussion 26 Dec 10:23
joined Jun 4, 2013

Is it just me or Stretch just outdid Citrus in comment number?

Didn't even notice!

Stretch discussion 25 Dec 20:43
joined Jun 4, 2013

The impossible has happened, Shou has updated his blog, but hey, it's the typical standard publication. I wonder when it will come out of the closet and will accept that is Akiri and is the author of Stretch, since it would be nice to see in this blog Stretch publications. For now will hear some songs recommended.

Are the people that do not know Akili is Shou a majority?

Stretch discussion 25 Dec 11:20
joined Jun 4, 2013

My theory is that "stretching" is actually a metaphor for hot lesbian sex, and they've been a couple from the start. Shou fooled us all!!

Would they be going to a mixer if they were already together?

Stretch discussion 25 Dec 02:39
joined Jun 4, 2013

I've just read the Christmas chapter from Their Story, I'm expecting something as sweet as that in Stretch ((( OMG, All I want for Christmas is Stretch.

It'll be one long overdue present.

Stretch discussion 19 Dec 20:16
joined Jun 4, 2013

Really liked it when Keiko and Saki were talking about Ran on the balcony in ch.25 and Ran seemed to be able to hear them. Such a warm and fuzzy feeling.

You're late. Continue reading.

Stretch discussion 18 Dec 23:06
joined Jun 4, 2013

Oh, that escalated quickly... So who's the star in Stretch then? Is it Keiko, or Ran, or both, or Saki may be? Or even an ex? xD

Pfft~ It's obviously both.
I was thinking about the "kyaa she's the prince of the school" type of yuri :P

Also, after re-reading the story yesterday, I wondered why do we have the month break now?
E. You name it

He didn't want it to become yuri, but then it did. Now he's not sure what to do, so he has to take a break to figure it out!

wanted to post before you edited: rude and lewd sound the same in Japanese xD

Ugh! Why did I edit that! lol

I fully realize what you mean now.
Not gonna lie, feeling a bit dumb.

pats there there!

It's possible Akili and some others are adopting some new projects to increase the income. Dunno how popular Stretch is, but it probably isn't that sustainable...

I haven't heard anything like that, but it's certainly possible. Stretch is only ~16 pages a month though, so I'm he's got plenty of time to work on other projects as well!

On a side note, I want to scan my avi page so I can have a bigger res version for it...the text is so little...

Loving the new Stretch DP!

Stretch discussion 18 Dec 13:13
joined Jun 4, 2013

Also, after re-reading the story yesterday, I wondered why do we have the month break now?
A. Christmas and NY holidays for yawaspi team (incl. Shou)
B. Research required for next chapters (e.g. looking for more stretching exercises?)
C. Shou lost the muse with girls getting closer to each other
D. Shou planned a depressive dramatic chapter that would look unfair at Christmas time
E. You name it

If you look at Yawaspi's lineup on its front page, it seems like Akili isn't the only one doing a month break.
However, it seems like not every mangaka is doing so.

Did some research.
The only Japanese public holidays during Akili's break is December 23rd (Emperor's Bday), January 1st (NY), and January 12 (Coming of Age day). Christmas isn't a public holiday, seems more like just a gift-giving tradition before/after work.

It's possible Akili and some others are adopting some new projects to increase the income. Dunno how popular Stretch is, but it probably isn't that sustainable...

Stretch discussion 17 Dec 23:46
joined Jun 4, 2013

gulp Well, it's more like, I would be the one blushing, rather than the one being blushed over ^^;
If that makes sense.

I fully realize what you mean now.
Not gonna lie, feeling a bit dumb.

last edited at Dec 17, 2014 11:47PM

Stretch discussion 17 Dec 23:16
joined Jun 4, 2013

OP is one people use that I've gotten attached to. OP-chan makes me blush, but is also nice. Pekoe-chan is fine, Orange-kun kind of makes me think I could be the star of my own yuri manga (so definitely not that one).

Why wouldn't you want to star in your own Yuri manga, Orange-kun?

Stretch discussion 16 Dec 20:36
joined Jun 4, 2013

I thought it was quite weird too. Turns out it's not particularly popular then? Ah, but of course, stretching is effort after all ^_^

No but really, the chapter has about 12k views since release, which isn't bad at all (I think Their Story screwed up its chance to get in).

The Stretch discussion is typically the most viewed or second-most viewed every month, though Their Story has also conquered that the last couple months.

Are these stats only Uploaders can see?

Stretch discussion 16 Dec 13:47
joined Jun 4, 2013

I don't think this chapter was able to make it to the top 6 in the last week.

Stretch discussion 14 Dec 18:17
joined Jun 4, 2013

Ran gets to meet Keiko's mom before they get engaged. <3

Hmm, is it a prediction we have an engagement coming? Ah, would be nice to see them choosing rings...

Nono, I was just exaggerating.

Stretch discussion 14 Dec 16:41
joined Jun 4, 2013

Hahaha, exactly! And if you lose then she forces you to do the stretches - different pics for different stretches every time, of course.

What about when Ran officially hits the time limit?

Ran gets to meet Keiko's mom before they get engaged. <3

Stretch discussion 14 Dec 11:06
joined Jun 4, 2013

This would be the last place I'd expect to see App ideas other than the typical Manga VIewers.

Stretch discussion 14 Dec 01:30
joined Jun 4, 2013

sorry for generating work for the moderator ;-) but my 'obsessive' presence is intentional - that's what keeps the thread alive and blooming

We're on the right trajectory to beating Citrus in forum posts, so that's good news.

Stretch discussion 13 Dec 22:17
joined Jun 4, 2013

Different guy. Mom's boyfriend hits on her (I strongly suspect mom jumps from guy to guy), Keiko is disgusted and calls a guy friend and sleeps with him in a sort of attempt to control her own sexuality and shield herself from older guys who hang around the house.

The guy she sleeps with is part of the high school crew she hangs with. I'm pretty sure he appears in earlier scenes.

In any case Keiko's mom is a piece of work. Or at least has bad choice in men.

yes, that's pretty much the explanation I also believe in. I also tried to put the two guys on one pic, and I think they do differ by hairstyle and by jeans colour/fabric

Your commitment to the details is admirable.

Stretch discussion 13 Dec 20:57
joined Jun 4, 2013

Actually, I at least seriously considered... A partner is however required for the most efficient stretches... and preferably a partner as cute as Ran xD

This sounds like a quest.

You must find a cutie in meat-space.

Stretch discussion 13 Dec 17:18
joined Jun 4, 2013

Would you people rather have a nonchalant reveal of a relationship (like how nonchalant Ran's Honmei choco confession was) or a dramatic/emotional one?