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joined Feb 21, 2019

Lesbians be like “I’m in love with the receptionist I’ve spoken with for a total of five minutes”

joined Feb 21, 2019

Yuri like this just kinda sucks ass

last edited at Jun 30, 2020 8:16PM

joined Feb 21, 2019

Man they really have to make a cute girl doing cute things manga for every hobby, huh. This seemed a cut above some of the others though. The way the mangaka draws spittle and tears like blood is....interesting

last edited at Jun 28, 2020 12:39PM

joined Feb 21, 2019

Chapter 3 and the dumb plotline is gone already? Promising

The “dumb plotline” was the plotline, I’m pretty sure that was the last chapter lol

joined Feb 21, 2019

This will probably never happen but I would like the senpai to have some other relationships with other girls, you know, to expand her horizons or something, is that seeing it from a realistic point of view I don't think the best option is to have your FIRST relationship with a straight girl xD
those things never turn out very well...but this is a manga sooo

That girl is as straight as the labyrinth of minos

Killing Me! discussion 26 Jun 14:20
joined Feb 21, 2019

Tbh Im glad this at least got canceled after Saki admitted her feelings, just wish it had gotten to the point Miyoka could have assured her she doesn't just see her as food

joined Feb 21, 2019

Cute, the time skip made it feel less cheap than it would have otherwise. Rin didn’t just have a sudden explosion of lesbianism

joined Feb 21, 2019

That was a surprisingly sappy wrap up, for such a grity drama / romance.... Almost too sappy. It was just a bit too convenient how Midori and Maki each had a chance to demonstrate that they have overcome the character flaws that have been plaguing them all series, with just a page or two of exposition.

Every other character shitting on them and saying they won't work out, so sappy and kawaii

joined Feb 21, 2019

Several people on Mangadex somehow think that punching your fiance in the face doesn't make you a piece of shit.

They obviously have a personal stake in defining down “piece of shit.”

(We don’t even need to go to “punching your pregnant fiancé in the face.”)

I mean, I guess in certain situations, their logic of "you aren't a piece of shit if you're punching a piece of shit" does hold (like, only fascists would call people who punch fascists "pieces of shit", after all), but, in most situations, punching a piece of shit in the face just makes you, at the very least for a few short moments, a piece of shit, too.

Punching your pregnant wife is so different than punching a nazi it shouldn’t even have to be stated

"Ii Hito" discussion 23 Jun 00:18
joined Feb 21, 2019

Manga like this always start with a premise that is followable then it’s like some horny reality warper starting shifting causality around

joined Feb 21, 2019

Wait so is she still a virgin or not

Very not.

But does blood needs to come out first to say that you're already not a virgin or does having your first intercourse will make you not a virgin anymore? Im confused

Thats for you and your god to decide.

joined Feb 21, 2019

I always want the friends to find out and have their expectations turned on their head in scenes like this

joined Feb 21, 2019

Lol the maidens blush after essentially seducing her into her bed

joined Feb 21, 2019

Good shit

joined Feb 21, 2019

Sayaka’s a gem she deserves better than either

joined Feb 21, 2019

Cursed Ship

joined Feb 21, 2019

I thought that was weird with the whole accidental kiss thing like Rinko wasn't concerned about it at all
If it was another yuri work they'd be like freaking the fuck out over it

I mean Im fairly certain the “twist” will be that Rinko was flirting with/“courting” her the entire time.

joined Feb 21, 2019

“Mental illness girls love anthology”

.....Yeah thats gonna be a no from me

last edited at Jun 15, 2020 2:21AM

joined Feb 21, 2019

Mochi u mad woman, was expecting this to drag on ad infinitum

last edited at Jun 15, 2020 2:09AM

joined Feb 21, 2019

Why should manga get a free pass? It sounds like the sentiment any typical conservative parents who don't understand anything about what their children are watching. "Eh. It's just some dumb silly cartoons/weird Japanese shit/devil's music. In my generation, -yadayadayada-" What is this argument of "if you don't like it don't read it." Why shouldn't I examine any fictional work to find out how to make it work or not work? How dare people have opinions that are different from yours. If I want to articulate and make my point, I get labeled "those other types of people" or get called gasp, a nerd. Wowie. What does that serve? Does labeling me differently, a herectic, make you feel better? Hey, let's look down on another person because "aw, what a sad newb who must be new to manga." Does that lessen any point I made? No. You just sound like an ass who likes to pretend to be superior. If you need to try to setup the other party as "inferior" or "inexperienced," I can't help but think you got some weird complex going on.

I'm calling shenanigan when I see it. This type of attitude doesn't help with a healthy discussion of any types of work. This is still a forum, we're allowed to discuss why we like and don't like. I think it is of grave importance to examine anything we like and don't about a work. It's pointless to just sing praises all the time. It's also necessary to embrace and address the faults in any works. Criticisms are necessary. There seems to be this weird vibe of: "Criticisms are just some mean things meanie people say to made people feel bad." No, criticisms are needed for people to learn from their mistakes. We shouldn't close ourselves off from what's perceived as negative just because it makes us feel bad. Constructive criticisms are necessary. Slander and pointless insult, now that's meaningless.

Vampire as a theme should give any author a lot of good things to work with. I find the bite scene, where in most other fictional works, is the really juicy and delicious bit where any author can really entice the reader with whatever they are going for. This certainly isn't the only vampire themed yuri work here: VAMPEERZ, quite a bit of Takano Saku's works (technically not tagged as vampire, but she has a thing for sucking on things,) Seifuku no Vampiress. I was certainly excited to see another work with vampire tag, but so far it just lacks that big punch. It was just such a wasted potential it hurts me.

To address the chuunibyou vampire, this one has a lot of personal experience colored by past works. Plopping a mysterious figure on a tall building overlooking the city, complete with The Hoodie, now finish it with some cryptic statements. OoOoh, how MYSTERIOUS! There are ways to setup that particular scene to be impactful, but it felt pretty silly in this instance. Turns out the character is a goof herself, so maybe that's warranted.

What are u on my person

joined Feb 21, 2019

Dang this is cute as hell, I like the lack of school girls

Past+ discussion 10 Jun 00:57
joined Feb 21, 2019

Kinda ruins the feeling of finality and resolution I enjoyed about past, it’s better as a stand alone imo

last edited at Jun 10, 2020 12:59AM

joined Feb 21, 2019

Kinda reminds me of that one Takemiya Jin one shot in a way.

It’s kinda like the reverse of that story lol

joined Feb 21, 2019

Man there were multiple times this manga seemed like it was going to end but it just kept going lol

On the other hand I’ve read this same plot regurgitated so many times it’s hard to feeling anything reading it :/

last edited at Jun 5, 2020 10:55PM

joined Feb 21, 2019

Galaxy brain