Why should manga get a free pass? It sounds like the sentiment any typical conservative parents who don't understand anything about what their children are watching. "Eh. It's just some dumb silly cartoons/weird Japanese shit/devil's music. In my generation, -yadayadayada-" What is this argument of "if you don't like it don't read it." Why shouldn't I examine any fictional work to find out how to make it work or not work? How dare people have opinions that are different from yours. If I want to articulate and make my point, I get labeled "those other types of people" or get called gasp, a nerd. Wowie. What does that serve? Does labeling me differently, a herectic, make you feel better? Hey, let's look down on another person because "aw, what a sad newb who must be new to manga." Does that lessen any point I made? No. You just sound like an ass who likes to pretend to be superior. If you need to try to setup the other party as "inferior" or "inexperienced," I can't help but think you got some weird complex going on.
I'm calling shenanigan when I see it. This type of attitude doesn't help with a healthy discussion of any types of work. This is still a forum, we're allowed to discuss why we like and don't like. I think it is of grave importance to examine anything we like and don't about a work. It's pointless to just sing praises all the time. It's also necessary to embrace and address the faults in any works. Criticisms are necessary. There seems to be this weird vibe of: "Criticisms are just some mean things meanie people say to made people feel bad." No, criticisms are needed for people to learn from their mistakes. We shouldn't close ourselves off from what's perceived as negative just because it makes us feel bad. Constructive criticisms are necessary. Slander and pointless insult, now that's meaningless.
Vampire as a theme should give any author a lot of good things to work with. I find the bite scene, where in most other fictional works, is the really juicy and delicious bit where any author can really entice the reader with whatever they are going for. This certainly isn't the only vampire themed yuri work here: VAMPEERZ, quite a bit of Takano Saku's works (technically not tagged as vampire, but she has a thing for sucking on things,) Seifuku no Vampiress. I was certainly excited to see another work with vampire tag, but so far it just lacks that big punch. It was just such a wasted potential it hurts me.
To address the chuunibyou vampire, this one has a lot of personal experience colored by past works. Plopping a mysterious figure on a tall building overlooking the city, complete with The Hoodie, now finish it with some cryptic statements. OoOoh, how MYSTERIOUS! There are ways to setup that particular scene to be impactful, but it felt pretty silly in this instance. Turns out the character is a goof herself, so maybe that's warranted.