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joined Feb 5, 2016

Sungji asks Sumin on how to touch her, Sumin was so embarrassed and Sungji even noticed in her inner thought.. still Sumin would not tell her.. and when Sungji was about to say something, Sumin would become even more embarrassed.

You can attribute her embarrassement to whatever reason you can think of.. but rememebr that Sumin slept with 30+ girls !

This implies nothing about Sumin letting Sungji be a top because she trusted her.

joined Feb 5, 2016 maybe you'll find your answers in here?

So, it all depends on you or your partner's preferences, the positions both of you find most comfortable being in, or you guys' physical/ health conditions. Being a top/bottom doesn't indicate anything about love/trust. Right?

last edited at May 2, 2017 7:32AM

joined Feb 5, 2016

"For top lesbians only" won't work either?

joined Feb 5, 2016

More of experience

It would be more convincing if you could create a poll about this one assumption of yours in the fb group you joined, and see the results.

joined Feb 5, 2016

I stated that some women are tops in bedroom and would enjoy being bottomed in rare ocassions if they feel trust and safe (not only emotionally but also in adressing their sexual needs.. unlike being with a guy, being with a woman in bed requires a good deal of communication and guidance

Sorry, may I know if this is your personal opinion or there is a reference?

joined Feb 5, 2016

What with this changing position according to trusts. Why the hell did she even sleep with someone while she didn't even trust them? What a player!

Sometimes it was only about sex. And there is nothing wrong with that.

Where is that idea come from? If it was common, being a bottom would mean that your partner doesn't trust you. It hurts your prides.

I was saying that sometimes when it's just about sex, trust is the last thing on your mind. I was also just adding that there is nothing wrong with having multiple sexual partners.

Then trusts might be just the last things on Sumin mind too? This whole "Sumin changing position according to trusts" sort of thing has no proof.

I know what ** Izz** means. I just might not be able to explain it.

It is someone's assumption that has become popular on this forum I'd say. No evidence to back it up makes it a weak assumption.

joined Feb 5, 2016

What with this changing position according to trusts. Why the hell did she even sleep with someone while she didn't even trust them? What a player!

Sometimes it was only about sex. And there is nothing wrong with that.

Where is that idea come from? If it was common, being a bottom would mean that your partner doesn't trust you. It hurts your prides.

I was saying that sometimes when it's just about sex, trust is the last thing on your mind. I was also just adding that there is nothing wrong with having multiple sexual partners.

Then trusts might be just the last things on Sumin mind too? This whole "Sumin changing position according to trusts" sort of thing has no proof.

joined Feb 5, 2016

What with this changing position according to trusts. Why the hell did she even sleep with someone while she didn't even trust them? What a player!

Sometimes it was only about sex. And there is nothing wrong with that.

Where is that idea come from? If it was common, being a bottom would mean that your partner doesn't trust you. It hurts your prides.

joined Feb 5, 2016

What with this changing position according to trusts. Why the hell did she even sleep with someone while she didn't even trust them? What a player!

joined Feb 5, 2016

Your comments are always short but they make me want to give a thump up alot of times, do you know that? =)))))))

Haha. I don't know why, recently, my comments have become shorter and shorter. It's gonna be unacceptable soon. :D

On a scale of 1 to 3, who is top, who is the bottom among all three characters to you? =)))))

I think Sumin is both, an eternal top and an eternal bottom. It depends on her partner; she would be a bottom facing a psycho Seju or a horny Sungji, and she would be a top if she was with Seju and Sungji in their normal states. No idea about comparing between Seju and Sungji's positions.

I'm interested in Sumin because I see her as a cold but sweet, boring but interesting, unlikable but charming uglo. lol

joined Feb 5, 2016

Are all Seju lovers, Sumin haters? and vice versa?

Just curious lol.

A Sumin lover here. Really. lol

joined Feb 5, 2016

Would it be so shocking and unbelievable if Sumin and Seju end up together?

It would be "yes" for me considering how she could do a 180 degree turn like a jerk.

joined Feb 5, 2016

It's hard for me to see Seju loving someone else. I prefer that the author kills her off in the very end of the story.

joined Feb 5, 2016

It is better to go to america and live well there find happiness with new partner, although it is difficult to forget the sumin but this way better than have to kill the character

It's Seju's decision. It's a loss to leave her home country because of an ex.

joined Feb 5, 2016

"Emotionally healthy people feel safe and secure with their own emotions and feelings. They feel their feelings and emotions instead of avoiding them or trying to control them. "

Is she avoiding her feeling? She has moved on with her new gf.

joined Feb 5, 2016

I personally find Sumin healthy. I really have no idea how you guys define "an emotionally healthy person".

joined Feb 5, 2016

Team Gaji won't answer that question. :D

joined Feb 5, 2016

I see that the healing is still in process

"still"? How would Sumin be like when you say she is completly healthy? As good at dealing with her feeling as Sungji is, or when she could cut all ties with Seju, or something else?

joined Feb 5, 2016

Sorry, I've missed reading most of you guys' comments. Gonna read them later.

it was an active process, Sungji gave an opportunity and Sumin put an effort.. right time and right place

This changed Sumin's personality, not healed her problem.

we are looking at a person who does not know how to deal with her feelings

I think we are looking at a person who thought that she couldn't truly be in love again, not a person who lost the ability of epressing her feelings, and needed someone to heal her not good at expressing it.

last edited at Apr 30, 2017 2:00PM

joined Feb 5, 2016

Sungji can't solve Sumin's problems nor can she force her to open up.. but what she gave her is something greater, a chance to see that it is okay and safe to feel and express your feelings .. notice, Sungji was never afraid of her feelings nor expressing them to Sumin who considers herself to be unworthy.

We don't know if all of Sumin's exes were always afraid of expressing their feelings to Sumin or not. Also, I see Sumin's problem is that she was afraid of falling in love again. Her not expressing her feeling so much is her characteristic, not her problem. Not good at expressing your feeling is common; as good at it as Sungji is a bit too much imo.

joined Feb 5, 2016

haha. Not doing anything at all is a solution too.

joined Feb 5, 2016

sumin is the only one who can heal seju, how shes gonna do it?

Does nothing. Seju will be healed in her 60s for sure.

joined Feb 5, 2016

Sumin told her not to argue with Sungji, so she better just let Sungji play cool.

Haha. Np

last edited at Apr 28, 2017 5:20PM

joined Feb 5, 2016

She has been living her life at a lowest point since the day she broke up with Sumin imo.

joined Feb 5, 2016

What about her giving Sungji warnings?