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Random Reader
joined Nov 30, 2011

I'm with Random Reader, Otsu Hiyori will always be my favorite.

I miss seeing her work. I think she's working on a series right now but I would like to see new stories from her. *tear

Actually, when it comes to authors, those who do yuri are the only ones I can tell I like or dislike. For the other ones, I don't know enough of their work to really have an opinion

HA! And I'm the same! Yuri authors, eeeasy. Non-yuri authors... huh??

joined Nov 30, 2011

OP most definitely. Whatever interests you. Btw nice derailment...

To be blunt, I just come here to masturbate

I was about to name a bunch of porn sites JUST so I could name off something truly horrifying but naw, decided against it ;)

Random Reader
Anime season 06 May 07:39
joined Nov 30, 2011

SNAFU Season 2 is missing a ton of details. Feels like the new season is rocketing through the source material >l-(

Random Reader
joined Nov 30, 2011

Otsu Hiyori is my all-time favorite yuri mangaka.

Nishi Uko, Suga Atsushi, Morishima Akiko, and Kazuma Kowo

Though Nya, I have realized a number of my favorite non-yuri authors are tied to a single series most of the time.

last edited at May 6, 2015 7:37AM

joined Nov 30, 2011

Okay, I sleep a good night and this thread gets 5 more pages of nonsense. That's the Internet for you.

I know right?! I come back and ...well... Wow.

And I apologize to yuri_girl, because I guess the question was genuine (or she's a really good actress). Though I still think the question was dumb.

Well, it's better than dealing with troll bait Nya. No need to be so rude/harsh/critical from the gates ya know ;)

But maybe this thread can be locked or whatever.. Turned kinda worthless.

Random Reader
joined Nov 30, 2011


If you want something fun and adventurous that's also kid-friendly (in case you want to share it with a younger relative or something, then I highly recommend the Zita the Spacegirl trilogy of graphic novels. Equally fun for adults, very much rollicking space adventure.

Oh, and if you can find it, the reMIND graphic novel pair by Jason Brubaker is pretty great too.

Ooo... I'll keep an eye out for Zita, looks like a lot of fun. And will definitely check out reMIND. (It's apparently available online for free!!)

Ha! Hope you find something to your liking or that piques your interest. And yeah, Spaceballs is awesome, but Mel Brooks is awesome in general. Cannot find one movie I really dislike thus far.

last edited at May 5, 2015 5:34PM

Random Reader
Image Comments 05 May 16:32
joined Nov 30, 2011

Wait?! Is she drying her fingers? Ah the minor details!

Random Reader
joined Nov 30, 2011


What I wish I could find is some lesbian-oriented urban fantasy, especially stuff that draws a lot from folklore (of whatever sort). One thing I really like about Japanese stuff is there's such a huge amount of folklore that pretty much everyone is familiar with, like oni, tengu, 7 legends of whatever location, ghost stories, etc.

I will make it my life goal to write this Nezsama.

Well, I've got a couple of projects to get through first, but there's a serial idea I have in mind where the "fantasy" aspect is inspired by the Mi'Kmaq folklore of eastern Canada. I still need to finish the novel I'm working on now, plus a Miyazaki-inspired one before I get to that, so it'll probably be at least a year before I start.

Heh, I was thinking about hacking the Fate roleplaying system and doing a Mushi-shi inspired game set in the American West or even earlier than that when Spain had the west coast and Britain and France had chunks of central American and the US was but a few states. With all the trading posts and American Indian myths, legends, and cultures, it seems to be a perfect setting for giving it a try.

Even though I'm late to the party, here are my own recommendations not just to Evil but others as well ;)

Comics/Graphic Novels first!
Mouse Guard by David Petersen
Blacksad by Juan Díaz Canales & Juanjo Guarnido
Star Wars: Legacy by John Ostrander and Jan Duursema
Aliens vs Predator Omnibus: Vol.1 by Various writers and artists

For regular books... Hmm.. I have a number of suggestions

History Books: ... I read a lot of history books (Ancient/Medieval, Military, and a growing Contemporary collection... it's an addiction -_-)
The Inheritance of Rome: Illuminating the Dark Ages, 400-600 by Chris Wickham
Loot: The Battle over the Stolen Treasures of the Ancient World by Sharon Waxman
Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee: An Indian History of the American West by Dee Brown
The Liberation Trilogy by Rick Atkinson
Sea of Faith: Islam and Christianity in the Medieval Mediterranean World by Stephen O' Shea
1491: New Revelations of the Americas before Columbus by Charles C. Mann
Political Order and Political Decay: From the Industrial Revolution to the Globalization of Democracy by Francis Fukuyama
Girlfriend recommended: Nelson Mandela: The Long Walk to Freedom by Nelson Mandela

Perdido Street Station & The Scar by China Mieville
The Dresden Files by Jim Butcher

Science Fiction: Mostly Warhammer 40k and Star Wars lol!
Ciaphas Cain: Hero of the Imperium by Sandy Mitchell
Let the Galaxy Burn by ... It's an anthology
Gaunt's Ghosts: The Founding by Dan Abnett
Star Wars
Thrawn Trilogy: Heir to the Empire by Timothy Zahn
Han Solo Trilogy: Paradise Snare by A. C. Crispin
X-Wing Series: Rogue Squadron by LOTS of writers lol
Shadows of the Empire by Steve Perry

And that's that! XD

Random Reader
joined Nov 30, 2011

wow this was really amazing

Off-topic. Where is your avatar from? Looks familiar.

Ooh! Ooh! I know this one!


Awesome! Thank you Nez!

Random Reader
joined Nov 30, 2011

Oh God that's true... Maybe I was destined to be?

Hate stalking should be a profession, I'd be great at it.

... and i would be the blessed one on the receiving end of your passion...

Damn right you'd be.

Pity I don't have as much luck on the rest of the internet as I do here, hate stalking. I've been looking for the lyrics to, or even just the language used for the metal version of Battle of Lepanto, but noooo, no one knows.

It's the internet. I'm sure if you asked, someone would be bored or intrigued enough to write up some lyrics for you.

joined Nov 30, 2011

i'm straight man and I like some shota yaoi.

but shota yaoi is aimed for straight guys to begin with. nothing weird about that......



Random Reader
joined Nov 30, 2011

Guess is that No-rae's dad looks like the older brother judging how strong the relations are portrayed thus far. Would be hilarious though if he was the complete opposite.

Random Reader
joined Nov 30, 2011

wow this was really amazing

Off-topic. Where is your avatar from? Looks familiar.

last edited at May 5, 2015 9:42AM

Random Reader
joined Nov 30, 2011


Now this reminds me that I really want to see No-Rae and Seol-A dealing with the hardships of having a gay relationship, especially in Korea. I don't want anything dramatic lol but I really want to see a lot of the story exploring their relationship, the sweet fluffy stuff and some dramas. Something like Octave?

No no no no no... No Octave-like stuff in this story please. People would collectively lose their shit if the shenanigans from Octave were ported over to Fluttering Feelings. I love Octave myself, one of my all-time favorites but... keep it far away from FF. However, I do agree with the rest of that paragraph. It would be nice.

Random Reader
joined Nov 30, 2011

So.. the brother is going to have a nice stroll and chat with Seol-a huh?? He seems like a perceptive kinda guy.. Betchya anything he leans on Seol-a about her relationship with No-rae and how she sees and feels about No-rae.

Random Reader
joined Nov 30, 2011

No. Please do.

Random Reader
joined Nov 30, 2011


Dialects and geographical differences exist in different languages, too. I'm german and there are at least two german dialects I couldn't even hold conversations with. There are no gramatical cases and stuff like that in english. Where english just uses "it", other languages still differentiante into male, female or neutral nouns. Verbs have different forms depending on the pronoun.
There's quite a bit of stuff like that.

And then you can totally make up a logically weird sentence but be grammatically correct!

I so want to chair you right now Gengar that I cannot tree my glass correctly.

Some people are far more elegant when it comes to this than I am.

Oh wow! I don't think I've ever found anyone outside of Youtube who likes this genre as well! Kindred spirits! XD So refreshing!

Haha, yeah. I know exactly one person in real life who listens to music like that and that's just because I bombarded him with it after we talked about Samurai Champloo. :D

I've tried but have failed. :(

Random Reader
joined Nov 30, 2011

@OriginalGengar & Evilnemesis

It does, thanks. :) Bookmarked it for now, looks really promising.

And man, Marcus D, Kondor, Uyama Hiroto, those are aren't names you hear every day. :) Really promising.

And Nomak and a lot more.

"Elevation proudly presents Substansial and Marcus D or Bop Alloy, special guest Steph the sapphic songstress(...)"

Wow I did not know I'd find that many listeners of this sub-genre(s) right here. Refined gentle(wo)men around these parts, guess a music thread might be in order, eh?

On-Topic, can't wait for dem translations.

Oh wow! I don't think I've ever found anyone outside of Youtube who likes this genre as well! Kindred spirits! XD So refreshing!

Lara 77

Interesting variety. I indeed prefer anime OST as a background music with manga reading. Love Yoko Kanno Work especially wolve's rain, and record of lordoss war.

Lara, my fellow Dynasty member... that post of mine hardly touched upon what I listen to on a regular basis! From this epic track to my all time favorite song of ever then over to this catchy song (pretty sure this would be No-rae's song right now lol!!).

I'm also a fan of Yoko Kanno! Have you listened to her work on Kids on the Slope? Some amazing jazz pieces on that soundtrack! Highly recommend!

Recently I am listening to the OST of Sigatsu wa kimino Uso...basically it is more of classic music....I fell in love with the Ballad No 1 of Chopin....The joy of discovering something magnificent is something can't be described by words.

That last sentence totally nails the feeling! Well said :)

About English
Browse internet forums with large international communities, a lot of people can speak and write pretty damned well in English. It always amazes me when they say, "sorry, english is not my first language" but there are no issues found in their posts or what they say. Also, Google Translator is your friend.


I don't think she know English so well to read this thread but it's just maybe my opinion xD

Why? English is a relatively simple language.

This WAS sarcasm right?

Uh oh! English is an easy to learn, hard to master. The basic structure and rule of English is fairly simple.
What is more difficult on the other hand is the myriad of exceptions. There are just so many that the reality is no one is able to master it because human brain just lack the sheer memory space ( we forget a lot of stuff ) for all the exceptions.

There, they're, and their. Hmm... Scene and seen.... Others..... Uhhh... Where and we're. And then you have context and meanings.. Ugh. So confusing sometimes! XD

last edited at May 3, 2015 5:17PM

Random Reader
joined Nov 30, 2011

Indeed Nez, meanings definitely change with the context.

Random Reader
joined Nov 30, 2011

Dammit, my bad. It should work now.

Random Reader
joined Nov 30, 2011

However, most of the time I listen to Nujabes

Ohhhh, RandomReader confirmed for great taste in music. Don't know the other ones, might have to have a look at them.

I also usually listen to Jazzy Rap and TripHop (which is a stupid name but whatever) when reading manga or fanfics or playing VNs with bad sound or just when I feel like it. Cradle Orchestra, Funky DL, Fat Jon, Nomak, Emancipator are awesome too among others. I also listen to a lot of Dilla instrumentals when reading.

Same to you!! I listen to those guys quite often myself! (Save for Cradle Orchestra, gonna have to check them out!) And here is my mega playlist with all of the artists combined: Easy Listening Enjoy ;)

And wow! Ch.33 came out hella fast today.

Random Reader
joined Nov 30, 2011


You would be very surprised. VEERY surprised. Just Goggle the gay marriage debate here in the United States and you will find out PLENTY of people wouldn't bat an eyelash at it.

Then I'm glad I don't live in the US I guess.

If I heard something like that said to a kid, I'd get a bad case of pitch black anger.

I didn't say the whole country or the majority and it's not a bad place for homosexuals. Just certain areas tend to be more hostile and closed minded than others. (Imho, deniers and insecure folks mostly.)

On another note, I personally think this is a great story in relation to the recent news of some gay-friendly legislation being passed in Japan. I wonder if more and more will slowly appear??

Random Reader
joined Nov 30, 2011

Wow. That was a damned good one shot. I wasn't expecting it to move us along in their life together like that at all... Then that hospital scene. That was amazing. Definitely one of the best one shots I've read in a good long time.

It also appears that the author has another yuri series going on as well. Apparently, it follows a straight girl who cannot stop thinking about her totally hot, lesbian friend (or best friend). Hopefully that makes it over here at some point.

** Nya-chan **

Who in their right mind would say "because that is not normal" to a kid? Some fucked up parenting that is.

I've been said "it's going to be complicated" or "why did it turn out like this?" and massive amounts of worrying and drama, but thank god, never the "it's disgusting", "it's not normal" or "god hates you". Consider me lucky.

That said, this story is sweet. It shows a long lasting married couple, just like any other, and that is as NORMAL as it can.

You would be very surprised. VEERY surprised. Just Goggle the gay marriage debate here in the United States and you will find out PLENTY of people wouldn't bat an eyelash at it.


By no means am I believing Kanade's a woman. From her face, to be precise.

last edited at May 3, 2015 5:50AM

Random Reader
joined Nov 30, 2011


Random Reader
You clearly need more Warhammer 40k in your life. ;)

Omg. I don't think you should have done that. Staring at the images -> Googl'ing Warhammer 40k -> Finding out it's a game >>+ Having a game-store literally two blocks away from where I live....

If I end up buying this game (and convincing everyone I know to play me), I am blaming you lol.

Muahahaha... welcome to the grim darkness of the 41st millennium where there is only war!! (Seriously, that's it's tag line! XD .)
Just a word of caution. It's super expensive so if you reeeeeaaaally do decide to get into it... spend wisely. VEEEERY wisely.

Sisters of Battle, the Imperial Guard, and the Tau are my personal favorites ;)

Oh, not at all haha, the channel isn't special. I'm a video editor (as a hobby). So I just make AMVs. Unfortunately, I only make one once a year and this year I'm ridiculously late >________>

Cool! I have one too but my videos were related to a WWII strategy game I used to play when I had a life.

Speaking of your gay friend proposing to you. I wonder if you or others have heard of this but I was informed a few months ago that it's common for gay men to marry Japanese women here in the states. (Japanese women from Japan.) It's supposed to be some sort of... a contract type thing where the gay man doesn't upset if family/friends/community and the woman appeases her family while still being able to live her life as if she were single... or some such thing. Has anyone heard of this or anything similar?

@ anonymous & nya-chan
I've created a number of non-linked threads and they all got lost in time. It's a pain in the ass to find them again, I know, I've tried. Also, stories can put us on tangents that, while not directly related to the original content, is still fun to read and take part in. And sometimes there are debates about human interaction, behavior, and other things. It's all not so bad especially when waiting for the next chapter.

Those are pretty damned cool! Thanks for sharing. Korra & Asami fanart coupled with Fluttering Feelings fanart in one week. AaAaAaawsUuuUmmmMM!!!

Lara 77
I listen to music when I read manga as well though it usually depends on the manga and music. One of the coolest things to do is if there is an anime and it has a really good soundtrack, it's fun to listen to the OST and read the manga. Aria and its anime adaptation are a perfect example of this as it's OST is just phenomenal. (I have listened to it's OST all day sometimes. Couple it with Yokohama Kaidashi Kikou's OVA OST and you are set for months, maybe years of relaxing, peaceful music.)

When I read Vinland Saga or Berserk I listen to Conan the Barbarian's soundtrack.

However, most of the time I listen to Nujabes, Joseph Jacobs, Juneblazemusic, and other creators of instrumental hip-hop/jazz (or as I like to call it, Jazzy-beats). And finally, Adult Swim Bumps, a sort of "underground" music movement by people who were fans of and inspired by Adult Swim and its legendary bumps. I have three big fat playlists dedicated to music like this.

last edited at May 3, 2015 5:07AM

Random Reader
joined Nov 30, 2011

Heard Mayweather was supposed to nab 200mill win or lose. That true?