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joined Jun 4, 2015

Does anyone else feel the mangaka just kinda gave up on drama after seeing all the backlash it got and decided to go back to fluff? Because the tone changed real fast and suddenly.

Isn’t it wonderful how some readers feel they can dictate what an author can and can not do with their own work?

I think the readers can dictate the story, to some extent. It's certainly the author's prerogative to write the story as they envision it. However, if the readers reject the story, the writer will have to adapt, or get a real job to make a living.

Please define what a “real job” is.

Also, if anyone had a influence on what direction they went with it wouldn’t be us freeloaders.

joined Jun 4, 2015

Gotta admit for this one, it's all over the place. So much seemed to be done in such short gaps with over dramatic scenes everywhere.

joined Jun 4, 2015

Does anyone else feel the mangaka just kinda gave up on drama after seeing all the backlash it got and decided to go back to fluff? Because the tone changed real fast and suddenly.

To be fair, the start of the drama came out of nowhere as well, Gotta love the fluff side of this thoug.

You cut your hair.

Yea... no she didn't. You can't fool me

I know right? If she did it was only a trim...

The best I could say for it is her bangs are a little shorter and the back is trimmed.

Still Sick discussion 30 Oct 01:33
joined Jun 4, 2015

The inner struggles of the yuri fandom

joined Jun 4, 2015

Wasn't there suppose to be two immortal chics? And, what's the deal with the skull?

When the first girl woke the other, that skull was her friend that they gained "eternity" with. Then however many years later the skull you see is of that girl. They have pretty much swapped roles. Now these new people who have just found her will probably be the next to sleep there for a couple hundred years and keep they cycle going.

Seeing a lot of comments on a lot of things recently of "crappy story" or "cliche" and so forth, when did the comments start becoming so high and mighty. just enjoy the yuri, jesus.

joined Jun 4, 2015

What about the one shot that the girls boyfriend died but got put into a girls body that they shared.
(can't remember what it was called) A smidgen of yuri in that, but i guess that's not technically genderswap

joined Jun 4, 2015

Only here would people try to take a deeper meaning to a gag comedy about someone loving breasts to a ridiculous level

joined Jun 4, 2015

This page is adorable. Even if I hadn't liked Iori before, it would have won me over 110%.

I def loved that page as well, a lot were prob on the same page of what we'd like to do to her abusive friend lol

joined Jun 4, 2015

Not even a trace of subtlety on the yuri anymore, not like anyone's complaining i think lol
First appearance of her mom?

Their Story discussion 13 Oct 02:53
joined Jun 4, 2015

What happened with the short girl that had a crush on sj? the back an forth with qt an sj is still cute an makes me laugh but what happened to the love triangle drama that was going on. we see lil snippets here and there, but its not over right?

joined Jun 4, 2015

This was great, haven’t seen those two together that much. I had thought most knew of kaguya and mokou being immortal but maby its a smaller number than I had thought

joined Jun 4, 2015


Interesting twist for both of em

joined Jun 4, 2015

I see Nanashi no Asterism(still bitter about this one xD) art style. And yeah, same artist.

Was wondering why she looked so familiar, looks a lot like her little brother

joined Jun 4, 2015

Who knew this pairing could work so well. Nico being the tsukkomi in most cases means she can be paired with most though.

joined Jun 4, 2015

This is the bestest. Hoping it continues

joined Jun 4, 2015

Bestest Red Riding Hood story ever. Also The pedo joke killed me for some reason

joined Jun 4, 2015

What a courageous warrior she is

joined Jun 4, 2015

It got sad at first but the end was worth it, becoming pirates XD

New Game discussion 05 Oct 13:20
joined Jun 4, 2015

Knew the drama was coming but still sad to see them not get along. Dang cliffhangers

joined Jun 4, 2015

Def could make a sequel lol

joined Jun 4, 2015

The facial expressions scared me a lot.

Seriously? I thought it was funny as hell

Snowy Day discussion 05 Oct 01:04
joined Jun 4, 2015

Nozomilk sounds like Nozomi's breast milk.

Saw that immediately first on that page lol

joined Jun 4, 2015

Loved it as much if not more, from when I read it the first time lol
was just a smidgen confused as like the rest with the dates since it was reposted

joined Jun 4, 2015

I can’t seem to find it either

joined Jun 4, 2015

Probably the real reason they don’t get along lol