Forum › Posts by ChocolateCakeLover

joined Feb 4, 2015

I'm like 90% sure Hotaru is gay for Yuma D:

She just comes off as a teen acting out for attention from her crush to me :/

joined Feb 4, 2015

I honestly like needless angst stories like this, except the het makes my stomach churn >_>

And the costume place thing is sooooo squicky D:

joined Feb 4, 2015

Ghostbusters was bad in the first place :/

Uhhhhhhhh, are you talking about the original?

I was :D

It was awful...

joined Feb 4, 2015

Girls need condoms because they'll just end up getting other girls pregnant otherwise.

Ghostbusters was bad in the first place :/

Fragtime discussion 17 Jul 18:38
joined Feb 4, 2015

rip fragtime, will be missed ;_;

Ending wasn't as good as the rest I felt, but it was nice enough.

joined Feb 4, 2015

Once in one of introduction thread I mentioned making it so I could talk with Nya-chan and bunch of people send me invitation. You were one of them and since I didn't mind I accepted you. We never talked though xP And yes I barely use it, because I made it solely so I could talk with Nya-chan.

Oh, sorry >_> I don't remember sending it so I was probably drunk you should have ignored me xD

@ ChocolateCakeLover

It's not really warm here either but it's so fucking humid...

It was humid yesterday when I was paintballing... Being shot didn't hurt but the heat I swear nearly killed me Dx

chocolate it was 36 here the other day... :(

How are you still alive D:

I just won the drama contest, in case that's still going on.

Actually, that was an insta loss :P

joined Feb 4, 2015

17 degrees is too much for me. 26 is basically what I expect hell feels like.

joined Feb 4, 2015

It's going to be 26 degrees tomorrrooowww ;____; It's apparently 19 now and I'm struggling D:

Nevri apparently I have you on facebook which is weird because you don't seem like the kind of person who'd ever go on there D:

joined Feb 4, 2015

I'm too much of a lightweight to harm my liver >_>

*crosses fingers for Anon99!

joined Feb 4, 2015

No such thing as too much Tequila :o

joined Feb 4, 2015

Nooooo, not them either D:

joined Feb 4, 2015

Don't shoot me shoot him D:

joined Feb 4, 2015

I know it doesn't that's what I meant by breaks free, because the rebels or peace deal usually sets them free and then they ally France or something.

joined Feb 4, 2015

Gotta say it, glad pussy.. Like always.


This oO

Maybe grope chan can be the S-chan for masochist chan D:

joined Feb 4, 2015

Jokes on you, Styria usually break free and stay free in my games >:D

joined Feb 4, 2015

Come at meh Trebizond D:<

joined Feb 4, 2015

@Galich hahaahah, Galich, don't be so vile... that will break their heart xD

Who's heart, why D:

@Anon99 What can I say, I enjoy posting in here, therefore every small achievement is something to be happy about.

I'm just looking forward to outposting ChocolateCakeLover. Gonna take a while tho.

Nevaaaaarrrrrr D:<

@ ChocolateCakeLover

Quick, someone hire me to be lazy on the internet D:

If I were rich I would totally hire you after that remark! ^^
Loved it!

Awww, thanks for the hypothetical money ;_; Maybe you'll win the lottery one day and it can happen ;_;

joined Feb 4, 2015

Eaten too much cake why? D:

Actually I'm stuffed from yesterdays pub meal, but there was no chocolate cake for pudding so it can't be that D:

joined Feb 4, 2015


joined Feb 4, 2015

Quick, someone hire me to be lazy on the internet D:

joined Feb 4, 2015

There there ;_;

joined Feb 4, 2015

What, no fair, Ulm strongest nation, Austria is nothing to them D:

And what do you mean unless supported by a cup of coffee, git tea master race scrub.

joined Feb 4, 2015

Ur nut allowed to like more than one cake D:<

Galich U wunna fite I'll annex you, Ulm v Austria

I missed a chance to go atheist rage all over the place D:

joined Feb 4, 2015

Nezchan why this hate ;_;

joined Feb 4, 2015


Wait... that's it D:

However did you figure me out ;~;