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Dynasty Scans
joined Oct 8, 2010 likely do you feel that kickstarters will pop up for them in the near future (as a mainstream thing, not a random occurrence?

Sort of likely: 36%
Not very likely: 22%
Very likely: 20%
Not going to happen at all: 11%
Definitely going to happen: 10%

302 total votes

I'm still generally pissed at the overall scanlating attitude towards things, particularly in the shounen scene. Hence this question came up in my brain while watching various kickstarter projects for games pop up.

MrEngenious Admin
Dynasty Scans
joined Oct 8, 2010

There it goes.

MrEngenious Admin
out of order 03 Nov 18:57
Dynasty Scans
joined Oct 8, 2010

Totally been fixed.

MrEngenious Admin
Recently released 02 Nov 09:15
Dynasty Scans
joined Oct 8, 2010

Should be fixed now.

MrEngenious Admin
out of order 28 Oct 20:43
Dynasty Scans
joined Oct 8, 2010

Yes and no, mostly yes.
Fixed, thanks!

MrEngenious Admin
Dynasty Scans
joined Oct 8, 2010

Up it goes.

MrEngenious Admin
I guess this counts 14 Oct 07:13
Dynasty Scans
joined Oct 8, 2010

[7001] Handheld!
Read Online | Direct Download | Pixiv Profile

[errant] Valentine
Read Online | Direct Download | Pixiv Profile

[Itou Ayachi] SakuHima Manga 1
Read Online | Direct Download | Pixiv Profile

[Kuzu Kou] Azusa ==> Yui (the > can't go in the file name itself unfortunately)
Read Online | Direct Download | Pixiv Profile

All from Pixiv.
Had some free time slacking in my IRL job so this came a lot sooner, especially since I chose to do this instead of studying.
But for real now, I got midterms.
Mich on the other hand is still working on tiny webcomic pictures. So tiny.

MrEngenious Admin
Dynasty Scans
joined Oct 8, 2010

Houkago Tea Time 4, 5, Mugi!
Read Online | Direct Download

The webcomic is being slacked on by Mich, dinasty style.
Not sure what I'll be doing next, but midterms are up my bum so it'll be a while regardless before you even get a whiff of whatever it'll be.
I'd like to thank AudioErotica for making the raws awesome. Some of these pages would've been a nightmare to do if the raws were the jpg artifact ridden garbage the internet is so fond of.

MrEngenious Admin
Bloop 09 Oct 05:41
Dynasty Scans
joined Oct 8, 2010

The online reader link was my fault. The direct download link is the reader's fault.
It's been annoying as hell to deal with recently.
Regardless, they've been fixed.

MrEngenious Admin
Dynasty Scans
joined Oct 8, 2010

Yeah I know I've been dragging my feet about it. Was wondering if they were still alive or not and trying to see if there was a means of contacting them other than through commenting. Staff members gave half hearted responses so that didn't encourage me into getting my feet out of mud either.
However with their latest release I've posted a comment asking for permission.
Also asked permission from Ramsus-kun if you were wondering.
We'll see the response(s) soon enough.

MrEngenious Admin
Recently released 06 Oct 14:05
Dynasty Scans
joined Oct 8, 2010

Oh, you meant that it was out of order in the volume. I was assuming page numbers. It's definitely fixed now haha.

MrEngenious Admin
Rose of Versailles 04 Oct 15:43
Dynasty Scans
joined Oct 8, 2010

Uh, I have no idea what that series is. Mangaupdates has it that two different groups had continued it along after Lililicious dropped it
Do make use of that site for future series inquiries.

MrEngenious Admin
Shinigami Alice 04 Oct 15:39
Dynasty Scans
joined Oct 8, 2010

I'm not sure what the situation was at the time. I think it might've gotten axed.

MrEngenious Admin
Bloop 04 Oct 14:06
Dynasty Scans
joined Oct 8, 2010

I'm not sure who was at fault. Let's just blame both sides.
That page was (supposedly) replaced a couple of months ago to reflect our dumbness.

MrEngenious Admin
Recently released 04 Oct 09:08
Dynasty Scans
joined Oct 8, 2010

Don't know if I forgot I got to it or if someone else ninja'd it for me, but that's fixed.

MrEngenious Admin
Bloop 04 Oct 08:57
Dynasty Scans
joined Oct 8, 2010

Petite Yuri Hime S - Shinigami Alice
Read Online | Direct Download
Edit Fixed the author's name on the first page. Early archivers who grabbed it who care about little things like that should re-download that page through the reader.

Petite Yuri Hime S - Yuru Yuri
Read Online | Direct Download

Mich is working on a webcomic after Seravi obtained permission from the artist him/herself.
I'm working on something K-ON! related now.
There were a couple of things left from sayuri hime that was going to be after this but since the file meltdown on the bot the raws were lost we're just going to have to forgo that and unfortunately trash old efforts by translators and proofreaders who worked on that stuff.

1) You spent a year working on 6 pages?
Yes and no. I spent probably 2 hours in total. I spent numerous hours doing something else for someone else. Much of the time spent otherwise was on video games and now college (otherwise known as slacking off/lack of will).

2) Anything reader/mobile app related
It's a sort of complex issue, but for now omnscient0, the person who did the bulk of the coding for the reader and who we had for the apple app, is too busy and hasn't come to the channel for a long while. Harawa is available but the complicated part is that we apparently don't have access to the reader code according to thetime. So currently you can think of us as being chickens with our heads cut off about this.
We're missing only a couple of things due to the limitations imposed by this. I was going to throw some stuff on the reader by FUKE but the upload size limit has prevented me from doing so. Best visit him directly anyway, as we've always encouraged, to nab the latest K-ON! thing he's released. It's neat, if pure and typical porn.

3) Does this mean you guys are alive now?
Eh... no. Don't get your hopes up for anything regular (you probably gave up hope by now anyway!). The only people in the group now are the vets who were in it for the long haul because we enjoyed each other's company. We're still very much active and semi-talkative on the very same IRC channel we've had for the longest time.

Edit: Ooooof course I screwed up. Archivers should rename their archives from "Petite" to "Petit".

MrEngenious Admin
Dynasty Scans
joined Oct 8, 2010

It's a one man operation most of the time (me). I check mangaupdates more often than the forums due to lack of activity on here for the most part. I also depend a bit too heavily on the forum telling me when there's been a new post when I refresh the page (which clearly doesn't always work).
It's up on the reader now, sorry about that.

Why not just check it more often? Laziness, playing games, focusing on college work, working on my job, etc.
It takes just a click, but it's something that always slips my mind.

MrEngenious Admin
Orange & Yelllow Ch1 28 Sep 11:10
Dynasty Scans
joined Oct 8, 2010

Should be fixed now.

MrEngenious Admin
Dynasty Scans
joined Oct 8, 2010

Usually when we're adding new groups does that page tend to get a lot of action.

MrEngenious Admin
Dynasty Scans
joined Oct 8, 2010

I'll add it sometime tomorrow~

Dynasty Scans
joined Oct 8, 2010

Red/Blue/Green/Yellow (Generation I): 26%
Gold/Silver/Crystal (Generation II): 21%
I honestly can't choose between any of them.: 19%
Ruby/Sapphire/Emerald (Generation III): 14%
None; I don't like them.: 10%
Diamond/Pearl/Platinum (Generation IV): 5%
Black/White (Generation V): 5%

566 total votes

Lot less voters, no surprise.
Lots of people loved the originals the best, good old nostalgia.
Much as I nostalgia for the old ones too, B/W took it to a neat different direction (if only a small departure in its plot and mechanics).

MrEngenious Admin
Dynasty Scans
joined Oct 8, 2010

Considering this is a more personal affair and much more accessible to contact and obtain permission for (no publisher/copyright cock-blocking), I feel that getting her permission is what's going to make or break it going onto the reader.

MrEngenious Admin
Dynasty Scans
joined Oct 8, 2010
  • We're still thinking about the Love DNA XX thing, will update about it in a later post (if we don't forget about it).
  • Beyond is up.
  • Never really thought about hosting deviantart stuff before. So far we're pretty receptive to that idea. Have you gained her permission somehow in letting scum like us host her stuff, in her English and/or your translated versions? I'll shoot you an email sometime after this post repeating this.

Edit: Beyond was already up. I should've checked beforehand haha. Removed the one I uploaded of it.

MrEngenious Admin
Reddit? 21 Aug 14:57
Dynasty Scans
joined Oct 8, 2010

There are times it's better and many times it's just as bad. It's still a nice thing to check out every so often if you visit the right subreddits IMO.

MrEngenious Admin
Dynasty Scans
joined Oct 8, 2010

Apparently they alreadt have a policy of not caring who hosts what as long as the credits are there. So I feel silly for not reading that earlier. It'll be up soon after the time of this post.

Edit: Getting shafted on the second chapter.
Edit2: The "LQ" version is what's up for the second chapter. The HQ chapter keeps shafting me on upload, I'll try to find a way to get that version up.