Kind of off topic here, so I apologize for butting in.
At this point, Steam reminds me of Newgrounds and Portal. At the beginning (I'm a dinosaur), Newgrounds was kind of a nice place to browse with some goofy quality flash stuff, then Portal came along and accepted user submissions. However, when you let anyone and anything start joining the fun, chances are there's going to be a lot of trash to wade through. I haven't looked at Portal in over a decade, but it was a hideous monster at that point. I'd be afraid to see what it's turned into today.
That said, trash is subjective. Steam has a lot of cool indie titles, though, and admittedly it's awesome for people using crowd funding to get a project started. I'll be honest, I don't really use Steam to browse through games. Word of mouth (friends, family, reviews) is really key these days in determining what's worth playing and what's not. It cracks me up when someone leaves a negative review on something that was totally not going to be their thing to begin with. Do a little research before you pony up the cash. Steam does have a 14 day return policy, too, if you've put less than 2 hours on the title.
You know, I'm not entirely sure what my point was. Game carefully?