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joined Jul 12, 2012

Honestly, this is worth rereading just for Umi's faces when she realizes Kotori is touching herself.

I couldn't agree more xD

joined Jul 12, 2012

She grew A LOT in 6 months though lol, but the shoes still fit?

The shoes should fit, because girls feet stop growing around ages of 13-15. She was probably 15 by my guess and that's why the shoes fit perfectly cause her feet stopped growing. Like for example in women size shoes I can wear size 10. I've been that size since i was 13. And i've stopped growing around 15. That's why i say it's possible that she's still the same size of shoes even though she grew taller.

Image Comments 03 Nov 23:39
joined Jul 12, 2012

Stone hands not flexible, but the bird feet are even though they look like stone too? Hmm... I could see the possibility.
Anyways I applause for the artist's imagination and the beautiful art. And also the comments above made my night lol.
Oh! And the school girl brought a gym bag! Doesn't that mean that it was a thought out trip to that world!?

last edited at Nov 3, 2015 11:42PM

Image Comments 03 Nov 23:19
joined Jul 12, 2012

^ I noticed that too!
Them thighs are plump, but I have a nagging feeling about the body proportion being kinda off a bit... you know, like the blonde girl has big breasts but skinny legs while dark hair girl has no visible breasts but big thighs. Like what's up with that?
But it could be that she has big thighs and that's probably the end of the story.

joined Jul 12, 2012

Am I the only one that stayed looking at the last page to spot the different models? xD

joined Jul 12, 2012

What I really want to see is more about Akira, to be honest. There are little hints that she's actually an interesting person outside of being really good at sex.

I also noticed that! It would be interesting to see more about Akira too. Also I'm a sucker for tomboys so count me in on more of Akira stories!

LOVE/DEATH discussion 03 Nov 20:40
joined Jul 12, 2012

Finally a sweet and non-violent chapter of this story xD

Image Comments 25 Oct 22:36
joined Jul 12, 2012

Anyone here just clicked on the pic because from far you could see a face in a vagina and you couldn't help but wanting to see what the hell was going on? xD

Image Comments 24 Oct 21:51
joined Jul 12, 2012

Just keep pulling down that zipper hehe

joined Jul 12, 2012

I feel like their personalities are switched, but this works too. And happy birthday to Eli on October 21.

joined Jul 12, 2012

"I just love my job! Getting fappable material... I mean, news, has never been this easy!" <3

Cage: Cage discussion 17 Oct 01:28
joined Jul 12, 2012

Wow, I'm almost speechless but it's not bad. I'm actually intrigued. I haven't read anything like this in quite a while that would actually peak my interests.

joined Jul 12, 2012

Wow I'm incredibly aroused right now..

joined Jul 12, 2012

Page 15: Nipple condoms?!

joined Jul 12, 2012

Lol Full combo on expert mode xD I wonder what song she was thinking of though? Plus there's no songs with a 25,000+ notes on that game, that's just impossible!!!

joined Jul 12, 2012

Page 19 is probably the most hottest masturbation position I've ever seen. Seeing that made me all hot and bothered ^//^'

joined Jul 12, 2012

Very interesting :3

joined Jul 12, 2012

Every time Kureha is about to get eaten something happens...

Look at Me discussion 16 Sep 14:07
joined Jul 12, 2012

Not the way I thought it would end. Kind of a shame since it got so much potential. I was expecting Rin to at least tell Hanayo about her and Maki since they're really good friends, and Hanayo to feel maybe a little something for Nico in the end but oh well. It's still a good read nonetheless.

Totally agree.
Even though doesn't those kind of endings usually mean that something good will happen after a while. I feel that eventually Nico will make it clear to Hanayo and hopefully she sees what Nico is trying to do, unless Nico gets tired of Hanayo's cluelessness and confesses to her. In my opinion the story is left to reader's imagination.

Also please fellow readers stop being negative towards this.

Quickening discussion 14 Sep 20:31
joined Jul 12, 2012

The dicks are not part of the story, they are just extras at the end with different characters, not that i cared in the first place.
But anyways if you came here to read for the 'porn without plot' then you're in the right place.
Other than that if that's not why you're here then click the back button and find something else to read or close the browser, turn off the system and back away slowly until the coast is clear. feeling trololol

"I like this so don't criticize" always works so well...

Hey Nezchan can I bluntly ask that if 'your comment isn't directed at me right?' Cause I'm getting mixed feeling from it (and I kinda didn't get it tbh..) ^~^' I don't want to be in bad terms with anyone >~<

joined Jul 12, 2012

I'm still wondering why my 'incest' tag was rejected for Chapter 2...
Does a moment of sisterly love not count?

joined Jul 12, 2012

I want more! More please!! This is cute and relatable to my life when it comes to size xD I'm 5' 10" and my girl is 5' 2"
And doesn't Nina kinda looked like Yang from RWBY at first appearance? o.o

Quickening discussion 14 Sep 18:52
joined Jul 12, 2012

The dicks are not part of the story, they are just extras at the end with different characters, not that i cared in the first place.
But anyways if you came here to read for the 'porn without plot' then you're in the right place.
Other than that if that's not why you're here then click the back button and find something else to read or close the browser, turn off the system and back away slowly until the coast is clear. feeling trololol

joined Jul 12, 2012

With little the first chapter is I kinda get what's going on. The only problem is that since its an incomplete story we don't get what's going to happen. Will be waiting for more.

joined Jul 12, 2012

"This stuff is gold."
I agree.