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joined Dec 12, 2016

I am not able to fathom your hate for the doctor at all. Based on what was posted here I expected her to be a huge bitch to the friend but when it came out it turns out that it was no where near as bad as you made it out to be.

joined Dec 12, 2016

Judging from the raws that ended in the best way possible, can't wait to actually be able to read it. lol

Kase-san discussion 03 Apr 13:52
joined Dec 12, 2016

Yamada hardly ever communicated her thoughts and worries.


its almost as if I did not use the word NEVER... but oh well.

Except I can go through several chapters and link where Yamada openly communicates her worries. Such as a few chapters later she explains to Kase why she doesn't like hanging out after a track competition after Kase finds out she wasn't there to celebrate her victory.

This one in particular happens early into their relationship and she practically yells her thoughts and worries. I think you are just wrong in your initial assessment, rereading the manga I have seen Yamada communicate plenty about what's bugging her.

"Madoka" discussion 02 Apr 23:09
joined Dec 12, 2016

Why the most famous yuri game has to be a tragic one?! ;_;

Yuri Game? Don't you mean anime?

It did have a pretty well received game come out on the PSP.

And once again, a scene like this would only be possible thanks to our lord and savior, Homura.

last edited at Apr 2, 2017 11:12PM

Kase-san discussion 02 Apr 23:07
joined Dec 12, 2016

It's 23 chapters of a relationship that's over a year long, don't think it requires any more romance than what we got to build up to their first time. Most manga would have them going at it less than a month after agreeing to date with a lot less build up.

They have been dating for a year and are finally alone in a room that has zero chance of being interrupted by family, it's only natural what would happen.

last edited at Apr 2, 2017 11:08PM

Kase-san discussion 02 Apr 20:59
joined Dec 12, 2016

Yamada hardly ever communicated her thoughts and worries.


Kase-san discussion 02 Apr 08:43
joined Dec 12, 2016

don't get me wrong, I fancy kase-san but you know we need to spice it up this manga with some conflict. Adding a couple of villains to the plot wouldn't hurt anyone you know. xD

Nah, came for the fluff, not the drama.

"Madoka" discussion 01 Apr 23:44
joined Dec 12, 2016

If making everyone happy is wrong then I don't want to be right.

Kase-san discussion 01 Apr 21:14
joined Dec 12, 2016


I think it's implied that they've already "done it" a few times. Yui didnt flinch much.

Pretty sure if that was implied then Kase wouldn't have had to ask like 4 times. Pretty sure this is their first time.

last edited at Apr 1, 2017 11:34PM by Nezchan

Anime season 01 Apr 21:12
joined Dec 12, 2016

So regarding Kemono Friends, which I just finished watching, Kaban was basically a clone of Mirai? I honestly didn't see that coming.

She left though and her hat flew off and then Kaban got 'spawned' at the hat. She's supposed to be human, but she just appeared out of nowhere, unless they meant it to be 'there was a hair in the hat and she absorbed it and became a human'. She didn't look like Mirai at all as well, cause you would think she'd take the form of the thing that is absorbed. I don't understand where they were going with it.

I think she isn't exactly a clone, she is just the friend avatar of the human race.

joined Dec 12, 2016

HAHA god damn it, oh well, never mind me then. Sorry.

last edited at Apr 1, 2017 4:13AM

joined Dec 12, 2016

Glad I didn't let the aaaangst tag stop me from reading this. Yeah, it's a story that is about angst but at least it doesn't end that way.

And yes, "stab" is a pretty common SFX in manga, usually coupled with a word cloud stabbing the person for extra effect.

Kase-san discussion 01 Apr 00:29
joined Dec 12, 2016

I know this is not the end with an update next month but if this was the end then I would have been completely satisfied.

joined Dec 12, 2016

T.T why though.

Real life just getting in the way, even with Citrus they are not going to crank it out as fast as possible anymore, too.

joined Dec 12, 2016

So the scanlator, Chaosteam, is dropping NTR along with every other one of their projects that's not Citrus.

joined Dec 12, 2016

I have to say that this claim that uses the same tropes over and over again is way overblown. Really, what tropes does she use over and over? That there is a confusion in a romantic story? Come on, this idea that she uses the same plot line is melodramatic in of itself. To say that Girl Friends is similar to Secret Recipe or Secret of the Princess or Hana to Hina is asinine.

joined Dec 12, 2016

A character with common sense in yuri? I was not expecting that, these themes usually get super frustrating in most yuri manga cough*everythingbyMorinagaMilkcough*

Certainly refreshing.

Funny because that's not what people were saying when it first happened here. Turns out it's all about how you use a trope that matters, not that it's there in the first place.

joined Dec 12, 2016

Okay I'm just coming in now and I'm in the middle of chapter 8

When did this happen?

Not sure why it wasn't included in one of the chapters.

last edited at Mar 30, 2017 11:25PM

joined Dec 12, 2016

Got to love it when people act like tropes are the same as bad writing.

Cross Heart discussion 29 Mar 14:31
joined Dec 12, 2016

Then don't miss its awesome sequel [which seems to be on-hiatus, or very irregularily updated] on the artist's deviantart !

Deviantart is shit I cant read the manga in the right line I end up spoiling myself when I got from page 4-8 cause of this shitty site

Good thing Anakriss puts it up on Tapastic first then.

joined Dec 12, 2016

Hey does anyone remember someone asking about a Korean bdsm manhwa that had a red hair girl and black hair girl
Did that ever get solved

This what you looking for?

joined Dec 12, 2016

This one is killing me.
Involves our gay girl meeting a masseuse, I'm pretty the masseuse was an ex soap-land girl may or may not have been recently divorced/widowed. Not as porny as it sounds.

Could have:
Office lady (50% sure)
Adult life (70%)
Bath? (20%)

Pretty sure it was a two shot.

Is this it? and the sequel.

last edited at Mar 28, 2017 8:48AM

joined Dec 12, 2016

There's a game?

Yeah, the whole franchise was meant to include a game, manga and anime. The game came out first but flopped, so it was canceled.

joined Dec 12, 2016

It's kind of interesting how the manga and anime use a lot of the same characters but give them completely different personalities

If anyone is wondering, the manga seems to be written as a sequel to the game, and the anime appears to be in a continuity of it's own

Nope, the anime is also a sequel to the game and this manga.

Unless the final episode includes some explanation for ceruleans being very, very different between the game and anime and you somehow know this despite it having yet to air, I don't think that's a reasonable position to take. The anime has something loosely based on the game as it's backstory, but there's some major differences

Seeing as how the Guide and different Serval are in the show and use the same voice actresses from the game, it doesn't take much to argue that it's a direct sequel.

last edited at Mar 28, 2017 1:16AM

joined Dec 12, 2016

It's kind of interesting how the manga and anime use a lot of the same characters but give them completely different personalities

If anyone is wondering, the manga seems to be written as a sequel to the game, and the anime appears to be in a continuity of it's own

Nope, the anime is also a sequel to the game and this manga.