Forum › Posts by ChocolateCakeLover

joined Feb 4, 2015

rip me ;_;

apparently 1 short of a thousand and also apparently darth vader ;_; life is sad ;_;

joined Feb 4, 2015

What makes me like Darth Vader? ;~;

joined Feb 4, 2015

Song suggestion for ChocolateCakeLover

That's you! 100 %

whyyyyy =.=

@Chocolate so you had a nice day yesterday :)

Where on earth did you get that idea ;_;

joined Feb 4, 2015

@ ChocolateCakeLover

Being forced to leave the house to go to the movies... now that's actually worse than I thought!
They should invent the mobile cinema already. The big screen that comes to your house, whenever you need it! ^^

A movie and a concert D:

I even had to take pictures with one of my favourite bands ;_;

No song or combination fit me D: That I know of D:

joined Feb 4, 2015

@ChocolateCakeLover Stop with this madness, I've had people ask me if you're my alt v:

They what? Why? D: Are you? D:

joined Feb 4, 2015

Went to see rwby volume 2 in cinema yesterday, and I'm setting off to see Area 11 right now D:

joined Feb 4, 2015

Had to leave the house yesterday and have to leave again later ;_; Life is hell ;_;

joined Feb 4, 2015

Evil never dies xD... right, CCL? xD
*returns the blanket hysterically... it's so hot these days...

Neveeerrrr >:D

Yup, this is why I like this thread so much. Glad to see someone came up with the idea^^

Everyone can have fun, unless it's Zuljin or CCL. They cannot have any fun.


@Blackkitty, Yeah, I am Polish as well. But I've lived in the USA like 88% of my life.

@Galich, No Fun Allowed?! All I wanna do is have fun! Maybe I need to team up with ChocolateCakeLover in the end. Hmm.

I like this development >:D

Holy shit anon's a zombie D:

joined Feb 4, 2015

If only I had one D:

joined Feb 4, 2015

@ChocolateCakeLover Only saw "him" in the game files while modding. Was wondering about that one secret achievment. I remember hearing about that in history classes.

My spreadsheet simulator skills will crush you.

Roughtly 650 hours and 5 achievements. What can I say, I really like my mods and save scamming, How 'bout ya? Same here, I play a bit better than my stats say.

1154 hours, 50 achievements, I like my mods too, and I'm so so so so much worse than those stats may suggest. Just came off a failed A Sun God attempt, which proved to me I still can't learn the basic lesson of "once you've picked an achievement to chase, stick to that fucking achievement dickhead. Spent all my diplo on mercantilism chasing the Protected Market achievement for no good reason other than "oooh, don't have that one yet" ;_; I can reliably blame all the problems that came after on that, and as it was, I only really lost the attempt because France et al decided to drop 60k troops in the rain forests of Latin America instead of fight the bloody 30 years war ;_; At least it was a learning experience I guess..

If you don't see me for a while, I've rammed my head through my laptop in frustration at not completing this the second time around.

last edited at Jul 26, 2016 9:21AM

joined Feb 4, 2015

Nuh D:< Conformity ftw D:<

Galich have you seen?

btw, how many hours do you have in EUIV, and how many achievements? This isn't meant to be competition btw as those metrics don't reflect well on me.

joined Feb 4, 2015

I don't think the drama has come to an end just yet! ^^
CCL will return, I'm sure of it! ;)

No chance D:

@Anon99 I don't think they're alive anymore after arguing with ZuljinRaynor about Ghostbusters V: You'd have to ask either one of them tho.

Not dead, was too busy in game D:

Well, I'm one for the team ZuljinRaynor in case a war breaks out. Briber- generous donations have nothing to do with that. I don't care whom I'll have to ally, CCL, you are getting coalitioned.

I'll make you into a Quill

@Galich, ChocolateCakeLover should pick smarter battles. :P

Harder battles, the poorness of Ghostbusters is too self evident to be worth fighting :P

last edited at Jul 25, 2016 10:12PM

joined Feb 4, 2015

hah, yes, I used to be farr worse than the current myself... it took me some time xD but since I'm in mid twenties I accept the reality that I will never be completely cured of my shyness, probably xD

Being shy is better anyway \o/

joined Feb 4, 2015

Yuma slap was great :o

Wait, she's a bad person too now D: wtf

joined Feb 4, 2015

Labour membership package finally arrived. Supposed to take 10 days at most, was nearly a month :/

joined Feb 4, 2015

Nope cos science will keep me forever young ;_;

joined Feb 4, 2015

Not my future cos SCIENCE D:

joined Feb 4, 2015

My granddad has taken his shirt off because of the heat and it's not pretty.

I usually only eat once a day anon :o

last edited at Jul 20, 2016 12:48PM

joined Feb 4, 2015

Every day I spend a few hours agonising over what to ave for dinner and every day I just have more chicken burgers Dx

joined Feb 4, 2015

Winter is coming, and I can't bloody wait ;_;

The Winds of Winter better damn well get here soon. I don't watch Game of Thrones (no time to, honestly) but I damn well like the books.

ahahaha, that was my original wording.

joined Feb 4, 2015

I feel like I'm about to be lynched.

I honestly hate the show, I only watch it because... hey, internet means I can do it for free.

The asoiaf books are pretty god though.

joined Feb 4, 2015

I finally finished watching Game of Thrones last night.

Winter is coming, and I can't bloody wait ;_;

joined Feb 4, 2015

I don't generally like films and I wasn't alive back then, so I don't know many, but Empire Strikes Back or Platoon or something? idk

joined Feb 4, 2015

I don't fully remember the plot up to this point, but it's okay. I loved it anyways.

So much this.

Poor yakuza wife needs some permanent yuri to steal her away D:

joined Feb 4, 2015

@ChocolateCakeLover, You are awful and should feel bad for being awful. >:(

That movie is nearly perfect and it is fine if you do not like it, but to say it is awful is to be legitamtely wrong. The movie is a perfect example of how things fall together perfectly by accident.

You can all the second one awful, because a lot of people to, but I like it and it has my favorite quotes but it is a retread otherwise. But the first movie is great.

ur worse and should feel worse =.=