@ChocolateCakeLover Only saw "him" in the game files while modding. Was wondering about that one secret achievment. I remember hearing about that in history classes.
My spreadsheet simulator skills will crush you.
Roughtly 650 hours and 5 achievements. What can I say, I really like my mods and save scamming, How 'bout ya? Same here, I play a bit better than my stats say.
1154 hours, 50 achievements, I like my mods too, and I'm so so so so much worse than those stats may suggest. Just came off a failed A Sun God attempt, which proved to me I still can't learn the basic lesson of "once you've picked an achievement to chase, stick to that fucking achievement dickhead. Spent all my diplo on mercantilism chasing the Protected Market achievement for no good reason other than "oooh, don't have that one yet" ;_; I can reliably blame all the problems that came after on that, and as it was, I only really lost the attempt because France et al decided to drop 60k troops in the rain forests of Latin America instead of fight the bloody 30 years war ;_; At least it was a learning experience I guess..
If you don't see me for a while, I've rammed my head through my laptop in frustration at not completing this the second time around.
last edited at Jul 26, 2016 9:21AM