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Their Story discussion 09 Dec 00:21
joined Mar 24, 2014

^ It isn't like native speakers are gonna be particularly rare? In the first place the specific 'xiao' being talked about is the one written 小, which typically means 'small'. When prefixed to a person's name it does have a very similar sense to "chan" or "kun" in Japanese; you'll see it used as a term of endearment from parents towards children, between people who've known each other since they were young, or between peers/coworkers sort of indicating a subordinate or kouhai relationship.

(Take my Chinese fluency with a grain of salt, as I didn't grow up over there, but the above is my sense of it.)

As a native speaker of Chinese i say yea that's what xiao basically mean

I have to ask, are you actually from China? Or are you from another Chinese speaking region of the world, like Singapore?
Just curious is all.

last edited at Dec 9, 2014 5:59AM

Their Story discussion 09 Dec 00:20
joined Mar 24, 2014

^ It isn't like native speakers are gonna be particularly rare? In the first place the specific 'xiao' being talked about is the one written 小, which typically means 'small'. When prefixed to a person's name it does have a very similar sense to "chan" or "kun" in Japanese; you'll see it used as a term of endearment from parents towards children, between people who've known each other since they were young, or between peers/coworkers sort of indicating a subordinate or kouhai relationship.

(Take my Chinese fluency with a grain of salt, as I didn't grow up over there, but the above is my sense of it.)

Ah, thank you.

Their Story discussion 08 Dec 21:02
joined Mar 24, 2014

Why do the girls call her Xiao Jing when she's almost as tall as a guy?

Because in Chinese calling someone "xiao" is kind of equivalent of "chan" in Japanese. It's not there for size but rather a term of endearment.

Were did you hear this? As far as I know, Xiao means many things in Chinese (Surname, type of flute, rank used by field officers in the Chinese military, a legendary creature and the name of a river) but not a term of endearment, unless its a slang term I never heard of before.

joined Mar 24, 2014

They get into a stupid argument for no damn good reason and then are too embarrassed/prideful to apologize. Oh yeah I have NEVER seen that in a yuri one shot before ever! Okay so maybe it's not melodramatic.. but it's still generic and dumb.

Then they talk about "I'm so afraid of losing you blah blah" "I wanna protect you and be by your side blah blah" Jeez why is KyouSaya always so damn cliche? Makes me wanna vomit. They barely have any good doujins and that's why I don't really like the pairing.

But yeah, it was only enjoyable with Madoka nom-ing Kyuubey and Homura spraying Sayaka, lol.

Its cliche yeah but its not melodramatic. If you're going to insult something, at least use the proper terminology.
Also, I think the lack of good kyousaya material stems from the fact the two have a lot less shipping potential than fans are willing to admit, large'y because if they did admit kyousaya didn't really work then Sayaka might end up with that dude she was fawning over in the show and the fans wouldn't want that (They do kinda have a point on that though; that guy was a dick) Not helped at all by the fact Kyouko and Sayaka's relationship in the show itself was kinda forced, what with the whole "I've known you for a week and hated your guts the whole time but I'm still going to sacrifice myself in a pointless attempt to save you" thing but what do you expect from Urobuchi, King of the Emos? Of coarse he's going to take a short cut to maximize pointless angst.

last edited at Dec 7, 2014 7:49PM

joined Mar 24, 2014

Is it bad I tried to click on the word Citrus just to see if it actually linked somewhere?


You monster.

How did I know you would say that...

joined Mar 24, 2014

getting tired of the same melodramatic generic story

Is it bad I tried to click on the word Citrus just to see if it actually linked somewhere?

Citrus discussion 07 Dec 00:50
joined Mar 24, 2014

Dynasty Reader's most controversial manga returns.

Stretch discussion 13 Nov 00:28
joined Mar 24, 2014

"Rin got spanked"

Well that got sexy fast. Guess that's just how Keiko rolls.

joined Mar 24, 2014

Still 100% certain that Yuu is in the autism spectrum

Image Comments 30 Oct 08:11
joined Mar 24, 2014

Okay so I did double check that and it turns out East Asian people have the the second lowest tolerance for alcohol out of the worlds many ethnic groups. Still, probably makes getting drunk on chocolate easier.

last edited at Oct 30, 2014 8:12AM

Image Comments 29 Oct 23:46
joined Mar 24, 2014

I remember reading somewhere that East Asian people have a lower tolerance for alcohol than other ethnic groups, while Eastern European people have the highest. I've never been able to double check that, so take it with a grain of salt.

Image Comments 23 Oct 04:05
joined Mar 24, 2014

I think Ymir's problem is that she's wearing a dress, when a well tailored suit would clearly fit her much better.

joined Mar 24, 2014

I'm pretty sure cosplayers anywhere in the world don't wear their outfits to or from the events. Those things take a lot of work and and I would feel so sick if something happened to it because I wore it to the event instead of putting it on in the hotel room.

I'm pretty sure you're mistaken. I'm not a huge event cosplayer, but in the SCA medievalist society it's considered almost de rigueur to wander around the normal world in medieval garb in between the event. It's known as "freaking the mundanes". Aside from being amusing, it also seems to operate as a way of letting potentially interested people know such things exist.
That was the only one of the rules that made me wonder a bit. Are the Japanese really so straitlaced that they'd be roused to get upset about an event because some people were seen wandering around in odd costumes? Surely odd fashion and costumes are a thing in Japan independent of convention events.
It actually seemed as if the rules in general, while quite sensible, were to some extent trying to set up or emphasize a distinct culture among yuri lovers from the general otaku-con-culture. Something a bit more refined and less frantic. I've noticed in otaku-oriented manga like Genshiken, there's a whole mythology surrounding the massive, chaotic lineups and the surging hordes and the flaking out anywhere to check out your loot and in general a certain ethos of throwing dignity to the winds in the pursuit of true fandom. It's about the frenzy and the hubbub. This little guide seems to be working a "We're different from that. We're yuri, which is all about lovely flowers. We do elegant and civilized instead of crazy." kind of angle. So I wonder if rules like "No cosplaying outside" are actually specific to this event and drawing a distinction from other otaku events?

Maybe so. As for the straitlaced bit, its hard to find a culture more straitlaced than Japan, so probably.

joined Mar 24, 2014

I'm pretty sure cosplayers anywhere in the world don't wear their outfits to or from the events. Those things take a lot of work and and I would feel so sick if something happened to it because I wore it to the event instead of putting it on in the hotel room.

As for the "they dont have the right to tell me what to wear" silliness they can just not let you into the event too. Some rules are there for your protection. Think about the police here in 'Murica. They like to shoot first and then claim they felt threatened later. What if you were cosplaying a character with a weapon?

Not sitting down inside the event area and reading your yuri? Have you ever seen the crowds outside of Comiket? If you have, it's worse inside because it's enclosed.

Photoshoots in the event area would cause congestion and someone could get hurt.

Not camping outside of the event area so you get closer spot in line, there are a crazy amount of creepers and perverts in japan, not to mention other dangers that want to prey on women.

Those rules/requests are not there to infringe on your rights, they are there for safety and also for the consideration of others. There's a time and a place for squealing about your rights being trampled upon, an event like this isn't one of them; and especially not if you're a westerner, you'll just make the rest of us look bad.

As I said earlier, I was just complaining for the hell of it. I understood the reasoning, I just didn't care. I have a bad habit of getting all nit-picky and complaining about shit that really isn't any of my goddamn business and for that I'm sorry. Though I suppose its better that I act like a bitch on the internet than pick fights in real life.

To give it to you straight, I wasn't thinking clearly at the time and decided to complain about something I knew nothing about simply because it seemed like an easy target. Again, sorry.

joined Mar 24, 2014

I love how the pros are so into these events. Amano seems rarin' to go, Takemiya was talking about it on Twitter yesterrday, and the likelihood Morishima wouldn't go is practically nil.

I also like how they're so on-board with the rules. Some fans in the west could do to emulate them.

As someone who has never been to an event like this (actually someone who avoids large social gathers out of principle) I still feel a few of these riles are a bit ridiculous. Like not wearing cosplay outfits to and from the event. Excuse me but I don't think you have the right to tell me what I can and can not wear, especially considering we are talking about something that occurs outside of the event itself.

It's not about "rights". You're taking a Western mindset, asserting your personal freedom over all other considerations, but it's one that they would consider selfish over there. These rules - or to call them what they actually are, requests - are intended to avoid having the event cause problems, not only for the participants at the site but with regard to the event's impact on and interaction with the surrounding neighborhood.

Too many complaints to the venue about the behavior of the attendees and the event won't be allowed back at that same venue again. That would be a serious matter, given that this kind of event is most likely already restricted in which spaces would be willing to host it. If the event forms a bad reputation, even those few would quickly start refusing to allow not only this particular event, but other yuri events by association.

This is how things work in Japan, where reputations and the avoidance of what others might consider as causing problems is important to maintaining business relationships.

I am well aware of Japan's collectivist mindset. I understand it but that doesn't necessarily mean I have to like it. I'm just complaining for the sake of complaining . (That is what the internet is for after all. Well that and porn. )

joined Mar 24, 2014

I love how the pros are so into these events. Amano seems rarin' to go, Takemiya was talking about it on Twitter yesterrday, and the likelihood Morishima wouldn't go is practically nil.

I also like how they're so on-board with the rules. Some fans in the west could do to emulate them.

As someone who has never been to an event like this (actually someone who avoids large social gathers out of principle) I still feel a few of these riles are a bit ridiculous. Like not wearing cosplay outfits to and from the event. Excuse me but I don't think you have the right to tell me what I can and can not wear, especially considering we are talking about something that occurs outside of the event itself.

joined Mar 24, 2014

Reading this its quite good!! Especially love the artwork's expressions, feel hard-hitting and that chaotic artwork in the fighting works quite well since its this in the moment feel to it.....
So any new indication about the shipping in RWBY?

Well they seem to be teasing Blake x Yang in the show, which some might say is queer baiting but I personally consider it to be a good sign, as the writers have said they like to incorporate fang theories and ideas into the show, so we may something canon yet. In addition, Monty said he wants queer romance in the show and the voice actresses for Blake and Yang themselves apparently ship the characters pretty hard.

last edited at Oct 17, 2014 12:39AM

joined Mar 24, 2014

I personally like the show and ship the fuck out of Blake and Yang (aka "Bumblebee")

YEAH bumble bee for life (fist bump)

Returns fist bump

joined Mar 24, 2014

Holy crap this is long for fan work (which is great).
Also, I still haven't watched RWBY. Should I?

Volume One Pros and Cons

Pros: Its Monty Oum so the fight scenes are basically the best you'll see pretty much anywhere and the characters are fairly believable and likeable, something I fell a lot of similar shows fail at creating. Its also fairly easy to shotgun the show's first volume in one go. Also, the musical score is actually really good, something you typically don't expect from such a small development team.

Cons: Volume One is pretty cliché and predictable, the fact its being developed by a small team rather than a full blown animation studio means the animation can get rather clunky from time to time and Jaune's little story arc is seen as a little derailing by some.

Volume 2 isn't over yet so I can't say anything about it yet but it seems to have fixed many of the complaints about Volume One. Smoother animation (though still clunky here and there), more fight scenes, it seems to be setting up to deconstruct and/or subvert many of the clichés common to the genre and wider character focus.

I personally like the show and ship the fuck out of Blake and Yang (aka "Bumblebee")

last edited at Oct 16, 2014 9:43PM

joined Mar 24, 2014

I dont get any similar vibe from Miss sunflower. This Manga has a very easygoing feel compared to citrus.

And unlike citrus this has actual quality....oops did i started ragging on shit citrus again? sorry

Hey, cool it man/woman/boy/girl/sapient amoeba. We don't need to turn this in to some 4chan style pissing match.

joined Mar 24, 2014


...wait, is this picture by the same artist related to this? If so, looks like she's going to become better at it soon.

Well if work hard enough at something...

I've suddenly realized i have no idea how pictures are posted on this site. Who posts them? Not the same uploaders who upload mangas I'd assume.

joined Mar 24, 2014

Wow, reading that 4-koma extra made me realize something about series.

I don't remember who any of these people are.

Really? I thought this series' best strength was memorable characters. Kanna especially.

I agree with both of you. I always remember the characters but ca n never remember there names.

Mama Mama discussion 27 Sep 02:08
joined Mar 24, 2014

Oh and their denial of Japan's many, many, MANY War Crimes.

That reminds of the case of "Comfort Women." Basically many women were abducted during Japanese war occupation, imprisoned to a "comfort station" where they were forced to "satisfy" the sexual "needs" of the Japanese soldiers. I used those wordings because I've personally attended a symposium about this, with the Lolas retelling their stories of horrible experiences during those times (Yes, they are grandmothers now and still no justice for them. The Japanese government has never officially apologized and reasoned that they were not the only country that did that, that it was a war necessity. My gawdness! See that?!)

Thats not even the half of it. Look up Unit 731. Lovely group those one.

joined Mar 24, 2014

I am 99% certain that Yuu has Aspergers syndrome.

I rather like this series.

last edited at Sep 22, 2014 11:41PM

Image Comments 21 Sep 13:48
joined Mar 24, 2014

Its not like Jaune knows anything any ways so You can't really blame him; after all, he was only trying to be nice.