^Very good. And funny. And gory. The humor seems very reminiscent (to me) of kid's show for whatever reason xD
Extra Chika for extra gayness
actually canon
Wow someone did Yuri of these two
What is even Asagi's "goal" with this manga? Also @LostGamble your avatar is cursed.
I don't know why I am still here... pls someone save me Same.
I don't know why I am still here... pls someone save me
last edited at Mar 13, 2020 2:39PM
Are these two related? The fanarts make they look really similar most of the time.
Why not OT3
Uber gay
Useless lesbians
Uselessbians, if you will
This is such a nice series, I'll be sad when it's over. :(
Edit: Btw, Akashi's twitter is @kireinaoniku, not kireinanaoniku.
last edited at Mar 11, 2020 6:58AM
Oh wow
This manga is cute
So zombies can sweat?
An option to reverse the page turning direction (right to left)
So you can read like in a Japanese site?
Edit: https://dynasty-scans.com/images/14960 <-Can we have a smug tag?
last edited at Mar 18, 2020 12:25PM
Why do some people like depicting Tsubasa as a creep? She's such a nice person in canon. :(
Besides, who the hell has a fetish for this kind of thing?
last edited at Mar 10, 2020 1:35PM
Yay YouYoshi
9 chapters to go before I catch up again, but now I must sleep.
I still ship this
Tablet is the best Tablet brand
Oh nice it's here
hold up, that's flat out implied rape
Yeah, I'm uncomfs
Sequel when
Who'd think Asagi's actual hentais (the ones I read anyway) would be more wholesome than their almost-hentai.
last edited at Mar 9, 2020 11:19PM