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joined Jan 31, 2013

Feels good to be home. It was fun seeing some stuff not blocked on Youtube when I was in Europe, lol.

Anime season 18 Sep 13:13
joined Jan 31, 2013

In general the publisher is the most important part for these sort of things, but the idea I've been seeing around lately that the studio doesn't matter at all is pretty obviously wrong. I wouldn't really expect a New Game sequel regardless, though

Yuru Yuri Season 3 got a third season with a different studio 3 years after season 2, so something similar could (potentially maybe someday please?) happen, no?

Doga Kobo did Seasons 1 and 2 for Yuru Yuri and the TYO did Season 3 and the OVAs later.

I will dream, but I won't expect anything soon.

joined Jan 31, 2013

I have like less than an hour from when I land in Munich to when I have my flight to the US so I won't be stopping by anywhere. :P

joined Jan 31, 2013

I hope the flight is nice too. 2:35 from Athens to Munich and then 9:25 to Dulles Airport. As long as the 9 hour flight has some movies I want to watch, that will be easy. It is the shorter flight that I have to distract myself during. I tried to use my Vita on my flight from Zurich to Athens and got plane sick lol

joined Jan 31, 2013

I am flying back to the US from Greece today.

joined Jan 31, 2013

I cannot see how a season being inferior to another one makes it immedietly be bad, but it's just my opinion.

See the TV series LOST.

Well that might be hard to get into since it's not a real sport... But Gundam Build Fighters immediatly comes to mind. coupled with some great soundtrack and animation

Build Fighters is really cool. Surprised me really. It would be cool if they could somehow work it into a SRW game and Sei meets Amuro and stuff.

last edited at Sep 15, 2016 12:59AM

joined Jan 31, 2013

I do not like Code Geass R2 because I think it is bad because it is worse than Code Geass so if you can tell me why Code Geass R2 is better than Code Geass, then I can see if my dislike for the series is misplaced. That is why I asked tell me why R2 is better.

joined Jan 31, 2013

If you guys want to tell me why Code Geass R2 is better than Code Geass, go for it. As far as I see Code Geass R2, it is a rehash and retread a lot of the time, without being as well paced or consistent as the original was. R2 also had way too many silly plot twists and too many characters with too little development.

It's like lots of movies, gotta make the sequel bigger and better but lots of the times that fails.

I did like the first OP of R2 though.

joined Jan 31, 2013

Gundam Versus for PS4

This one they have hinted at that it may be a worldwide release. There was an interview where they said that they want to make it worldwide.

Also not a port of Maxi Boost On. They also said they see the home console and arcades as different beasts, hence why VS Force was single player focused but they have acknowledged they let down the home console 2v2 fanbase with that game so they plan on doing that better this time. Who knows what that means.

But, I'm hyped. Just don't turn it into half the Mobile Suits are DLC.

Anime season 14 Sep 17:02
joined Jan 31, 2013

Does anyone know how well New Game!'s anime is doing in Japan? I want to know if we'll get a sequel with the next volumes' stuff. :P

last edited at Sep 14, 2016 5:02PM

joined Jan 31, 2013

The worst anime ever is for me Sakura trick

I really enjoyed Sakura Trick because finally an honest to goodness Yuri anime. I never wanted it, but when I watched it I enjoyed. Also more Saki Fujita. <3

My least favorite anime that I watched... hmm... probably Code Geass R2 (I loved the first Code Geass). Was a dumb train wreck.

joined Jan 31, 2013

Yeah, I only watched it because of how AWSUM it was supposed to be. Over-hyping things ruins them.

Now if I expected it to be the worst thing ever, I may have been surprised. Like Gundam ZZ! Everyone said it's dumb and bad and well, I really enjoyed it. Even Moon Moon! Even Chara Soon and Mashymre Cello. It was sad when they stopped being goofballs. :(

Anime ja nai!

Edit: My top 10 anime would be all mecha so I won't be listing it lol.

last edited at Sep 14, 2016 4:19PM

joined Jan 31, 2013

Highschool of the Dead episode 1 convinced me to never watch it.

I think it is also what made me start getting sick of zombies now that I think about it.

last edited at Sep 14, 2016 4:08PM

joined Jan 31, 2013

Hello from Greece. Now I go to sleep.

joined Jan 31, 2013

Zombies are pretty boring nowadays for the most part since they all are the same sleep inducing style of zombies. So sick of these zombies.

Gimmie supernatural zombies, like actual living dead magic fantasy stuff.

Zombies are more oversaturated than WW2 FPS games ever were.

Anime season 13 Sep 12:21
joined Jan 31, 2013

I haven't watched it yet (Blu Ray on shelf lol) but wow that sonds really disappointing about the second half.

joined Jan 31, 2013

I can't play games just to kill time either. I try to sometimes, and either I get into it so it's not just killing time anymore, or I just give up.

I end up killing time by trying to find a way to kill time. It's a vicious cycle.

Anime season 11 Sep 13:45
joined Jan 31, 2013

Sample? What are these??

Very likely to be part of the BDs or other promo merchandise.

I'm hoping it is other merchandise. I don't buy wall scrolls, but if those are, then I am all over that.

Right now I'm tempted to preorder all the New Game! can badges. lol

Edit: Oh hey, they didn't screw up the last ED for Unicorn TV either. New animation instead of fade to black and still the full song. Good stuff.

last edited at Sep 11, 2016 3:24PM

joined Jan 31, 2013

Ebooks aren't old fashioned.

And as someone who prefers video games to reading, handheld consoles win it for me. Though I don't really use them as much as I did before. This is because of Love Live SIF on my Phone.


How are you supposed to play GTA vice city story, GOW ; ghost of sparta, SoulCalibur : Broken destiny, and Naruto ultimate ninja games on an ebook -.- ?

SC: Broken Destiny was such a disappointment for me. I know I got it with PS Plus but wow, made me sadder than Soul Calibur V did.

last edited at Sep 11, 2016 1:43PM

joined Jan 31, 2013

Well, no need to get behind the PS Vita now. It's pretty much dead. :P

joined Jan 31, 2013

@Anon, work lol. Tuesday evening I fly to Athens. Then on Saturday it is back to the USA.

@Utoptia, I like my Vita. I mostly play import on it now. I have a PSP too... and I use it for imports as well.

Poland isn't on the menu, but my grandmother did want me to come lol. Company booked the flights and all so I couldn't do that.

joined Jan 31, 2013

Hello from Zurich!

I thought I prepared myself for the outlets but my C plug adapters are too fat for the Zurich whateverletter outlets. At least they had one single Euro Type F plug which means my pretty neat adapter and then power strip (two US plugs + 5 USB ports) works perfectly. The USB ports are also 2.4A which means they will charge my PS Vita (which refused to charge on the plane as I think they were simply 1A ports. My phone charged slowly).

Anime season 10 Sep 17:02
joined Jan 31, 2013

New Game is the best this season

Sample? What are these??

Anime season 08 Sep 23:25
joined Jan 31, 2013

Alright, so i went to watch some Gundam Thunderbolt: December Sky, right? (After downloading 3 different files until i got to one my TV liked) Despise me using Daryl on my avatar for the second time i don't think that much highly of him compared to Io Fleming...
...That completely changed though! For i had no idea he was voiced by Johnny Yong Bosch! (Nero in DMC4, Lelouch in Code Geass) I love the fuck out of this guys' voice! The rest of the cast seems average but it's such a delight to hear him working
So yeah screw you Io i'm now Team Daryl and i'll shit-talk you over a beer with my gay neighbor!
In fact, i'm doing it right now! Fuck i'm drunk

Johnny Yong Bosch voices Orga in the dub of IBO. He voices the protag in Persona 4 and that is why I can't take him seriously as Daryl. I just keep seeing the Persona 4 protagonist and go aughaughaguhga.

joined Jan 31, 2013

I will miss the New Game! anime a lot.