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joined Oct 30, 2021

Damn, senpai has it bigger than our Mc

joined Oct 30, 2021

At first I was kinda creeped out by the creator spying on and actively interfering with their sex life, but then I remembered our smartphones exist

Well, at least smartphones don't actively interfere (I hope)

Yeah.... Wink wink

joined Oct 30, 2021

She got bonked v:

joined Oct 30, 2021


Strong enough to have it all..... BUT TOO WEAK TO TAKE IT!

last edited at May 11, 2022 4:42PM

joined Oct 30, 2021

Why is this raging lesbian so opposed to becoming yuri anyway? Just kiss already.

I present you to LOW SELF ESTEEM

joined Oct 30, 2021


joined Oct 30, 2021

If that's the case, then WTF are there so many posts about Rio? It seems like, to the readers, many of whom don't understand the concept of the relationship between Yuriko and Matoi and think Matoi should have gotten together with Rio, someone she NEVER expressed any romantic interest in, Rio was one of the main characters...

And it doesn't matter anyway, because Matoi makes a romantic confession to Yuriko, who gives that confession due consideration before answering her and also telling Matoi that she loves her, but not in a romantic way, but she still wants to stay by her side if she'll have her.

I'm not sure if I was misunderstood, or if I'm not getting right what you're saying, but I never meant that this was not yuri, I was only saying that it is yuri because of Matoi and not because of Rio (which in the end proved to be my misunderstanding regarding the use of the tags anyway, but that's been cleared up by now.)

I totally get what you're saying about Rio though. So many people kept saying that she deserved better (which isn't exactly wrong, her last appearance was a bit sad) or that Matoi should have gotten together with her, but I bet not one person would complain if we had a male character in the exact same position. And really, the story was never about her anyway. People always latch onto the secondary characters, sometimes even forgetting that they're supposed to have nothing more than a supporting role in the story it seems, but only when they're women who have expressed some sort of interest in other women. And if a guy even dares to make an appearance—let alone confess to one of the leads—they almost always get a wave of insults and undeserved hate.

Edit: For the record, I am not a straight guy. Just to avoid having anyone thinking that's why I'm complaining.

Hell no, if Rio was a guy i wouldnt have a problem with it except the stolen kiss part since im not a fan of them either be a woman or a man who performs it if anything, iwould ask even more for him to get a better ending since i almost NEVER see a good male character getting justice in Yuri works, im not even saying it should have to get with the mc, just something like:
-"Hey we still friends with matoi even after these years"
-"Hey its been a while matoi, hows my life? Its fine, oh I present you to ***** she is my GF!"
-"Hey im still single but enjoying my life and still keeping in contact with matoi"

Even a sliiiiight mention would have sufficed cause believe it or not, ppl can get attached to secondary characters and she actually had a likeable personality and helped Matoi which makes her even more likeable
... Even the dude of the gas station got a closure! Btw im grateful of that xd

Ya get me?

last edited at May 7, 2022 6:22PM

joined Oct 30, 2021


joined Oct 30, 2021

Look, I'm not saying there's anything wrong with Nirvana or Foo Fighters, but

Loads shotgun


joined Oct 30, 2021

Im disgusted yet intrigued

School Zone discussion 04 May 13:45
joined Oct 30, 2021

Yatsude besto character

You cant change my mind

joined Oct 30, 2021

I guess I'm asking what an asexual romantic relationship looks like.

Romantic feelings without a sexual element to them, we desire close companionships that you don't get from just a friend.

I think Pieta kind of hits close to what I'd consider an asexual romantic relationship.

I once asked a friend if he had to separate the romantic and sexual elements of his relationship, what would go where? And surprisingly he put things like cuddling, hugs and handholdings in the romantic part, tbh i didnt even expected him to mention them to begin with... tho the reason he gave was "its something i wanna do with her all the time but its not exciting enough to make me wanna do it just from it alone hahahaha..." the answer was longer than that but i think this was the only part that matters

So maybe there is that...

last edited at May 3, 2022 2:20AM

joined Oct 30, 2021

It may be quite the haha now but Eve can basically have a mental breakdown bc of the clash btw her desire to protect Elsa and her own self, she doesnt enjoy hurting her nor she wants things to end bad for her and both choices are bad so hoo boy she has it rough

joined Oct 30, 2021

When you get NTR'd by a Dog :v

joined Oct 30, 2021

Idk but the lil girl looks sus

joined Oct 30, 2021

Reading all the comments i think we all can agree that Rio got played very dirty XD damn poor girl

joined Oct 30, 2021

Ok... I usually like stories that makes me think but bruh this one made my head hurt trying to understand how it works, and quite my heart hurt too bc of Rio, only there as a plot device just to be heartbroken and thrown away... I cant say i didnt saw that end coming but i would have liked a bit more development... Yeah i guess this is just the way it is but still... Damn.

Yeah, I really feel that. Especially since it'd really push forward the idea that Yuriko can actually trust being in the same apartment as Matoi without being worried about her making any advancements. And since it just would be more convenient for the both of them for a number of reasons. Like this, it feels like she can't trust being in the same room as her, despite it being a major plot point earlier that she does.

Edit: and yeah i agree with this

last edited at Apr 29, 2022 9:06PM

joined Oct 30, 2021


joined Oct 30, 2021

Never understood why so many people seem to hate Manaria. I like her quite a bit (I actually like her more that Lily)

Her character is just too convinient

joined Oct 30, 2021

Asexuals and/or aromantic people sometimes get into whats called a queer platonic relationship, or qtp for short. It's somewhat between a friendship and a romantic relationship where sex or kissing doesn't neccisarliy have to happen, though It varies from individual to individual.

Pretty sure this is where the story is leaning towards.

That... Sounds like BF to me... Call me stubborn or something along the lines but im putting my brain to work to find the place where that qpr could exist while being different and a more than a BF relationship and less than a romantic relationship and i cant find it, else the deciding factor could be the sexual aspect but... I still dont understand how that works and im reaaaallly trying

(TL;DR for the below, it's a term that exists because it can be used to describe relationships that don't usually get given much of society's brain-space.)

This is basically the way I expect most people to react to the idea so don't worry about it too much if it just doesn't ever make sense. It might just be something that's impossible to grasp if it's not something you intuitively understand....

My sister is aro/ace and I myself am demi, and everything you said sounds spot on to how she's described having a QP relationship to me (she's the one who really helped introduce me to the ace spectrum), so I'd say you did a damn good job explaining it.

Ok..... Now im ANNOYED, not bc of the explanation nice explanation btw, good structure, thanks and sorry to take your time to write it but bc i reaaaaaaaalllly CANT UNDERSTAND SOMETHING THAT FCKING LOOKS SIMPLE AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHH! This will hunt me for weeks....

joined Oct 30, 2021

Don't think this means you've won, Yoshioka!


joined Oct 30, 2021

I can't really enjoy this manga because I feel like the MC is rushing ahead with her feelings like she's desperate to find someone. Hasn't she known sensei only for a week?

It makes me uncomfortable because some of my gay friends have been in similar situations and ultimately gotten themselves hurt.

Also yeah, she was cute before but her "city girl" look is very hard to take seriously.

First sight love buddy, + she is just a teenager, you gotta give her some time

joined Oct 30, 2021

I think we often forget that they are also other relationships we can have than just friendship and romantic relations. Just being connected to a very deep level without having to be sexually attracted to each other is also a very beautiful thing and this manga portraits it very nicely!

Like what? We have:
Friendship and its derivates which funnily includes sexual relationships too

And honestly i cant even call their relation the typical "more than friends and less than lovers"

At this point theyre just BFF and with the way Yuriko is currently i dont see a future where theyre more than that xd

Asexuals and/or aromantic people sometimes get into whats called a queer platonic relationship, or qtp for short. It's somewhat between a friendship and a romantic relationship where sex or kissing doesn't neccisarliy have to happen, though It varies from individual to individual.

Pretty sure this is where the story is leaning towards.

That... Sounds like BF to me... Call me stubborn or something along the lines but im putting my brain to work to find the place where that qpr could exist while being different and a more than a BF relationship and less than a romantic relationship and i cant find it, else the deciding factor could be the sexual aspect but... I still dont understand how that works and im reaaaallly trying

last edited at Apr 24, 2022 4:37AM

joined Oct 30, 2021

Is it possible to be Asexual but still wanna seggs your gf? Or maybe they just haven't found the thing that actually makes her 'tick' if that makes sense. Regardless, it's always nice seeing a couple that really and truly love each other

She is not asexual tho, she got the tic when she got seduced so maybe she just has it harder than others

joined Oct 30, 2021

I think we often forget that they are also other relationships we can have than just friendship and romantic relations. Just being connected to a very deep level without having to be sexually attracted to each other is also a very beautiful thing and this manga portraits it very nicely!

Like what? We have:
Friendship and its derivates which funnily includes sexual relationships too

And honestly i cant even call their relation the typical "more than friends and less than lovers"

At this point theyre just BFF and with the way Yuriko is currently i dont see a future where theyre more than that xd