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joined Mar 24, 2014

pfft a true lolicon doesn't find kids attractive, that just makes you a pedo, a true lolicon finds lolis attractive, there is a difference in that lolis look absolutely nothing like real children.

You know "Lolicon" is just the Japanese word for pedophile right?

I've learned that this is the kind of logic you can't argue with. Not because it's strongly argued, but because it's an understanding of pedophilia formed from anime and anime fans with a similar mindset.

Well, it was worth a try.

joined Mar 24, 2014

pfft a true lolicon doesn't find kids attractive, that just makes you a pedo, a true lolicon finds lolis attractive, there is a difference in that lolis look absolutely nothing like real children.

You know "Lolicon" is just the Japanese word for pedophile right?

joined Mar 24, 2014

....Fun fact time! When going down on a girl, never use food as a lubricant. It has gluten in it, and can very well cause genital yeast infection. This is exactly what I thought when she used the lolipop

Gluten only exists in animal products silly. Anythong that doesn't contain animal products or byproducts (such as lollipops) should by fine in those regards.

"Gluten only exists in animal products" what? Where does that come from? Here's what The Source Of All Knowledge has to say:

"Gluten (from Latin gluten, "glue") is a protein composite found in wheat and related grains, including barley and rye. Gluten gives elasticity to dough, helping it rise and keep its shape and often gives the final product a chewy texture."

Can't find anything reputable about gluten causing yeast infections either. A lot of anecdotes on message boards, and the sort of sites that also push nonsense like what Food Babe and the like pull out of their butts.

That said, it's not that hard to throw the ecology of the vagina out of whack so it's best not to mess with it with stuff like food for the most part since it's hard to know what'll cause a reaction and what won't. Stick with fingers, tongues, clean toys, and whatnot.

Shit shit shit, I'm sorry. I mixed up my proteins, fuck. I should have double checked that shit but no I thought I was being all smart and shit. Thanks for correcting me, I should have known better.

joined Mar 24, 2014

....Fun fact time! When going down on a girl, never use food as a lubricant. It has gluten in it, and can very well cause genital yeast infection. This is exactly what I thought when she used the lolipop

Gluten only exists in animal products silly. Anythong that doesn't contain animal products or byproducts (such as lollipops) should by fine in those regards.

joined Mar 24, 2014

Oooo~ it gives the same creepy feels as high school of the dead x3 I am loving this!

Please High School of the dead was only fanservice. Don't even start comparing them, it's making me sad :(

Unless you read the manga, in which case its fanservice and the authors political opinions.
Though what did you expect when the manga artist (different guy from the author mentioned above) is a former hentai artist and the director of the anime stated he was deliberately trying to make a show his inner teenage boy would want to buy?

Their Story discussion 07 Apr 21:19
joined Mar 24, 2014

That feel when your crush unconsciously does the flirtiest shit ever

There's a pretty helpful post on page fifteen of this thread about how character names are pronounced. This is apropos of nothing in particular, but it's probably useful to mention it again now and then so people know. Here's a relevant excerpt from it:

short answer:

"Sun Jing"
Note that there are some non-optional 'shorthands' in pinyin; hypothetically, without these 'shorthands', it would have been:
"Suen Jing"
pronounced: swuhn dzeeng

"Qiu Tong"
Note that there are some non-optional 'shorthands' in pinyin; hypothetically, without these 'shorthands', it would have been:
"Qiou Tong"
pronounced: tsyou toong

Note that it is "Qiu Tong", not "Qui Tong" as misspelled above.
Just for completeness's sake...
Note that there are some non-optional 'shorthands' in pinyin; hypothetically, without these 'shorthands', it would have >been:
pronounced: tswei

Qi Fang
pronounced: tsee fawng

Qin Xiong
pronounced: tseen shyoong

xiao ("little")
pronounced: shyao

xuezhang ("upperclassman")
pronounced: shweh jawng

Chinese to English translations, brought to you by the letter X.

joined Mar 24, 2014


You mean Harasho (Pronounce HAR-ah-show)

Their Story discussion 18 Mar 06:45
joined Mar 24, 2014

Mophead x Train Lady

The realest of ships.

The real purpose of the whole manhua

Time for the Het, Age gap and Lesbian sidecouple tags, I suppose.

I woke up one of my roommates from laughing to this. Damn you Nez, now he's gonna be pissed at me for the rest of the week.

Yeah, Nez is like that. She always says the best things.

Their Story discussion 18 Mar 06:44
joined Mar 24, 2014

Shop clerk = every male on this site

Why only male ? I'm sure it's a good representation of womans too x)

i thought we already learned that a good number of the people on this site are women.

In my mind I see nearly everyone on this site as a woman.

Their Story discussion 17 Mar 23:06
joined Mar 24, 2014

Very well done series.

These two are the cutest thing since Cole from Dragon Age Inquisition.

joined Mar 24, 2014

Now, who will be Pretty Horn for our world?

Just give me the dress and the pentagram goat horn wand thing and I'll go to work.

Can I be your cheerfully insane sidekick who attempts to convince you to use violence to solve every problem?

Image Comments 09 Feb 23:53
joined Mar 24, 2014

Its true. Officially women in Canada average 5'4'' but a lot of women seem to significantly taller. One of my childhood friends is about 6'3'' and another girl I went to school with was 5'10'' back then and is probably about 6' now.
A lot of the girls I went to school with seemed to be 5'7'' to 6'. Of coarse, its probably just a regional thing though.

If you really want to go tall girl hunting, the former Yugoslavian states (Bosnia, Croatia, Serbia, Kosovo, Albania, Montenegro and Macedonia...might be forgetting one) have the tallest average height for women, at 5'7.5''.
The Nordic countries (Sweden, Finland, Norway, Denmark, Iceland, Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia) come second at 5'7''. This might be why a lot of the girls I know are so tall; most people in my town are either Nordic or Asian so they're either tall or short.
The shortest average height for women comes from Indonesia and Guatemala, where the average height in both countries is a minuscule 4'10''. The Phillipines is second at 4'11.5''.

By comparison, the world average is 5'4''.

last edited at Feb 9, 2015 11:59PM

LOVE/DEATH discussion 01 Feb 17:31
joined Mar 24, 2014

fight fight fight! kiss kiss kiss!

Hi Joel

joined Mar 24, 2014

"Kids are cute, therefore be a pedophile"

Seems legit. I'll have to tell Chris Hanson you said that.

Also, I can't be the only one who finds it weird that Makoto's friend would admit to wanting to have sex with fifth grade girls in front of Makoto and Akina's mother.

Stretch discussion 18 Jan 01:59
joined Mar 24, 2014

Do you guys ever stop and think "We might be taking this too damn seriously"?
Cause that's what it looks like you're doing.
I mean, yuri goggles are great and all but you guys are setting yourselves up for disappointment.

last edited at Jan 18, 2015 2:03AM

Stretch discussion 15 Jan 20:13
joined Mar 24, 2014

No only that but there isn't a constant flame war occurring over Stretch either and it still has more comments.
Either Dynasty users love stretching or they love subtext.
Probably the stretching though.

Except, you know for all the meltdown that comes with each chapter about if Shou's baiting us or not.

That's no flame war, that's just standard fandom behavior.

Stretch discussion 15 Jan 06:57
joined Mar 24, 2014

Wow, can't believe this outdid Citrus in terms of comment number, AND IT'S NOT EVEN YURI!

Stretching is more important

No only that but there isn't a constant flame war occurring over Stretch either and it still has more comments.
Either Dynasty users love stretching or they love subtext.
Probably the stretching though.

LOVE/DEATH discussion 09 Jan 23:06
joined Mar 24, 2014

Also I would like to say on an unlady like note: I am trying to picture these two if they were using sex toys <3 Can anyone see them trying to use a dildo ..... :P

Just four letters: BDSM. xD

Not really. BDSM has that whole Safe, Sane and Consensual thing going for it and these two seem neither safe nor sane.

Their Story discussion 24 Dec 20:24
joined Mar 24, 2014

Just pointing out some errors:
The 3rd image in 3 Dec 2014: It should be 'tenth grade' instead of 'ninth grade'. The original text is '1st grade in senior high'(CH: 高一).
Also it should be 'Tamen De Gushi' instead of 'Tamen Di Gushi'. (If it really is called as such... However some say that this manhua is actually not even titled. I couldn't find a result entitled Tamen De Gushi in the search engine either.)

(The PRC or the ROC?) The PRC. The author is from Guilin, Guangxi Province.

Thanks mate

Their Story discussion 19 Dec 08:05
joined Mar 24, 2014

A couple of people have mentioned earlier in the comments that Chinese people seem more open about sexuality than the Japanese or Korean or something, but I asked a couple of Chinese friends and they assured me that it's not true, as the Chinese have their fair share of homophobia and stuff as well.
I think it's just that the characters in the manhua are just particularly chill with Sun Jing, not that Chinese people are actually all that way

Yea as some one who is queer (im bi asexual which means im attracted to both sex but can see people of the opposite sex in a romantic relationship but for someone of the diffrent sex i see them as a sexual partner , i think this term can be used in multiple ways ) and Chinese i can say its card to bring up a conversation about coming out to anyone who is part of your family or extended family, as i know how homophobic that can be
To replay to someones comment from before i was born in southern china and was raised there before i moved to murica

Its likely the author just didn't want to make a big deal about the characters sexual orientations.
Also is the author of the series from the PRC or the ROC? Because I known for a fact the ROC is very accepting of homosexuality relative to other East Asian nations (Or other Asian nations in general)

Their Story discussion 13 Dec 01:33
joined Mar 24, 2014

Anytime I read this, I have a huge grin on my face and am usually giggling to myself... -w-

Yeah pretty much. Oh yeah and the constant thought of "these two are fucking adorable".

Their Story discussion 13 Dec 01:32
joined Mar 24, 2014

Page 1 is such a lol.

Sun Jing is so mean to her friend. (Edit: Qi Fang apparently judging by one of the other posts. I'm bad with the names in this manga.) First grabbing that one girl's butt and blaming him and now this, lol.

Hey what's a little messing around between friends, eh?

Their Story discussion 12 Dec 23:04
joined Mar 24, 2014

As a native speaker of Chinese i say yea that's what xiao basically mean

I have to ask, are you actually from China? Or are you from another Chinese speaking region of the world, like Singapore?
Just curious is all.

I'm not the OP of that first comment, but I'm also a fluent native Chinese speaker in both Mandarin and Cantonese (family is from Hong Kong to be specific) and I can attest that "xiao" or 小, paired with (usually the last part of their given name) like, 小明 (Little Ming) is pretty much an endearing nickname. So, basically that Chinese equivalents for the Japanese -chan or -kun.

Were did you hear this? As far as I know, Xiao means many things in Chinese (Surname, type of flute, rank used by field officers in the Chinese military, a legendary creature and the name of a river) but not a term of endearment, unless its a slang term I never heard of before.

Seeing as she referred herself by her full name, "Sun Jing" or 孙璟, we can see that the "Xiao Jing" or 小璟 is what her classmates/friends call her (as her nickname). Roughly translated would be something like Jing-chan (but 小 is pretty gender neutral, so technically it can be Jing-kun too.) Interesting to note is that only the girls/friends call her Xiao Jing, but the boys call her by her full name.

Also, a quick look on Wikipedia (which is where you got your definitions of "Xiao") will show you the following:

Surname = 萧 Traditional /肖 Simplified
Type of Flute = 簫 Traditional / 箫 Simplified
Military Rank = 校 (Which is really Jiao)
Xiao County (Xiaoxian) = 萧县
Mount Xiao/Yao = 崤山
Xiao River = 潇水
Xiao (myth) = 囂

But Xiao Jing (or Sun Jing)'s classmate call her: 小璟

It's an endearing nickname like "Little Susie". Easier to compare it to the Japanese -chan and -kun though.

Edit: Sorry for the long post. Just wanted to clear it up for everyone.
Having said that... newwww chapter/snippets have been posted!

Three things:

1) Thanks, that was exactly what I was looking for.

2) I actually didn't get that information from Wikipedia, not entirely anyway. Most of it was from memory, though the flute was Wikipedia.

3) I like your profile picture. This site needs more Korrasami.

Their Story discussion 12 Dec 22:45
joined Mar 24, 2014

Those names (chinese?)... I will never remember them.

That's funny, cause I find these Chinese names to be fairly easy to remember.

joined Mar 24, 2014

I wonder if the people who thought it was melodramatic actually read it all the way through.
Page 22 makes it obvious that the message is suppose to me drama is unimportant and takes a back seat to both the people and the relationship.

I doubt it.

People? I mean person. i only see one person complaining.