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Image Comments 03 Aug 13:10
joined Mar 22, 2018

Their legs confused me for a minute, there. I think I figured it out now.
Really like the colors, though!

LilyHara! discussion 02 Aug 21:08
joined Mar 22, 2018

I love twisted relationships just as much as (probably more than) I enjoy reading about fluffy couples who are too perfect to exist in real life. Afterall, variety is the spice of life.

I am retard :( 02 Aug 13:05
joined Mar 22, 2018

I don't disagree, I think it would be amazing.

I am retard :( 02 Aug 12:51
joined Mar 22, 2018

That would be one serious clusterfuck of an anime.
Genre: All

Image Comments 01 Aug 12:36
joined Mar 22, 2018

"Let's also have a sexy time pillow fight. For reasons."

Happy Nest discussion 31 Jul 13:09
joined Mar 22, 2018

You can't really warn someone not to fall in love with you, it doesn't work like that, Satsuki. She knew what she was doing.

I'm fine with this as a one shot, it was enjoyable. Any more than this might just get too messy. Although.. a glorious trainwreck could be nice in its own way, too. Yuri soap operas~

joined Mar 22, 2018

First time reading this, but honestly, it didn't affect me like how it seems to have effected other readers. I don't feel like there's enough background information for me to get emotional over this. It didn't even make my brain try to fill in the story gaps, which is something that usually happens.
It's still a shitty situation, though, one which I can relate to apathetically at this point in my life. Woo being a robot!

joined Mar 22, 2018

God damn, this series makes me feel the fluffiest ever.

Image Comments 20 Jul 01:49
joined Mar 22, 2018

Nico's probably just stuck, meanwhile Eli and Nozomi are resigned to this new fate.

Image Comments 20 Jul 01:45
joined Mar 22, 2018

Kougi is love. Kougi is life.

joined Mar 22, 2018

Jeez, the last comment on that link kind of sums it up. A shame, is funny stuff.

joined Mar 22, 2018

Like most of the media I ingest, I feel this is best to read and move on from. Or I guess, read, skim over the comments, post a meaningless comment myself, then move on. One way or another, it's therapeutic or something?

last edited at Jul 19, 2018 3:16AM

joined Mar 22, 2018

We are going to work on more, yes, and as for quality checking, I think you should email GUMI at , because they're the one in charge here (^◇^;)

Gotcha, will do, thanks! Always hard to tell who is checking forums and who isn't.

joined Mar 22, 2018

Wow, no lie, was debating on buying this a few weeks back, because I really want to see what happens. Instead I bought the digital versions of Yuunagi Marbled, because they're on Amazon, and wanted to support Momono Moto. c:

Uhhh, if you guys are going to work on more and need a quality checker (I find places where commas can exist, you'll hate me), feel free to message me on Discord. Trouserwitz#8779

Regardless, thanks for putting in the effort here!

Anime season 15 Jul 00:45
joined Mar 22, 2018

Platelets. 'Nuff said.

joined Mar 22, 2018

Is it actually confirmed that Itou Hatchi is a woman, or is it just some he said/she said stuff?
Not that it really matters, just curious.

Image Comments 12 Jul 12:57
joined Mar 22, 2018

Why is this the first time I'm noticing the ice cream tag? Thank you, summer.

Candy discussion 05 Jul 18:07
joined Mar 22, 2018

From the title and cover art, this is a very unassuming manga. I'm just surprised more people don't mention this when talking about fairly good, semi-lenghty yuri to check out. I can't remember where I saw it mentioned, but thanks whoever that was.

Going to echo those who mentioned the friend, Ichijou. Refreshing that she was a solid friend the whole story.

joined Mar 22, 2018

Haha, I don't think people got my breed of humor. Sorry guys, will limit my stupidity from now on.

joined Mar 22, 2018

Like Mist in the latest chapter, you just have a dirty mind. Collette is, among many other things, a professional laundress. She knows the status of every scrap of clothing on the estate like she knows the back of her own hand, and if fabric is getting thin, she knows when there’s no use mending it.

It’s only recently that she’s had to take the effects of bondage gear on sleepwear into account, however.

I am filth. Collette-sama, please scrub me clean. I have seen the err of my ways.
How recent do you think it's actually been, though? Because when Mist says new beastkin girl, does that mean there was an old one? That got discarded? Aged?

On a serious note, the only thing that flat out actually bothers me about all of this is the collar and the implications behind it. D:

joined Mar 22, 2018

Oh, granted—that was just a back-of-the-envelope list. I would remind you, however, that without grandma Collette we don’t have someone to cover Mel and Master with a blanket when they fall asleep together on a bench in the garden.

Just saying.

But what about her gross insinuation that she knew it was only a matter of time before Mel's pajamas got torn [open by the ravenous Master]?
Wait, I'm further helping your case, aren't I...

As for the age question, yeah, I was thinking Master is probably in her late twenties.

joined Mar 22, 2018

I'm sorry, but I have to firmly disagree. I think butterflies would have to be above cute tea grandma, in Itou Hachi's mind.

joined Mar 22, 2018

This popped up in the random chapter feed for me, and the title word "tropical" coupled with the tags angst and drama piqued my curiosity. I wish there was more yuri like this. I mean, I enjoy the whole school setting as much as the next reader, but we really need more flavors, more often.
Plus, whatever I'll say it, this reminds me of the game Skies of Arcadia, which is never a bad thing.

joined Mar 22, 2018

That's the reason I started collecting her and many other artists' work. I love clumsy artwork. She's improved a lot, as you'll see from an older work we'll release later.

There was a two page prequel she did for the goat story. Other than that there's the prequel/sequel to this and a story she did about a witch.

I'm finding it's up my alley, too. Looking forward to seeing any more of her stuff, for sure.

If you guys need a proof reader/quality checker, lemme know. I've never done it before, but uh, English (look how my resume is on point).

joined Mar 22, 2018

Thanks Binbou for working on more stuff from Fujisawa Makoto. There's such an endearing clumsiness to their art that I personally love. Along with their story telling and characters, of course. :3

Are there any more stories with goat, err monster girls? I-it's not like I need more of that in my life, baka.