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joined Jul 12, 2012

Wow that art :D

Murcielago discussion 09 Jan 02:15
joined Jul 12, 2012

Holy crap.. These last chapters are brutal! Though I still love it.

Secret Work discussion 05 Jan 02:46
joined Jul 12, 2012

Actually, the guy did not want the incest either.
His producer just forced him to add it or something. Some guy at /u/ told us how the author wrote an apology at his twitter saying that the incest was not his idea at all.
You can see how he regretted it by making doujin sequels featuring only the two.

Well that explains the cheesiness of it. But that's even better to know cause this was meant to be fully yuri, it's obvious with the doujins. But still it sucks that many aren't aware of this and continue to somewhat harass and criticize the story. Don't get me wrong even i didn't like incest being added, but it's too late to take it back.

Secret Work discussion 05 Jan 02:24
joined Jul 12, 2012

Also people that say negative things about this series pisses me off. No matter where I go, even the most yuri friendly sites have these negative people saying the most inmature things ever just because of the fucking incest incident that happened in the first ova. That's in the past people, not even Aaya wanted to be part of it!! In the 2nd ova after Aaya found out her brother died and she had to move out (probably because her parents aren't even in Japan and was dependent on her brother) she fell into a deep depression and felt desperate to be with Kii-chan cause she knew her time was running out. And that's why it leads to what happened in the second ova, the kidnapping and rape. Yeah it sounds fucked up. I know it does. But she did it cause she didn't wanted to leave things as they were (Kii-chan avoiding Aaya). That type of ending would've left off people feeling too salty, and when you think about it realistically it's just bitter as fuck too. Imaging the anime just finishing that Aaya just left without doing anything to see Kii-chan and that Kii-chan didn't wanted to see Aaya at all and some other shit happens that involves deep depression and regrets. Would you had prefer that!? FUCK NO! I would've raged hard because of that, I mean anyone would! The creator of the anime (WHO BY THE WAY DID THIS PROJECT BY HIMSELF) is an independent guy who one day just thought "hey, I'll make a yuri anime by myself cause I want to". So cut him some slack cause no one deserves to insult his work that got him recognised around the world for it. Also I didn't make this shit up. I researched unlike some that still critize this.
PS. The sex may seem pointless but THEY ARE TEENAGERS! When teens fall in love what is it that they do? HAVE SEX! AND LOTS OF IT! This anime is meant to be ecchi so yeah there's lots of sex, don't be so butthurt about it. Not every yuri is sweet and innocent.

Secret Work discussion 05 Jan 01:51
joined Jul 12, 2012

Though I'd read all raw doujins ( 3 translated), there's still something bugging me. Were all doujins made before or after OVA ?

They are made after the OVA's.

Image Comments 25 Dec 16:59
joined Jul 12, 2012

The real life wifus <3

joined Jul 12, 2012

Oh my god!! I was rooting for them to do something! Ahhh!! I ship them!! I ship them so hard!!!!

joined Jul 12, 2012


joined Jul 12, 2012

Miu's face in the last page is like "What did i get myself into?!" lol

Child Sweet discussion 24 Dec 13:45
joined Jul 12, 2012

The song Sweet Child Of Mine by Aerosmith kept playing in my head when i read this.

joined Jul 12, 2012

Can't wait for the next chapter! Need to see how that unfolds while seeing the characters unfold too xD

joined Jul 12, 2012

Lol when she said 'everyone over there have guns, what if she shoots me!?' I cracked up from that xD Don't worry Honoka, not everyone is like that.

joined Jul 12, 2012

Chapter 1.5: BEST CHAPTER EVER!!!!!!

joined Jul 12, 2012

Page 6 is the story of my life!!!!!!! And they literally look like how my girlfriend and me used to look!!! (Me: tall, curly hair. My girl: short, straight hair). And the confession is alike!! (` ☆o☆)/

last edited at Dec 21, 2015 1:04AM

joined Jul 12, 2012

Do you bleed every time a dick goes inside you?

Can I take this one home? So adorable.

My mind just fried up from the humor of this^

joined Jul 12, 2012

reads till the last page You kidding me!? I need to read the rest. I need to know what happens next!!!

last edited at Dec 21, 2015 12:12AM

joined Jul 12, 2012

Don't worry Tooru I liked your story :)

joined Jul 12, 2012

It would suck if the copy machine ran out of papers and still has the copy saved... cause when someone comes back to refill the papers the copy machine will continue were it left off...
Trust me I've worked with copy machines before.

joined Jul 12, 2012

Hhhnnnnngg..! too cute >w<

0214 discussion 15 Dec 22:44
joined Jul 12, 2012

The facial expressions need to be switched.

Image Comments 15 Dec 14:28
joined Jul 12, 2012

Santa gives, not takes lol. Oh well. Somewhere in the dark corners of the internet is the continuation of this.

Rub & Love discussion 15 Dec 14:21
joined Jul 12, 2012

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

joined Jul 12, 2012

Well Takejima you were right about the country finally recognizing same sex marriage. It only took 6 years later after drawing this story for your thoughts to come true. :)

joined Jul 12, 2012

btw what is the difference between moderate amounts of sex and lots of sex? just want to know out of pure curiosity.

Whether or not there is a strong musky scent left in the air afterwards.

I laughed to the point of tears. Thank you for this.

Image Comments 12 Dec 20:45
joined Jul 12, 2012

And yeah I know there are people out there that could have these proportions naturally. Only a small and rare amount of chicks though.