Which animes haven't you seen on my list? (Just curious.)
I dropped Fairy Tail when I gave up on any hope of Lucy ever becoming useful. And it always kinda felt like a weaker version of One Piece to me.
Pretty big One Piece fan here (just getting that outta the way in case bias shows up).
I tried to follow Fairy Tail, I really did but... after a while it felt really REALLY repetitive. Baddies come along. Fanservice, useless comedy, fanservice, some fighting, fanservice, useless characters get separated and meet an enemy, fanservice, enemies defeated, fanservice, friendship powers beats big baddie, fanservice, intermission, repeat. Always came across to me this way and I dropped it after errr... the time skip/stadium dragon battle. LAME!!!
I also haven't seen Rave Master myself but I've heard amazing things about it and intend to watch it. (Or is it better to read?)