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joined May 23, 2015

This series is a slow burn. There are a lot of things going on in it, so it takes some time to develop. It develops into something pretty fantastic, though.

joined May 23, 2015

Sayuri is extremely reserved and so probably doesn't have the courage to ask for details, nor can she figure out a good way to broach the subject, especially when Mikoto kind of skirts the issue, which would obviously give Sayuri the impression it's a taboo subject that Mikoto doesn't want to talk about.

Sayuri is also constantly expressing doubts about their relationship, and things are quite awkward between them, so she doesn't want to press things.

Finally, I'm not even sure she fully accepts the situation. Some part of her is probably still telling her it's just an illusion, or is in her head or such.

On a completely unrelated side note, volume 2 contains one of the more interesting character story arcs I've seen, particularly in a yuri series.

joined May 23, 2015

I read the end back in 2013 when it first came out so I only vaguely recall a lot of it, and I'm not sure exactly what the translation got up to.

joined May 23, 2015

If you know if the sister is dead or not from reading raws

feel free to not mention if she is or not. Cause that'd be a annoying spoiler that would hijack the thread.

just wanted to nip that in the bud before it had a chance of starting

How long is the series?

3 volumes, 4th is scheduled to come out sometime this summer.

joined May 23, 2015

anyone have raws? i know that chapters are expiring on the main site ;_;

Sadly no :(
I WANNA READ MORE ;________;

I found the raws all the way up to chapter 12, which is the final chapter, I believe.

There are two volumes total, as I recall.

joined May 23, 2015

I am guessing the whole angel thing won't be extremely relevant except as an aside until the manga starts heading for a conclusion.

Drawing! Advice? 10 Mar 00:52
joined May 23, 2015

Feathering is actually a habit of mine (drawing a few different lines and erasing the the ones I don't like), so it's helpful to know that I should get out of that habit now for future stuff.

Redrawing the same line a few times and then picking the one that looks most correct is fine when doing a rough draft. Most artists do that. They'll use a lighter pencil, less pencil pressure, or a color pencil, and then go back over the one they like best when cleaning up the draft. The problem is with drawing a bunch of short lines. It's an extremely difficult habit to break. As much as possible, you want to draw your curves in one smooth motion. Because smooth curves are the lifeblood of a good-looking drawing, especially when drawing life.

Drawing! Advice? 09 Mar 03:12
joined May 23, 2015

There's really no simple and easy way. The best way is to invest a ton of time and work into it. Anyone who is good will attest that nobody started out good, and nobody became good immediately. Everyone who is good got that way by investing a lot of work into practicing to become so.

Practice life drawing of actual models (or photos) to get the basics. This is something a lot of people hate doing, but it's really important. It helps you learn basic anatomy, structure, and three dimensional volume, and a number of other things you can't learn from the next step. Anatomy and facial structure tutorials are also helpful.

Pick out your favorite artists and copy their drawings freehand- not trace. Try drawing the exact same images the exact same way. Doing so will help you dissect their style and figure out what exactly it is about their work that makes you like it, providing a foundation for your own style.

After copying an image exactly, do it again but different. Change the pose a bit. Change the angle. Make the image your own. This will help you develop more senses for drawing something original from scratch.

Do rough sketches that are completely original, entirely from your imagination. They will look shit. Try to figure out why.

You won't be able to do it yourself. Share your works. Accept criticism. Find people better than you who can correct your work. This is probably the most difficult step. Sharing something you think is terrible. Having something you think is pretty good criticized and called awful. It's extremely difficult, but also the only way to learn what you're doing wrong and fix those problems. Because there are a lot of things you won't notice yourself.

Watch how other people draw. Especially people better than you. You'll learn new techniques you wouldn't have discovered otherwise. Look for rough sketches they've done. Look for rough drafts of finished works. Look for videos showing their whole process.

Practice every day. Without fail. Draw something of some sort every day. If possible, dedicate an hour a day, at the bare minimum.

Finally, this is not a step-by-step list. You should be doing all of these things. That doesn't mean doing every single one of those things every time you practice. But you also shouldn't be exclusively doing one of them and neglect all the others. The proportion of time you dedicated to each can be modified depending on what is more important at the current time, but they need to all be touched on occasionally.

And that's just how to practice and learn. Getting into techniques would be another lecture entirely.

Itou Hachi discussion 09 Mar 02:39
joined May 23, 2015

There's an Itou Hachi manga series I've been following for quite a while, and I've occasionally entertained the idea of translating it but my team really can't handle any more series.

joined May 23, 2015

Well, it hasn't happened yet through the end of volume 2. And it's not really that kind of harem series. It actually takes things pretty seriously and realistically. Even the sexual stuff that occasionally comes up tends to be handled in a serious and mature fashion instead of used as an excuse to show sex appeal.

Even if events like that do come up, it's really hard to imagine them being used solely to show off some sex appeal thing. Every example of overtly sexualized imagery so far (again, speaking as far as the end of volume 2) have always had proper plot/setting/character development reasons behind them. And even those are fairly rare and usually extremely tame.

joined May 23, 2015

i-i want more from this author

If you know Japanese, Mitsuboshi Colors looks good.

It's pretty great, but also contains a lot of completely untranslatable stuff. That's one reason we decided against picking it up back when it first came out.

joined May 23, 2015

Yeah but no matter how hard she tries, she can't stay straight. And even Kurai can't stay straight when thinking about Bocchi.

joined May 23, 2015

Transparent bubbles, yeah. There is a single case of a transparent bubble so annoying that even my fairly perfectionist cleaner has ended up just saying "fuck it" and making it solid.

joined May 23, 2015

With her personality, if she'd chosen badly for her first attempt at making a friend, she could easily have ended up in a much different kind of manga...

In what kind of manga you're thinking...?

Oh, right, that's a thing pretty much exclusive to het porn manga, which not many people here read.

joined May 23, 2015

With her personality, if she'd chosen badly for her first attempt at making a friend, she could easily have ended up in a much different kind of manga...

joined May 23, 2015

That whole album is hilariously fantastic.

joined May 23, 2015

For what it's worth, I would pay real people money to watch a Japanese idol sing Offspring.

(Kadowaki Mai)

Edit: Oh, here's a youtube.

last edited at Feb 17, 2016 9:06PM

New Game discussion 17 Feb 10:31
joined May 23, 2015

Ch. 28, A summary: Aoba has trouble getting off. Hifumi-senpai helps her.

Ch. 29, A summary: 3 Women and a lot of cups. And Hifumi-senpai tries really hard to get Aoba to drink. Even though they are already naked together.

Accurate but mostly devoid of any real details continuation: (still slightly spoiler I guess)

Ch 30 summary: Oh no, drama?
Ch 31 summary: Oh no, drama!
Ch 32 summary: A secret tryst between lovers.
Ch 33 summary: Someone's feeling left out!
Ch 34 summary: Hazuki works behind the scenes to ship everyone.
Ch 35 summary: Hazuki is serviced by a bunch of girls.
Ch 36 summary: Hazuki takes a break from appearing.
Ch 37 summary: Hazuki's attempts at teasing yield shocking results.
Ch 38 summary: Hazuki gets punished.

New Game discussion 16 Feb 16:45
joined May 23, 2015

Now that you tasted some alcohol, Aoba, time to get a taste of Hifumin the same way. :3

To be honest, I am a bit disappointed on who little yuri this chapter was.

Yeah, I was fully expecting the tipsy Hifumi stumbling out and embarrassing herself, get some proper Yuri-fuel going.

That said... what are the OTPs anyhow? I know this is a question almost as loaded as "Best Girl", but I can barely even remember who is shipped with who anymore, not to mention why...

For the most part, how they're grouped in the character introduction pages is mostly how they're paired, with a few exceptions. Such as Aoba x Kou. And Hazuki not pairing with any one person, but wanting to tease them all. And ship them all.

New Game discussion 16 Feb 13:23
joined May 23, 2015

It's probably still got to do with Kou's first time being the art director and talking Aoba into becoming character leader.

At least I hope. wants to see the sails of the RinxKou ship billow

Hazuki also seems to be trying to get them together.

You're not completely devoid of hope yet.

New Game discussion 16 Feb 10:47
joined May 23, 2015

You're not wrong, but there's also the fact that Kou is Aoba's boss, so she has to keep looking strong and in charge, while Rin actually outranks Kou now (and also has known her since before joining the company), so it would be pointless to put up that act toward her.

New Game discussion 16 Feb 09:39
joined May 23, 2015

I'm in Aoba x kou camp, and was fairly satisfied with the romantic tension between the two in this chapter.

Like Kou actually was getting conscious when Aoba made her advance (the hand holding bit, and don't want to be seen with a cold). And partly due to sickness, but clearly wanted to stick around with Aoba.

(Then of course the first page love-triangle where Kou clearly became very concious between the two. Plenty of subtext to fuel my imagination)

Honestly, I just can't wait for the next story arc.

Though that tension isn't so much romantic as something else.

Honestly, there's probably not a single chapter in this entire volume that doesn't have something I can't wait to come out.

joined May 23, 2015

It's been quite a while since I read the ending, but why?

He's exaggerating, anyway. While true it doesn't end with them explicitly in a relationship, it doesn't explicitly deny one, either. Their relationship ends on basically the same note it is on the entire way through. If you're gonna drop anything where they don't explicitly fuck, that's a fairly narrow interest you have. And a fairly narrow thing to complain that a work doesn't fit. And I have to ask, what part of any of the chapters so far made it seem likely to go in a definite relationship direction?

joined May 23, 2015

That's actually cheaper than the Japanese download version by a fairly large amount. And less than half the original price.

joined May 23, 2015

Yamada Hanako - I wonder if she'll be the normal one, considering how normal her name is? 's

I've been trying to puzzle out why it's the only normal name. If you squint you might be able to make it "Yama daha na ko", which I think means "Mountain-crushing child."

Yamada Hanako also the name of a certain Japanese comedian.

Of course, it could also be that there will just be a running gag about how she doesn't fit in because everyone else has ridiculous names.

Let me tell you, as I have seen numerous other characters introduced, there's not a single one with a name that subtle or obscure or, well, normal. So her name really stands out and I have no idea why.