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joined Sep 16, 2019

Yeah. The mascots are definitely working together.

Also, I don't think I like the new girl. Her design is nice and all, but her power is a bit too broken to be interesting. It seems like she just wins unless a deus ex machina stops her. Sure, she technically has some sort of time limit on her power use, but that's so ill defined that it's no better than plot convenience.

I don't think that's much of an issue in the sense that power levels have never really been a thing in this story. I'm going to guess that her power is meant as a thematic foil to Baiser's; Alice strips away their agency and pushes them into roles that she defines. Whereas Baiser physically restrains them but ultimately pushes them into discovering new things about themselves.

This is all wacky, galaxy-brain media analysis though, so more likely the author just liked the idea and rolled with it lol

I mean, when you think about it, this all plays into the villain team’s BDSM theme. Baiser’s just a straight up dominatrix, Kiwi’s abilities focus on inflicting pain, and Alice’s focuses on taking control. In a way, Utena’s teammates are just extreme versions of Utena herself.

last edited at Jan 31, 2020 6:50PM

Image Comments 28 Jan 04:38
joined Sep 16, 2019

^I haven’t gotten around to the BL run yet, so I didn’t know that. Thanks.

And yeah, with the GD I was more referring to the Hilda/Marianne and Leonie/Shamir paired endings. They’re basically platonic, but if you’re willing to squint, there’s a little bit there.

Image Comments 28 Jan 03:29
joined Sep 16, 2019

^Probably the Black Eagles, since they’ve got Dorothea, Petra, and Edelgard. The Golden Deer and Church also have a couple options, if you squint. Not sure if the Blue Lions have any, though.

I will also point out that you can recruit just about everyone, save the house leaders, to your house (with a few exceptions depending on your chosen route), so you can get yuri in just about any house provided your willing to put in the effort to recruit the characters in question. Also, a word of warning, the only paired ending you have full control over is who winds so up with the MC, so try to keep your chosen pairings together on the battlefield as often as is feasibly/tactically possible, just in case. Hope this helps!

last edited at Jan 28, 2020 3:30AM

Image Comments 28 Jan 02:54
joined Sep 16, 2019

@HellAQA Forgive me for my confusion, but what flaw are you referring to? Maybe it’s because I haven’t seen most of Dorothea’s A-supports with the BE boys (the only BEs I had in my first run were her, Petra, and Linhardt), but I didn’t see that much throughout her supports with Petra that were too far of a departure from her supports (although they were my favorites). In every case I’ve seen, she seems to go from “seeking a rich husband to take care of me,” to “seeking a good person.”

joined Sep 16, 2019

How come she has mobile phone but didn’t use it to communicate instead of writing in a sketch pad? She literally wasting papers there. It’s more believable. I remembered the Jap movie drama I watched like she lost the ability to talk and uses her phone to communicate w/ her friends...

Yeah, I though so too in the first chapters, like if she is so deeply concerned about communicating with others quickly and naturally it would definitively be easier if she just used her phone and maybe a text to speech software. And I mean, if you are gonna write it down might as well use a whiteboard, it will probably even be cheaper.

She might just find it quicker to hand write something than it would be to type it into her phone. Also, the advantage a scotch pad has over a whiteboard is that she can write in it with a pencil, which she and her classmates would already be expected to have, as opposed to a marker and eraser that she would have to remember to bring to school everyday (and which might not be as easy to replace if she were to forget to bring them).

joined Sep 16, 2019

ch9 p12... so I get the whole "ha ha making fun of insecurities of women with smaller boobs funny hilarious tasteful" part of that, but what's with the implication that being mistaken for a trans woman is insulting, in the year twenty nineteen

Would you appreciate being referred to as being a gender you are not? Because that is the long and short of what’s happening here. The dude mistakes Chihiro for a boy, and when she corrects him, he determines that she must be a man who is in the process of transitioning simply because he can’t see her boobs, which means she couldn’t simply be a woman. That’s pretty damn insulting if you ask me. The whole trans thing is just being used to give the joke a modern twist.

joined Sep 16, 2019

Random thought how do a person with speaking disability moan during sex? Just curious :/

As far as I know (I had an aunt who was mute) most mute people can still make noises, they just can’t talk for one reason or another. The case might be different depending on their condition, but she could probably still moan (although it might not sound like a normal moan)

Yamitsuki discussion 10 Dec 18:34
joined Sep 16, 2019

I'd like to point out that Hanae is also not cool about this because she won't communicate her feelings to the source of her troubles, and instead is whining to her friends about it all instead of standing up for herself.

Now, to be fair to Hanae, Tayanma is fucking terrifying in every way. She’s selfish, domineering, has no sense of boundaries, and comes across as a bit of a headcase. If I were in Hanae’s situation, I could almost guarantee you I wouldn’t be standing up to Tayama either because I’d be afraid of her pulling a knife on me if I tried.

On a more general note, this a... different sort of story than I’m used to from Mochi. It’s far more unsettling than I expected it to be too, so props to her and mindoa. I’m not sure if I’ll continue it because... yeah... but it definitely does its job well.

Liberta discussion 10 Dec 16:52
joined Sep 16, 2019

So I just noticed something minor. The necklace Liberta is wearing isn’t actually a pentagram, like I figured it was, but a Star of David. It’s probably just an artistic thing on Tatsubon’s part, but I still found it a bit interesting.

last edited at Dec 10, 2019 4:55PM

Bandage discussion 20 Nov 16:59
joined Sep 16, 2019

Jesus it looks more like she face planted the ground, I've fallen many times in life but never came out looking that bad

Hell, it kinda looks like she face planted and slid on the asphalt a little. Those are some gnarly scratches to get from just a fall, and for them to bleed through the bandages over the course of a conversation... yeesh.

On another note, having also misread the title as saying, “Bondage” and not noticing the slice of life tag, I will admit that I got mildly concerned when the book began with a heavily-cut and bruised Hina worrying about being late for something. I’m rather happy that I was mistaken.

joined Sep 16, 2019

So, two things about this chapter:

1) What kind of psychopath a) drinks yogurt, and b) decides to waste half that yogurt by throwing it out of a 2nd story window?

2) That bitch just poked a dragon and got away with a mild singe. She might want to consider tapping out before it’s too late.

last edited at Nov 20, 2019 1:23AM

joined Sep 16, 2019

Finally! The dams have been broken! The river of plot can flow!

joined Sep 16, 2019

That cutting hair scene is low-key scary and disturbing

Eh. If it had happened when they were older I’d be inclined to agree with you, since it would come across as manipulative, but considering they’re supposed to be in elementary school at that point, it just comes off as a small child throwing a fit and doing something stupid/irrational, which is far more innocent and mildly cute in its own way.

joined Sep 16, 2019

Germany wasn't the only country that did bad stuff, also it has nothing to do with this story.

I liked it, kinda. Not really as a oneshot though. Felt a bit pointless without further explanation.

I mean, the human lady’s uniform practically screams “Gestapo,” while her actions scream, “SS,” so there’s that connection.

Also, I’m thinking that this is meant to be a distant prequel to the “My Master and Furry-Eared Girl Mel” series. It’d explain why the beast-folk are slaves to humans in that series.

Did she....cut her head off? o.o


Worse, I think she scalped her...

Itou Hachi brought out all the stops with this one.

last edited at Oct 23, 2019 5:19PM

joined Sep 16, 2019

So let me just begin by saying that I find the act of leaving someone at the alter to be one of the shittiest moves a human being can make. The fact that this was an arranged marriage in this case makes things slightly better, but I’d still argue that to make both your fiancée and both sets of friends/families go through all the trouble of planning and attending a wedding only to suddenly turn around and basically go, “Nah,” is such a douchey thing to do. It’s fine to change your mind or wish to rescue someone from a loveless marriage, but you should at least have the guts to do that before the big day.

That being said, I’m intrigued to see where this story is going. Here’s hoping that the two characters manage to become somewhat less one-note and caricature-esque as time goes on.

That's like saying that it'd have been for Luke to take a lightsabre and go kill the Evil Emperor on a Death Star. We got a hero with the means, an evil bad guy and a superweapon; now we can have them fight it out and all is well. Everything else is surplus to the story and a waste of time.

And if the author really just needed that much they could have done it in 5 pages. Or maybe 2. One before the marriage and one for them running away at the altar. And I'd probably would have seen that as more legitimate since although I don't like it it's often that first a conflict is established and then afterwards we get to learn what lead up to it and so on. But here we're starting out chronologically so I expect the author to also actually do something with the build up.

But, whatever. Clearly we won't agree. I think this chapter was pretty awful - some others seem to agree - you don't, and some others also don't.

I agree with you, this chapter was pretty bad, but I would argue that it did not need more chapters to precede the objection simply because a girl rescuing her longtime friend from a loveless marriage is not supposed to be the main point of the story, it’s supposed to be about what happens afterwards, and how it (hopefully) changes them for the the better. This chapter is more of a prologue, which means it need only introduce the characters and their situation, without dipping into the actual story. The problems with it are that a) the main characters aren’t terribly likable, and b) the story moves too quickly for the chapter. If the author had removed just one extraneous bit: the flashbacks, the scene at the office, the burning hair, it would have told us just as much about the characters without appearing as disjointed.

joined Sep 16, 2019

Hino employed the oldest trick in the book right there. When all else fair, confuse your opponent to such an extent that they no longer have the processing power to doubt anything else you say. A brilliant move, if I don’t say so myself.

joined Sep 16, 2019

Never forgive a cheater

In fairness, the only people who realize that those two are in an unofficial relationship are Omi and us, the readers. Koguma is clearly starting to catch on, as the last two chapters have indicated, but Hino still sees Koguma as a kind girl who is just putting up with Hino’s antics in the name of getting her to come to class, so calling it cheating is slightly debatable. Regardless, considering the nature of their relationship, I’m willing to give Hino a pass in this case.

As an aside, can I just say that I love how the author, even when they feel the need to insert a bit of drama into the series to move the relationship along, doesn’t insist on dragging things out.

last edited at Oct 2, 2019 6:25PM

joined Sep 16, 2019

The novels going on in the comments....... Over analysing a funny silly yuri manga......


Take my advice, never major in English. You will never be able to not over-analyze a work of fiction... or say anything succinctly... ever again.

joined Sep 16, 2019

I'm 90% sure this is exactly the case. But really, I don't understand why it has to go through this kind of development (like a cheating). This is definitely a dom-sub play and in the BDSM community comunication is the key. I'd like them to better understand their feelings though introspection and discussion.
Well, let's see how it goes.

I understand what you’re saying, and I do think this author is good enough to make a chapter of nothing but introspection and discussion at least a bit entertaining. My issue is more that, as of yet, we have not seen any motivation for the two leads to actually work out what exactly they are to one another. They have their comfortable routine, and neither of them (Koguma especially) understands their own feelings well enough to consider shaking things up on their own. This whole situation serves as a good breaking point for them (whilst also providing the readers with just enough drama to keep them reading/make the arc’s conclusion feel more satisfying), as it provides both characters (Koguma especially) with the motivation to do some introspection of their own, and then to further develop their relationship.

Then again, this manga is based on subverting expectations, so as you said, we’ll have to wait and see.

joined Sep 16, 2019

I'm disappointed on this development.
I liked the idea of presenting a new character but i didn't like the new girl and Hino doing something to her was just unnecessary.
The only reason why Hino harasses Koguma is because she likes her, doing it to someone else makes me feel like she's cheating...

I mean... that’s kinda the point. Hino harassing this new girl is meant to feel like cheating (although it technically isn’t, as no exclusive relationship yet exists between our pair of lovable idiots) in order to force Kohima to confront her feelings. While it’s been established that Hino is somewhat aware of her feelings for Koguma, Koguma has never really recognized her feelings for what they were. Sure, she knows that something keeps her coming back to Hino, despite the harassment, she doesn’t really know what that thing is. The whole point of this upcoming “arc” (if my predictions are accurate) is going to be to force Koguma to confront the reason why she felt jealous of the thought of Hino teasing another girl. Once she has realized (hopefully) that her feelings for Hino go beyond those of mere friendship, then it will clear away one of the biggest roadblocks to the two of them actually bothering to get together. Either that, or it will cause Hino and Koguma to form a more exclusive relationship that makes them look even more like girlfriends, without actually dating. This new girl is just meant to be a vehicle to get them to one of those two points (kinda like the teacher who advised Koguma to stop troubling herself with Hino). That’s just my theory, of course, but it strikes me as the most narratively sound course of events.

Also, let’s be fair, Hino only started harassing Kohima because she found her cute, the other stuff started to come in as time went on. Considering the fact that Chihiro kinda looks like a tanned Koguma, and the fact that Chihiro had told Hino (who already sees herself as a bit of a burden on Koguma), that doing so would lighten the load on Koguma... well...

last edited at Sep 16, 2019 1:32AM