hey yall i know you're having a heated debate or whatever but can mangas have different endings than the anime because i'm still pulling for them to cruise on out of japan and live a happy but unethical life somewhere in the bahamas
Well I could see a couple of other happy endings for them. For example Satou having amnesia, hence acquit her from her crime.
Or Satou try to save Shio and is seriously handicapped to atone for her sins, and reversed her role with Shio, where Satou spent the rest of her life being trapped inside an apartment while Shio going out to work to provide for them.
My favorite ending will be both of them die, but then we see Satou waking up in an alternative universe, where no one is crazy. The aunt, the teacher, the restaurant owner and the onii-san artist are productive members of society. Mitsuboshi and Shouko are her class mate. Suu is her kouhai. Asahi is the transferred student, and Shio move in next door to Satou's apartment
this some good shit. i especially like
Or Satou try to save Shio and is seriously handicapped to atone for her sins, and reversed her role with Shio, where Satou spent the rest of her life being trapped inside an apartment while Shio going out to work to provide for them.
i would have been satisfied with the anime ending if they both died, but the fact that shio has to live on tore my heart to pieces and made me BITTER