Forum › Posts by ChocolateCakeLover

joined Feb 4, 2015

You underestimate both the British navy and xenophobia D:

joined Feb 4, 2015

So tired even after sleep....

Picked up A Level results. D in history because I didn't do the controlled assessment and showed up to the exam hungover.

C in Philosophy and Ethics because I'm just too lazy to try.

So you're off? Good night! Hope you won't dream of any cancer sticks V:

I didn't D:

Not to be read by CCL or anyone sensitive to smoking After smoking a few cigs in a row, I start to spew blood. Guess my organism is trying to tell me something?


Well, while the Cafe's regulars are all European, it's more of a multicultured flavour where we accept everyone. I guess you can see a bit of a European outlook from some posters like Anon.

Some of us are from places that try not to be tho >_>

joined Feb 4, 2015

It's fine I usually wouldn't bother but I'm tired so read slowly enough to notice stuff I don't usually (I speed read and am a terribad speed reader). Just messing I'm not really fussed what I'm called Dx No need for sorry D:

Wasn't failed, I got the joke, it wasn't an angry =.= it was a... sarcastic anger? playful scolding? idk what I'm saying I should go bed...

what about voting D:

Still you who hasn't noticed cos... no u =.= is my reasoning p much Dx

I never noticed the fag before D:

Oh God this is going to kill me...

Imma faint, good night

Edited what? You didn't sound like an asshat...

last edited at Aug 17, 2016 5:27PM

joined Feb 4, 2015

Math time!

Well, CCK is at the post ratio of 1,4 posts per day, while I'm sitting at 2,3. Anon still beats me, with her 5,4 posts per day >.>

I still wonder where he's managed to wreck up so many posts, I mean I don't even see enough popular threads for him to spam in.

Again where does he come from? =.= And I spammed a lot last summer when I got off school. I'm perma off now but there aren't as many general threads I don't think? Maybe there are, but I also don't read as much so I don't join many comment threads anymore and I was really bad at derailing back in the day. Wouldn't be surprised if my post rate a year ago blew anon out of the water D:

Thankfully, me changing my Dynasty avatar went under the radar, in spite of me changing it around 4 times (okay, 3 of which were small adjustments).

Good, you haven't noticed the retaliation bomb yet >:D

Tho tbf I did the unthinkable a while back and changed my avi of over a year D:

Mostly to annoy a guy on the irc tho.

@Anon and others since it's related to music. You know what is my unhealthiest hobby? Music. Every time I go smoking I put on music and if the track doesn't last till the end of my cigarette, I turn on another one.. and if it's not synched up, I take another one. It's gonna kill me one day.

No smoking pls, just reading about it makes me want to cough.

@CCL I'll just say this since I'm in the position to.

Well obviously you're "him", since no gal would touch Paradox games.

There, that joke had to be made by someone.

Ramble ramble.

I don't take myself too seriously, now do I?

Right =.=

joined Feb 4, 2015

Chocolate created his account here one day after I had created mine, and he still dares to have over 3x more posts... that begs for a bloody war xD

It's not my fault you squandered your lead and who said I'm a he? D:

Chocolate you fail at lurking.. I've had my avatar for 6 months :P

I meant, like, it felt like you always had it D:

Although I swear you had a similar one to it fairly early one or something <_<

You said you were done with Bleach earlier but your avi looks like Yoruichi D:

Who is also a Black kitty D:

I'm tired so imma ramble D:

joined Feb 4, 2015

Yay! Well, looks like I've finally built my powerbase to the little "operation" that we'll be conducting shortly.

In all seriousness, thank you for full support! It really does mean a world to me.

wtf are you actually out to get me? D:

joined Feb 4, 2015

@Galich hah, BulgarianKitty xD... it appears the kitty has another alias...

Your posts are precious to us, you have our full support... CCL is my prey as well^^

What did I do D:

I hardly even called you kinkykitty ;_;

joined Feb 4, 2015

That was low =.=

@ ChocolateCakeLover

Good to see that I have your support! (* ̄∇ ̄*)
I feel better now! ;)

I was never really interested in Bleach. Just saw one episode of the anime once a long time ago... The disappointing ending part won't make things any better...
But whenever a series has been going on for so long, it's always hard to create a satisfying ending for everyone, I guess... Not an easy task at least...

The last arc was good until the last few chapters to be fair D:

even gave me my avi D:

"If I can't please everyone, might why bother trying to please anyone" -Tite Kubo

@CCL sounds like life in a nutshell then.

Also, Arumbas episode of Tunisian Thievery from last night is 1h long, I'm getting worried. It will have to wait, going to the library is more important -_-

dun dun duuuuuun D:

joined Feb 4, 2015

Galich is ded D:

Long live Galich D:

Once I took my prescribed sleeping drugs before an exam so I could be well rested for it.

I did not sleep that night D:

I'm doing... light headed for some reason.

Disappointing is what Bleach is renaming itself to. No one had high expectations for the special announcement/final chapter, but they still managed to defy them.

joined Feb 4, 2015

@ ChocolateCakeLover

You seemed so shocked that I feared I could have driven you away forever... T_T
Glad I was wrong!

….Hi! (‾.‾”)

awww, you could never drive me away xD

That was just a lapse... I'm sure it'll never happen again! m(_ _)m
I'm back to all innocent now, I promise! ;)

You were kinda fun to watch tho xD

last edited at Aug 17, 2016 6:10AM

joined Feb 4, 2015

Watching Arumba play Soviets and I can't stop thinking "I miss Mexico ;________;"

joined Feb 4, 2015

Why people acting like I disappeared I only went to bed D:

joined Feb 4, 2015

@CCL Sorry, but my EU4 game is too important ;____;

Agreeing on the part of Anon getting too lewd, looks like we'll have to enact some countermeasures.

countermeasures what? D:

@ ChocolateCakeLover

I was born lewd! (¬_¬”)
It's just that usually I don't show it much... but that whole kitty thing is just too tempting ^^
I hope I didn't ruin that innocent impression you all had in mind about me now (╯_╰”)

I'm sorry but... D:

joined Feb 4, 2015

@CCL I refuse V: My mind is too busy with important things.

rekt ;_;

@ Galich

Teasing the kinky pussy... That does indeed sound kinda weird... even for our standards...
We're slowly turning into a fetish thread it seems... (゚Д゚)

omg anon when did you get so lewd D:

No cake for me today! Had too much of that lately... Never thought I would say that but that's how it is... ^^

tragedy ;_;

@ ChocolateCakeLover

You got my vote as well! (`∇´)ψ
Now I'm gonna join those protest voters! Hah!

And no, you're not!
I can see you enjoying yourself quite a bit over there... ^^

Well then I'm sorry for not being sorry :P

joined Feb 4, 2015

@ ChocolateCakeLover + Old Fart

Worst comes to worst I could always vote for me :D

That's how it is sometimes... T_T

@ ChocolateCakeLover

You're right, we are! ^^ You're just too gorgeous! It's your own damn fault! ;)

I'm sorry :P

joined Feb 4, 2015

You're just jealous, admit it >.>

Jealous of how awesome I am D:

KinkyKitty has disappeared on us! She's sitting in a corner, masturbating while thinking about pleasing CCL with a soap land kinda massage... (゚Д゚)

D: D: D: D: D:

@ ChocolateCakeLover

Politics nowadays kinda feels like kindergarten sometimes...
“You are dumb!” - “No, you are much dumberer than me is!!! And your mama is ugly too!”
I can't stand that...

If they hadn't sabotaged Bernie I'm sure he would have had a fair chance to win this election...

Well I can't help it when most of the others are dumb >_>

But how do I know that you weren't thinking about CCL all the time...???

tbf, aren't you all ? :D

@Anon noo, I was sharpening my teeth for you^^ look at me.. *meow

Your pic nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo D:

I miss your old pic already ;_;

It's been like your face for over a year now D:

joined Feb 4, 2015

Oh I see, sorry I'm blind >_>

Whoa D:

What a novelty D:

joined Feb 4, 2015

100% Trump wut? o.o

joined Feb 4, 2015

@ ChocolateCakeLover

Don't know who started the kinkiness... probably KinkyKitty... (¬‿¬)
It wasn't me, for sure! ┐(‘~`;)┌

Well... you never know... people do some dumb things sometimes...
If you ask me, I'd say he doesn't stand a chance. But if you had asked me a few months ago, I would have said that he doesn't stand a chance to be an actual candidate either... so... I hope the right Americans will vote ^^ That's all I'm hoping for... And I kinda miss Bernie... I liked him.

Mysterious little chocolate cake person... ^^

kinkykitty why D:

Well I thought he stood a good chance a few weeks ago, before "Obama founded ISIS" happened. Even after the muslim family debacle I thought he'd recover, but I think he's buried now. Although, the democrats can't let a good opportunity by and just had to retaliate with "Oh yeah? well you and Putin founded ISIS!" which is even dumber because while with Obama and Hillary it's partly true they contributed to the environment which allowed ISIS to form, there's no case for Trump and Putin doing anything to aide it.

I don't really like Johnson either D:

Libertarians just seem... dumb D:

Even if Stein has some hockey positions on science, she's still the best candidate left. Unless a miracle forces Hillary to drop and Bernie comes riding in on a white horse to save the world ;_;

joined Feb 4, 2015

Damn you D:<

Am I that obvious? :o

What did you expect? :P

joined Feb 4, 2015

Those little shitheads talking about "female propaganda“ all the time...

@CCL I've never even knew of these ppl until a few months ago, it's pretty obnoxious to say the least > o < honestly speaking the only place I feel relatively safe posting is here and on Tumblr, everywhere else seems to have devolved into a "women r evul" cesspool. Bad enough that everything nowadays is either "censorship" or "social justice agenda" > o >

The alt right are some of the most amusing anti-intellectual wannabe intellectuals there are :o

@CCL Must be because you brought up Trump or something.

I know who CCL is, they're a person enjoying eating chocolate cake.

Who sold you this information?

I must have their name D:<

joined Feb 4, 2015

@ ChocolateCakeLover

…. I'm kinda really starting to feel kinky here too.... maybe we should change the subject... (^_^“)

Trump is funny if you view him as entertainment.
But not funny for a possible presidency... O_o

I totally forgot if you're a boy or a girl...?
You're a mystery! ^^

Why is everyone starting to feel kinky here D:

I think Trump stopped being possible recently tbh and more became just "the other one on the ballot". Which still means America is screwed because Hillary, while better, isn't even close to good :/

I'm a mystery? :o

Excellent, you'll never know what hit you, mwahahaha >:D

joined Feb 4, 2015

@ Rina

Things I can't stand but are starting to pop up everywhere...?

Irrational fear of strangers!
Those little shitheads talking about "female propaganda“ all the time...

Those "things“ were mostly there for a long time but it feels like it's getting worse again lately...

Kinky Kitty ;_;

Hey now, Trump's a lad, absolute bantasaurus rexabishop of Banterbury.

@ ChocolateCakeLover

Maybe you'll get there as well at one point in life ;)
I hope you will... (* ̄∇ ̄*)

But wait! Boy or girl?
'cause it's usually easier for girls...

Wait what? Oo

joined Feb 4, 2015

@Chocolate don't be modest!^^

I feel I was generous tbh D:

@ ChocolateCakeLover

You little genius, you! ^^
Everything's easy when you can find other people to do all the work for you! (^_^)b
You're great! ;)
I love lazy people!

Well I'm nothing if not lazy :o

Blackkitty will totally give you a kinky „release“ massage! Don't trust her! ^^

Oh God D:

*hides in corner ;_;

Right, I was never once drunk (with alcohol) in my life ^^

Weird, bu I know people like that

But sometimes I get drunk from life itself ^^


Being drunk with joy because you've been listening to great music all day...

I can get that

Being drunk from laughing too much...

Been there before

Being happy drunk from sleep-deprivation (mostly right before you crash) ;)

Way too often

Feeling high from too many orgasms in a row...




what o.o

you know, the words blackkitty and kinky in one sentence always make me laugh a lot xD
but well, it could turn to a release massage without being kinky, it depends on the talent^^

... D:

@ChocolateCakeLover, half the fun of building a computer is all the research for what parts you need!

Like building a specialized computer to solve a certain problem, you gotta put a lot of time in it. I wanted to build a file server in a certain mini-ITX case (Node 304) so I had to find the right motherboard and the right PSU and the right RAM etc and plan out how everything would fit and how I would manage cables and where I would install FreeNAS etc etc. Was a long (and expensive) project but having like 12TB of network storage was worth it.

I just want, like, a computer. Any computer. Just save me from this wired hell ;_;

last edited at Aug 16, 2016 10:05AM

joined Feb 4, 2015

Oh right xD

I got like, most of the parts, then showed them someone who knows computers better than me, then they touched up the build. Pretty much everything was replaced, but still >_>

It's not been that good a job, it'll probably blow up when I turn it on Blackkitty D:

last edited at Aug 16, 2016 8:27AM